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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. @firefly333 I have a suggestion for furnishing your condo. Is it possible to look at models of condos that are furnished? Not necessarily your complex, but maybe condos in the area that have been newly built ? Or, open houses for condos that are up for sale? That way, you can see furniture in the spaces and get ideas. Also, some furniture places have decorators that can suggest pieces that you fit in your space. Take dimensions with you and a rough drawing of the features of the condo-windows, mini bar etc so the decorator has an idea of the rooms. Is there a Haverty’s in your area? When we furnished our condo near Ft Pierce, we bought a few pieces from them. Very helpful and good delivery service. It will all work out-just takes time. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  2. @h20skibum My DH says no more changes, or painting or renovations also. But, I think he knows better. It is just a matter of time! 😉 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  3. Hi Wildra- Sending up a 🙏 that you will soon get to writing about your latest cruise. Wishing you and W a pleasant Sunday! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  4. @h20skibum You are a good hubby to go along with all the choices for the renovated bathroom. My DH is also one to give suggestions when we renovate rooms in the house. I did learn something from my MIL- white towels in the bathroom - so the towels can be bleached if necessary. Colorful towels are pretty, but white towels do the job and make for an easy decision. As for decorating an entire house-the youngest generation to do this (20s-30s) have a minimalist view. I do understand this. After taking down all kinds of wall decorations, tabletop things and the contents of two bookshelves (floor to ceiling) and then putting most of it all back after a recent paint job of our large family room, this minimalist idea is a good one ! No need for crystal pieces, Hummel or Llardo figurines or other decorative items. Clean lines and limited decoration may be the way to go. Hoping your wife is pleased with the bathroom redo. What room is next ? 😊 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  5. @firefly333 Hoping your move goes smoothly and the moving van arrives promptly and that you can start settling in to the condo. The balcony looks like a place where you will spend many hours. It will be great with furniture -table and chairs for outdoor dining and a comfy couch and/or loungers. Smart to stay in an extended stay hotel. You have done well to do this move on your own. Takes courage and motivation to move from one area to another. Wishing you ☀️ days. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  6. My DH and I are booked on QM2 - NY round trip to Canada this September. I was going over the invoice and noted that we are waitlisted for Early Seating for dinner. It has been awhile since we sailed on aCunard ship, and policies change. Has anyone experienced this waitlist situation? Will we be notified before sailing about our dinner arrangements ? Should we see the Maitre ‘D when we board the ship? We do not like to dine late and I would not be pleased going to the buffet every night. Hoping someone has insights for this situation. MJ👩🏻 .
  7. So much news after being away from Dani’s post for a few days! Sending healing wishes to @George C wife-Bellevue must have been interesting as well as LGA. Hoping your Buffalo visit is calm and relaxing. @jagsfanMimi-hoping you heal and strengthen soon so that you will be able to get home. @helen haywoodGood that you felt up to going out for dinner-healing progress for sure! @dani negreanu Very sad news that the turbulence has resumed. Hoping that you and your family and friends remain safe and that a peaceful resolution can be found. Yesterday, we went to two celebrations. One was a dear friend’s 50th birthday. Both his mother and I agreed that 50seemed good to us! Always good to celebrate a birthday regardless of age! The other was a gathering of friends close to home-we walked down our street to the hosts’ house. Just as the bbq meats were cooked, a thunderstorm let out a deluge of rain. Perfect timing Wishing all who post here a pleasant day. It is Tuesday, but feels like a Monday-but we are retired , so not much difference! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  8. Room looks really good-generous size for a NYC hotel room. The large window with view is great! Agree the night view with the buildings lit up will be awesome! Relax and enjoy! MJ 🙋🏻‍♀️
  9. I questioned the idea of Margaritaville in midtown Manhattan as I am familiar with them in tropical, island settings. Well, Manhattan IS an island though.The hotel looks very nice and the open deck and pool deck look inviting. I am curious how the rooms are and look forward to some photos. Enjoy your stay! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  10. @George C That is a great looking sandwich! You and your wife seem to be enjoying your NYC visit. You are getting beautiful weather-showers and T storms for Monday (?). By then, you may be going to Buffalo. I ♥️ NY MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  11. @Sea Dog Greg-Thank you for the information re:KC hotels etc. I have made notes from your posts for my friend and I will give them to her soon when I see her in a few weeks. I am replying a bit late to your posts as I have been settling our house after the painters finished painting our family room. Catching up on CC this AM. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  12. @sgmn Sue- I hope that you get your “wheels” back soon. There is a feeling of independence in driving, for sure. My DH passed out on a flight to FL. Luckily, we were on the tarmac , so the pilot went back to the gate. He was taken to a local emergency room, went through tests, found nothing . Was referred to neurologist and cardiologist. Found nothing. Conclusion was dehydration. In US , license is not suspended-drive at your own discretion. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  13. @TxTeach79 I read your posts occasionally, hit a react emoji sometimes, but have not posted anything on your thread. First-my condolences for the loss of your Dad. Let memories surround you in the coming days and be a comfort. Second-As a former NYC borough resident with street smarts, please do not consider taking the subway! Someone unfamiliar with the system and carrying luggage is a mark for anyone up to no good. Unfortunately, there are a number of those types in the subway on a daily basis. Cab is the way to go. After all, you have already started your vacation, relax and enjoy the ride! Third-I am a retired Elem teacher/Reading Specialist with 36 years experience in the field. I commend you teaching middle school kids -not the easiest job. From your postings, I think you have a good heart and a good sense of humor. Both positive attributes for a teacher and a human. Wishing you a pleasant cruise and good days ahead. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  14. @George C Safe travels tomorrow! Memorial Day weekend and Fleet Week usually coincide. With 14 ships in town, there will be a lot of sailors in NYC. Enjoy the delicacies that you are planning on -pizza, deli sandwiches and ,maybe some bagels? Beautiful day here today. Warm again tomorrow-maybe some thunderstorms. But the forecasters could be wrong ! 🙄 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  15. Thank you Greg! Excellent info. The web site you posted would be a good resource for them. One other question. With the two of them travelling, is KC a safe city? They are NY savy, but not knowing the area, do they need a head’s up? Also, any hotel recommendations? Maybe Linda may have some ideas about accommodations-from a woman’s perspective. Thank you! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️b
