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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @bennybear, sending condolences on the passing of your Aunt to you and your family.
  2. @dfish, Debbie, oh my ,brothers,right? My DB was much the same after his knee replacement What could I, PT for many years,possibly know about rehab and post op care!!I brought him a cane and he was insisting that it be used in his right hand for a right TKR.The ortho walked in as I was remarking that he was wrong and told him to " stop acting like a know it all".I hope all goes well tomorrow. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, I am officially worried about your pain and pray the xray is negative. @luvteaching, Karen, my heart aches for you but I am glad yesterday was a good day.Would you consider help at home, even for a few hours?It is devastating when the Docs bring up Hospice.
  3. @JazzyV. Vanessa, I realized I never replied when you asked how the hip was.First of all, thanks for asking. I think I have made good progress since the surgery and feel more confident walking,especially outside.I get a little nervous when the dogs pull me but my balance is better.I continue to do all the exercises. I will ask the Ortho doc about the other side but hopefully won't have to deal with it any time soon. How have your knees been with the winter we are having?
  4. Good morning. It is a reasonable 30 degrees now and will get warmer later.I think my shower sharing days might be behind me but as least I have no jerks in my life at this time.I would love to see Waterford Ireland. @cat shepard,Ann, we have had similar losses to drugs and alcohol in our families and the pain of it is just awful. Continued prayers for you and the family. @ottahand7, holy smokes on the flooded cabin.I hope you can either be moved or they can get the cabin dry for you. @dobiemom, Bon Voyage @Seasick Sailor,Joy, I hope you have no after effects from your fall and less pain today. @rafinmd Roy, I hope sleep gets easier for you.Do you still have a lot of pain? Enjoy the day Dailyites!
  5. I am so sorry to hear this.Condolences to your family and prayers for all of you as well.
  6. Good morning to all. Thanks to everyone who keeps us going here. Yesterday we had howling winds for most of the afternoon and the dogs were very restless,even inside the house.Traffic was stopped on one of our major highways when several trees came down and blocked the road. Fortunately no one was injured. I spoke to a man from Parks and Recreation who was coming out of Van Cortlandt Park yesterday while I was out exposing the dogs to the scary wind. He said there were big trees down all over the park but the bigger problem was trying to get the homeless population to go to a shelter, I can’t imagine sleeping in a tent in this weather. We have not been to the port but very much appreciate the pictures. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers . It looks like a great place to visit. A coworker taught me how to make Jamaican Meat pies and I am wondering if that recipe is similar to today’s offering. It is a bit of work but produces happy eaters,especially our teenager. Tana told me earlier that she woke up hungry for the first time in many days and she is deciding on meals as Executive Chef as I type. So far, were thinking beef stew for some and a new lentil stew recipe for the rest of the group. A huge thank you to all who keep her in your prayers. We very much appreciate it and hope today is a good one for us and for all of you.
  7. It is windy and cold with the true deep freeze arriving tomorrow. This house is old and some of the pipes are subject to freezing with problems noted in the past. We will watch things carefully. The DH and I are bundled already in extra sweaters and blankets if sitting on the couch as that room gets the brunt of the wind. We are scheduled for replacement windows sometime in March. I keep the insulated drapes closed in all of the rooms on days like this since the windows are not the best.And this is nothing compared to the temperatures others will have today and tomorrow. I liked the comics and not the gum so usually gave mine to my brother. We feed the birds here but the outdoor cats sometimes present us with a former bird so maybe we should not… The executive Chef seems to desire food but still has eaten very little all week. I watch her try to eat and can see that it is a job for her. We discussed food ideas for tonight and she wondered if we could try “ breakfast for dinner”. I have a strata recipe that will make everyone happy as I use Beyond Meat sausage. She agrees with you Debbie. @dfish, it is hard to fulfill her job requirements when she is less than hungry. I was sorry to see that Sarah is not feeling well. @grapau27, Graham and Pauline, I hope this changes. By the way, your meals look just wonderful and I hope you two are having fun in spite of the worry.
  8. @HAL Sailer, Melisa, My condolences to you and the family. I hope she is at peace.
