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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Happy Birthday to you Sue, @Rowsby! I am glad you can have the day with the family,enjoy.
  2. Good morning. Thanks to all for the Daily. It is 49 and rain is coming later today. Eva, @superoma, I am so sorry that I gave you the wrong name yesterday. I have been making a lot of mistakes lately and don’t catch them in time. We were at this port while on the Prinsendam and took the shuttle into the pretty town. DH and I found a place to have “Cream Tea” . It was a great place to walk around as one can see from Sandi’s pictures. I used to love jelly beans but dental work has cured me of that. I salute Girl Scout leaders and wish we could do more to save our planet. I have been up since two thirty due to oxygen compressor difficulties again. I am waiting to speak to a human at the company(24 hour service?) as all I could do was leave a message in the middle of the night. I have about three hours of oxygen in the backup tank.Adrenaline was going here! I wish you all a very good day.
  3. @bennybear, Happy 50th Anniversary. I enjoyed seeing your wedding picture. A very attractive couple indeed!
  4. oh my.I am amazed that you slept at all but happy your check up was good.
  5. Good morning. it is cool for now but will go up to seventy today. Kindergarten was fun when I was small but I think it is more academically inclined nowadays. We have supported the Red Cross over the years and my DSIL worked for them for twenty years back in the day.We have not been to the port and the recipe sounds interesting. I am unsure what will appear on our tabled tonight. Thank you Edi. @superoma for including DH on the list. I will know when the surgery is scheduled after our appointment with the surgeon on 4/27. We will start the pre op checks on Monday. We are very impressed with the new aide for Tana. Unfortunately she had a bit of an emergency yesterday with the failure of the oxygen compressor. We have back up tanks that she used until the oxygen company could get here with new equipment. Yikes. All is well that ends well. Have a great day everyone and thanks to all for the ongoing support. port and like the recipe. I am not sure what will app
  6. The Samsung compressor died when it was a year old.We now have a whirlpool I am very happy with.Good luck!
  7. We have returned from the GI doc who referred us to a surgeon. The office facilitated an appointment for us for next Thursday and hopefully DH can be on the schedule soon. This surgery ,although laparoscopic, includes an overnight stay. I am so tired and I am not the patient! The patient is a little nervous, as am I, but we have gotten through much worse before.
  8. Good morning. It is chilly here but todays high will be close to seventy. My DB and I strongly resemble each other,especially in profile.I don’t know any Chinese words but I am willing to learn. Volunteers are important and deserve a day of their own. @JazzyV, thank you for including DH on the care list as well as including Tana for these many months. Safe travels to your cruise and Bon Voyage. I hope your knee behaves during your trip. @marshhawk, Annie,I am glad you will be able to get the needed meds from the nurse in the practice. I had a similar arrangement with the rheumatologist years ago as the needed meds were always ridiculously expensive.Anyway, I am glad that it helps. DH and I have a late afternoon appointment . I will be happy when there is a specific plan,if possible. Have a great day everyone.
  9. @grapau27, Graham, thank you for your good wishes. We are all hoping for a relatively easy fix for DH tomorrow. Tana and her aide are doing well together. They are two very strong willed women who are used to being in charge so things are handled diplomatically at present. I have been able to really step back when she is here and I really needed to do so. I enjoyed learning about the special sea glass at the beaches near your home. Thank you.
  10. Good morning. It will get up to sixty again today but is presently only fifty and very breezy. There is so much visible pollen in the air today, even one of the dogs is sneezing. We don’t have a outside structure upon which to hang laundry but between the birds,pollen and soot it would not go well here. The recipe today looks good but will be tried another day as we have lasagna in our future. I decided to make it today as it won’t get too hot with the oven on later. We have not been to Flam but the pictures are wonderful. Thank you Sandi and Lenda. Tomorrow DH will meet with the GI doc regarding what needs to happen next. Fingers are crossed. @marshhawk, Annie, Happy Birthday to you and I am so happy that you will be able to go on the cruise. Take care everyone.
  11. Sorry.I did not do this right.The birthday wishes are meant for the spouses of @sailingdutchyand @Cruzin Terri
  12. @marshhawk Annie, I am thinking of you today and send along a hug. @kazuJacqui, I hope the dog visit goes well.He is really cute.
  13. Happy Birthday to DD! Thanks for taking us with you on your cruise.
  14. Good morning. It is 51 and sunny heading to the low sixties later.I am acutely aware of stress and try to manage it better.We filed our taxes back in February. I have always been annoyingly early for both appointments and obligations. Jugglers are fun to watch.We have not been to Bonaire. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the eyes are better today.How is the knee pain? Happy Birthday to both Martha and Jim today!
