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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Good morning. Yesterday's snow melt refroze on the steps ,sidewalks and cars since it is only 30 degrees so far.I took the dogs out one at a time and was a little nervous doing it.They are really good on the leash but both love to bounce around in the snow.I was afraid they would take me with them. We have not been to the port and like the idea of the meal.I am odd in that I heartily dislike peanut butter.I think I had too much of it growing up. I salute the Peace Core and Pig Day. DH has to have further tests to explore the issues found on the scan done on Monday.Today we have an early appointment with another MD .Busy week! DD is moving to our side of the house for the morning so that we can leave and Tana has help.I hope all goes well.She works from home and is always on a call or a zoom thing. @aliaschief, Bruce, a very Happy Birthday to you!
  2. Happy 53rd Anniversary @superoma and enjoy the delicious sounding meal with your friends.
  3. Our area has a little bit of snow and it looks so pretty on the trees.We have not been to the port and I think there is vegetarian chili in the freezer for us tonight.I almost fell asleep in public yesterday while waiting for DH to reappear at the radiology department. This is what it looked like from Tana's window before daylight arrived. 20230228_061813_99.mp4
  4. I think it is comforting to know that so many folks are wide awake with me but seriously, I am sorry it has started with you. The world is so different at three am….
  5. Aha!I just had to put my two cents in.Thanks for the explanation 😒
  6. @grapau27, Graham, Thank you for the good wishes for the day. We are managing here with some hiccups. Tana’s son returned to school so we had to find help for the week since I am busy with appointments for DH. Today one of Tana’s friends from work and a nurse herself is coming to stay for a few hours. We are so grateful for her help and hope she is available for either Wednesday or Friday. I always admire your ability to say just the right thing and keep in touch with everyone on our Daily. I think you are a true gentleman.
  7. Good morning to all. Our local weather person is giddy with the news about a possibility of snow coming our way. It is expected to be three to five inches here and certainly not a blizzard but as we haven’t had any it is cause for much meteorological excitement. I guarantee every person my age is planning a supermarket trip today but I won’t be joining them. Thanks you for getting us started Sandi @StLouisCruisers. I remember worrying about you and your DH from afar after your thirty minute walk in Norway. It had to be difficult to feel that way so far from home. I felt that way with my Covid experience but at least I was already home. I make all sorts of meatballs around here with every imaginable ingredient but it sounds easy to turn it into a “hero” or “wedge” as they are called here. I am awaiting the input of our executive chef regarding dinner. I was thinking of making baked ziti and hope she agrees. I had my first experience with a post being removed yesterday and I cannot figure out why it was verboten. I try to be diplomatic and keep away from drama in real life and here but I guess I annoyed someone. Oh well. Have a great day everyone
  8. Good morning. I just prepared a crackpot recipe for chicken cacciatore and it already smells divine. Today’s recipe will be saved for another day as I am sure it will be a hit here. Thanks to Debbie @dfish. We have not been to the port but I love the Jane Austen quote. We usually try to seize the day but sometimes get befuddled by the details. I will send Debbie my pistachios. Thanks to everyone who makes this place a great place to be every day.
  9. Debbie @dfish I mix 1/4 cup Heilman's with 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard and one teaspoon grated parmesan. Add a dash of worcestershire sauce coat the hallibut.Bake at 375 for 25 to 30 min,depending on the thickness of the fish This does not make the whole house smell fishy for days for some reason.I have used it on most thicker fish.
  10. I need more coffee too.We will wait until June for birthday wishes.
  11. A very Happy Birthday to Roy @rafinmd! @marshhawk, Annie and Chuck, thinking of you on this sad day as you say goodbye to Neko. It is windy and cool but expected to be in the mid forties today. We all like halibut here and use a recipe with a mixture of mayo,mustard and Worcestershire sauce that is baked in the oven. We have been to Iceland but not the capital. I was still working when we went on the VOV and could only take the first seventeen days off. As it was, my coworkers were not thrilled with that many vacation days in a row going to me. Be careful in the ice and snow today. We have only had a trace amount of snow this winter here and I don’t miss driving. And walking in the slippery stuff.
  12. Thank you Jacqui, I saw this late last night and very much appreciated it.We all survived the day with a few tests added on for DH.Next week there are appointments on three days to begin the process.Tana's son told me he had one scary moment but DD was able to talk him through it.Thank you so much.
  13. Good morning from a gloomy NY with rain expected and temps in the forties. Tomorrow the cold weather will return. We had the infamous “mixed precipitation” yesterday which resulted in slick stairs and streets for a while until it turned to all rain. It is certainly not what the rest of the country and Canada have been dealing with. Please be careful if you have to go out. I admit I asked DSIL to rescue the pups last night as it made me nervous. We have not been to the port ,eat lentils frequently here and have dogs that love their “cookies”. They show up even at the mention of a cookie from the other end of the house. My DH has been having some medical problems lately and we are leaving soon for another appointment. We have not had a reliable aide for Tana so someone has to physically be with her when we are not home. This week her son is off from school and he volunteered to keep Mom company. He does very well assisting her when necessary. He has had to grow up way too quickly but we are all so very proud of him. I thought of all of you last night as I watched the clock measure the time until morning. I was awake for no good reason from three o’clock on. I didn’t even have an interesting dream wake me up. More coffee will be required today!
  14. @JazzyV, Vanessa, Condolences and prayers for you, your BFF and his family upon the passing of his uncle.It is so hard to be far away at a time like this.