  16. @Sea Dog Greg-I thought you would be a good person to ask about visiting Kansas City. A friend of mine (72) and her daughter (30 something) are thinking about visiting a new museum in Kansas City. The Rabbit Hole is a museum dedicated to children’s literature, featuring various well-known authors.My friend is a retired school librarian and her daughter is a third grade teacher, hence the interest in the museum.Since they would be making the trip from NY, they would like to know what other things they could do/see in KC to make it an interesting visit. My friend has some mobility issues, they are not sports fans but do like history, art and good restaurants. Thank you for any information you could share. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  17. @BonTexasNY and @GeorgeC There is a saying…. You can take the girl/guy out of NYC, but you can’t take NYC out of the girl/guy! 😊 After living on Eastern LI for 40 years, I still consider the borough of Queens my home! Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  18. @brillohead Thank you for your heartfelt response.I agree that good people enter our lives, if we are fortunate. Wishing you good days! 😊 It is a beautiful Spring day here on Eastern LI. Sunny and high 70’s. According to reports, NYC will be 80s today and a few days following. Please take note @George C! Wishing a good visit to “my”city. Hoping all posting here have a pleasant day! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  19. At age 71, my DH and I have aged out of Disneyworld. Not attitude but mobility issues have madethe decision for us. We enjoyed going there for many years beginning in 1987. Our last visit was ten years ago. We have stayed in all the resorts on the monorail. On our last visit, we stayed at the Grand Floridian where we were given a lovely upgrade to a room with the view of the Castle on a floor which was restricted to only adults. Over the years, we found Disney world to be increasingly expensive and more crowded lessening the “magical” experience -in our opinion. We have never been on a Disney ship. We have experienced many cruises on Princess,Celebrity, NCL and Cunard. We fondly recall the cruise we took on the Big Red Boat after a stay at Disneyworld in 1987. It is MHO that pirates have been glamorized, possibly as a Disney product. If you think otherwise, that is your opinion. Consider Captain Phillips and the Somali pirates. MJ
  20. This may be a bit off topic,but I have never understood the appeal of dressing like pirates in costume on Disney ships or in the parks. Perhaps it is the Pirates of the Caribbean movies connection with Disney. Pirates have become glamorized. But, pirates have historically been connected with thievery, violence and a ne’er do well life style. Cannot fathom the appeal of such characters. IMHO MJ
  21. @hawkinsh Some advice from an experienced cruiser (20) and frequent flyer- with many trips to FL. When considering Allegiant and Southwest- consider baggage allowance. I know SWA allows two checked bags, one carryon and a personal item (tote,purse etc) per person. Not sure about Allegiant,but baggage fees can add up. If possible, look into on time records for each airline. Do not attempt to fly into Miami on the day of the cruise- too risky ! SWA does not have many direct flights anymore,perhaps Allegiant has direct flights. We always try to choose direct flights to limit travel glitches. Also something to look into. I would compare all the costs of flying and driving and chose the transport that you are comfortable with. No matter which way you choose to get to the port, there will be additional costs in getting there. Only you can decide on the most financially advantageous transport . In choosing a FL hotel, look for one that offers complimentary parking with a stay. We have done that numerous times when taking cruises from Fort Lauderdale. The lots were open,without garage parking, but we never had a problem with the parking. We have done that at a hotel near JFK in NY and did not have any issues. Wishing you good luck with your planning. The cruise is in the later part of July, but I think you should have your travel reservations in place soon. My DH and I plan far ahead when traveling, but that’s the way we roll ! MJ👩🏻
  22. @DaniDanielle I also skipped kindergarten as the parochial school that I attended did not have a kindergarten program in 1958. The principal put me into 1st grade so I wouldn’t have to wait another year to go to school. So, I was always the youngest in my class. College freshman-I was 17. The drinking age was 18 in NY, but I somehow convinced the bouncers at the bars my friends went to that I had to be with my friends, flashed a smile and somehow I always got in with my friends. I have stayed in touch with a number of HS friends.class of 1970. Four of us are very close. I am godmother to one of my friend’s daughters and we are aunt and uncle to another friend’s two children. For 58 years we have remained tight. Through thick and thin (literally!). Old friends are the best! Actually, we are planning an overnight at a resort on LI in June. Four of us are looking forward to seeing each other in person. Phone calls and texts are okay, but visiting together is the best! On another note, my sympathy to your daughter and her children. Anniversaries when our loved ones passed are never easy. Maybe she and her children can do something that their Dad enjoyed doing will help them to commerate him. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  23. Thank you Lenny. I am sorry for your friend. Close friends and family know about Christopher John. Some friends and colleagues are not aware of our loss. People deal with grief in many ways. Our faith has seen us through. We believe we will see him again in heaven. I think of him as our guardian angel. Not that we no longer think of him and love him, but we are blessed with many children in our lives, especially our “adopted” grandchildren who keep us young(er). Our GS was just initiated into the National Honor Society. Our GD plays the bass in the school orchestra and was given first chair in a recent concert given by a LI regional student orchestra. Beyond being good students , they are good people with kind and generous hearts! We are grateful. Take care MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
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