  15. Good morning. It is raining here but I got a decent doggie walk in before it started. It is only in the mid fifties now.I salute bats but try to avoid them.I have watched them hanging upside down on the backyard shed and appreciate the bugs they devour. Blah blah blah day is made for me. I have three seriously large closets that need to be cleaned and think about it but continue to close the door and walk away.Will today be the day? The Boston Marathon was always so exciting to watch in person in my college days. I hope it doesn’t rain the whole time for the runners today. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I enjoy trying out the new recipes on my family and they seem to enjoy it. I can certainly tell when not to make a certain recipe again! Tana enjoys picking out the meals everyday and tries to assist in the chopping and prep when she feels up to it. Today’s meal is similar to one I make regularly and it would be popular if I made it today.However, we have quiches to consume tonight as they were requested by the teenager yesterday. He is my most difficult customer as his likes and dislikes change constantly. It is a small thing and he is very polite about it. Have a great day everyone.
  16. @Mr. Boston, I am so sorry to hear your sad news about your brother. I am sending prayers to you and your family at this difficult time. We will be thinking of you as you go to assist your family .
  17. Good morning. The weather is nice and cool, going up to sixty or so later. The sun has gone away for today. I love mushrooms but DD really does not so I often make things without and add them later after I have fixed her portion. Falafel is delicious but my attempts at making our own have failed. Maybe Debbie @dfish can help with the recipes. The salmon packets were outstanding and I just got them properly cooked when the rain started yesterday. I salute the Bean Counters and the elephants. We got as far as the tunnel for Whittier when we were exploring the Anchorage area . The quote requires more coffee. Thanks to all for the great photos of Venice. I will be able to continue to visit in my dreams until I manage to actually get there! @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, a very Happy Birthday to your DGS! Thank you for starting us up every day and bringing us along on your travels.
  18. Good morning. The temperature has decreased here and rain is coming later. We were very happy to have the AC’s in the windows yesterday but I have never had them in place before May 15th. I guess this is the way things will be. I laughed when I saw it was husband appreciation day right after ex husband day. I very much appreciate my husband and we still manage a good laugh almost every day. Taxes have been done for a while here. Laundry seems to accumulate endlessly and there is no specific day for it to be done. I have been to Venice in my dreams and appreciate Sandi’s pictures. They are really beautiful. Thank you for bringing us the Daily every day and the great photos, @StLouisCruisers! I just happened to pick up some lovely salmon yesterday and will try the packets tonight. We can cook outside on the patio but Tana can’t access the area due to numerous stairs so we will eat inside. Thanks Debbie @dfish. I am so glad to read that the travelers are getting close to boarding their ships in Ft Lauderdale. Bon Voyage to all.
  19. I love these pictures and really enjoy your descriptions of your many travels.
  20. Good morning. As @aliaschief, Bruce stated , I am grateful for my ex husband in that we had an incredible son. I refuse to honor him and had experiences similar to Annie @marshhawk.I was alone and all of 21 with DS and there was no assistance at all. However, I met my precious DH several years later and we blended our families. Somehow things always work out for the best, right? I hope all the Ft Lauderdale travelers are able to get to their cruises. We are sweltering. It has been in the high eighties for three days now and the old house is toasty! DSIL is putting in the two air conditioners that usually manage to keep things comfortable in a little while. We worry about Tana too as the oxygen machine keeps things warm as well.Help is on the way. All the best to all of you. Terry
  21. I am also without words and so very sorry to hear this. My condolences to all involved.
  22. Good morning everyone. It will be warm again today,up to 83 or so. We had a bookmobile in the summer months that came around the neighborhood. My brother and I preferred to walk to our regular library and take out the maximum number of books each. Summer days spent reading outside were wonderful. I sometimes do it here but will usually end up talking to the neighbors and dogs that come by. It is a busy neighborhood. We we’re in Monaco twice. The first time DH and I went on the same tour Sandi took. I can still see Eze up on that high slope and enjoyed visiting there. We went to Nice the second time and had coffee at an outdoor market. We walked around the city and sat on the benches by the water just enjoying the day. I just saw on the news that the airport in Ft Lauderdale is closed due to flooding. Yikes. Take care everyone and have a wonderful day.
  23. I forgot to say earlier that my Dad was a lawyer. He was disappointed that none of his children wanted to follow him in his career choice.He worked all the time and was rather difficult to live with.We were nice anyway!
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