  15. @Mr. Boston, Safe travels to San Juan and Bon Voyage to you both @marshhawk,I am so sorry about the kitty.Are there other vets in the area? It is so hard to wait and watch your fur baby suffer. @RMLincoln,safe travels to you both and Bon Voyage for your family cruise. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope the scan goes well today.
  16. Good morning to all. It is chilly with rain coming later this afternoon. The storm marching across the country sounds fierce and I hope everyone stays safe and the power is not lost. I am a long standing member of the insomnia brigade and have had two very long nights. I always hope I get to sleep the following night and at least feel human. DH sleeps next to me like a reliable rock. It is maddening but at least he is not tired. DD has started to experience sleeplessness as well and attributes it to menopause. I won’t tell her that it does indeed get worse when one gets older! My DGD was telling me about her vacation plans with her friends for the week and I told her that we would get the individual days off for Lincoln’s birthday and for Washington’s as well. She thought that was interesting but certainly enjoyed a week off from school instead. @rafinmd, Roy, I am hoping the monitor arrives swiftly and the night is not problematic for you. Maybe this will tell the MD why you are still fatigued and not sleeping well. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, my what a cranky person you encountered in the elevator. I hope you don’t have to see that person often around the ship. I hope you are both enjoying your cruise. Yesterday DH and I were waiting in a doctors office for one of his appointments.The nurse came out to tell us that the doctor was delayed due to an emergency. An ambulance arrived and a rather young woman was taken out through the waiting room complaining of chest pain. I could not believe the other patients who grumbled and complained that they had to wait so long. Sometimes I just want to give up on humans and just be with the dogs and cats…….
  17. I missed seeing your posts but I do understand. Somedays I will start a post and abandon it as it is way too depressing. I also realize that what slips through my self censorship is not especially cheery but I do try to find the bright side eventually. The terrible situations throughout the world are difficult to talk about as well. I am glad you are back to playing golf as it is obviously very enjoyable for you.
  18. Good morning to all. It is a nice day here. it is going up to the mid forties later with occasional sun.I think the “Vet girls day” could have had a better name but salute the thought. The recipe sounds nice but the group here would want more food to appear with it. @grapau27, Graham, my condolences to Pauline on the loss of her friend. Prayers for the family as well. @rafinmd, Roy, I am glad you are starting to sleep better. The recovery from pneumonia is not a rapid one for most people. I hope each day finds you feeling a little better. Our Tana continues to have her ups and downs but tries each day to do “one more thing” for herself. Yesterday she took a few steps with the oxygen and walker in the hallway and we both shed happy tears. She then slept for several hours. I was always impressed by the way Jimmy Carter lives. My prayers are with him and his family in his last days.It is good that he can be cared for at home and not the hospital. Take care out there .
  19. Bon Voyage. I love the pictures of the baby and family The dog getting into the picture is also cute!
  20. Good morning to all. It was only 28 degrees this morning when the dogs and I ventured into the outdoors. It dropped thirty degrees yesterday afternoon after a crazy windy rain event. We seem to need a lot of batteries these days so I guess they can have their own day. I like the quote with either author and agree with @grapau27, Graham,that close calls serve to make one want to savor every available day. I no longer drink but certainly understand the importance of wine having its own day. @summer slope, like @marshhawk, I enjoy looking at the pictures of the drinks! Whales are very beautiful creatures and should have several days devoted to them. Thanks to everyone here and all of the regular “reporters” of the Daily. Enjoy the day everyone .
  21. Good morning. It is raining and 50 degrees. I have a pot of soup on the stove and it smells really good if I say so myself. I will salute the days and like the quote.I doubt my half carnivore side of the group would like the subs but I would.Tonight we are making a chicken dish for some an a quiche for others. We stopped at Scabster on a British Isles cruise.My DB and I went on a vertical hike that was just beautiful. We had to go down of course to return and held onto each other like two kids and laughed the whole way.I am sure he took pictures.I did not. We have a huge gas line replacement project going on in the neighborhood. There are trenches abd big holes everywhere. This morning a Porta potty showed up on the corner.I guess it will take a while.
  22. Wow!Thanks for sharing this.Sorry you both have coughs but glad you are negative.
  23. Good morning. I looked at @ger_77’s temperature this morning and then ours. It will reach 70 today and is already 60. DD had words with the teenager about the advisability of wearing shorts to school. DD won the argument and I saw him leave with jeans on. We cut the cable TV cord a few years ago and use streaming services. I could probably finance a trip to somewhere(anywhere) with the dollars saved.We have a neighborhood grouch that I make sure I always say hello to. He remains in his grouchy state at all times. We have been to Barcelona twice and really enjoyed our time there. We visited the Sagrada Familia and Parc Gruel and tried to eat as much of the wonderful ham we found in most restaurants. It is just a beautiful city with so much to see and do there. I hope @erewhon and family are ok. The pictures from New Zealand are awful. @kazu, very happy that you get sprung from the house today. Enjoy.
  24. Good morning. It is a nice day with a little breeze and 44 at present.I will salute the days and have not been to the port.I love gumbo and look forward to the recipe. @JazzyV, Vanessa,I loved the picture of you and the champagne tower.Thank you for including Tana on the list.She is trying hard to regain her usual optimism but had a few bad moments yesterday especially talking with her son. @kazu,Jacqui, I hope the pain is less today.It sounds as if you have a really good therapist. Thanks as always fir the memes and laughs. All the best to all of you!
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