  9. Debbie @dfish, I think the room is such a nice showcase for the beautiful quilt.It looks very peaceful.Enjoy your new home!
  10. @ger_77, All I can say is that I am very impressed that you even poke your nose outside with those temperatures. I was just at the store of groceries and people were commenting that they had to come out today before the cold thing starts tomorrow. It was the most I have seen my fellow NY folks talk to strangers in ages. @Heartgrove, Jack, so sorry to hear Sue is positive also. It is good the house is big enough for the three of you. Hope all is well soon. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, I am sorry about the trees. We have had a few ice storms in the past here that were very damaging to the trees. The house fire is of course even worse. Are the roads still icy there? We had a storm here many years ago that left bumpy ice ruts on all of our roads. I could have walked to work faster than the safe driving speed. The hospital I worked for asked us to stay for the first three days of it or they would have had no staff.
  11. Good morning to all.We have been celebrating sweater day here by adding a other sweater layer.Early morning dog walking was remarkable for the winter fashions of hat,scarf,gloves and even the lined jeans.I wasn't outside long because the dogs were very efficient. We live adjacent to a large Bronx park which has become a tent refuge for the homeless.It is heartbreaking and the predicted windchill for tomorrow is unusual for our area. I did see city workers yesterday entering the park.I would hope they are able to persuade people to go to a shelter. The recipes look tasty but we are making soup here. I think we will start with potato leek and then try a new lentil recipe which is more of a stew. Tana ate very little yesterday but will hopefully manage something in a little while. I was happy to read that Roy made it home and very much hope he has folks looking in on him. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I hope your family members are able to come home tonight.It is too bad the weather interfered with the soccer program. @kazu, Jacqui, oh no on the prolonged time required for healing.I hope at least the pain is less. Take care everyone.
  12. @rafinmd ,Roy, I am so glad you will be able to go home tonight.Take care and think about getting help for a few days.
  13. Good morning. We woke up to icy snow on the street and sidewalk and I decided the teenager could get up and take the dogs out. School is delayed by two hours but he didn’t find that out until after he came back in. Tana and I were up a good deal of the night as she seems to have a GI bug. Her son was sick with it two days ago and kept himself away from everyone but as we know these viruses are wicked. She finished her antibiotics for the pneumonia yesterday. No rest for the weary. I like the days but realize the no politics one is impossible these days. I thought it was funny that one becomes an “old broad” at fifty. I would be hard pressed to remember being fifty at this point. Yesterday I found myself quoting my mother once again regarding being cold. I never really understood (until now) why the poor woman could never get warm…. The executive chef and I discussed making clam chowder yesterday but there were no fresh clams at the fish store. I did get several pieces of cod which were very tasty. I will have to come up with something bland if she feels like eating later. @rafinmd, Roy, I hope you are starting to feel better and that you were able to sleep last night. @kazu, lost blue bubble, but hope you get some good news today for a change. Sandi, @St LouisCruisers, thank you for keeping the daily going and managing lists, pictures,ports and commentary. And thanks to all of you out there who make this a very special place to come to every day.
  14. your pattern is similar to mine….I have always had difficulty sleeping but as I get older,oh my! Have you always been like this?
  15. I am sitting here wondering why some of us wake at two am and others don’t start sleeping until then , Sandi and I are in the former category and Vanessa is in the latter. It makes for a long day either way. I got word last night that DS and family have rented a house on the Cape again and the lucky grandparents are invited. I am excited to have a vacation to plan and contacted the dog sitter for the July timeframe. The pictures of Kodiak are so interesting. Thanks to all who post them. The recipes look lovely as well. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, the dental surgery sounded painful just reading it. I hope you were able to take something for the pain. The neighbors are wonderful to bring food as well as keep Allen company. I hope you feel better today. @rafinmd, Roy, hopefully the doctor has been able to help with the problem. I am sorry you are having the coughing fits. It takes a while for pneumonia to begin to clear. @Rowsby, I am glad you have the recliner to escape to. So many of my patients with shoulder problems could only sleep in the recliner. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to have the surgery.
  16. Bon Voyage,hope the drive is ok.The snow is so far only on the grass and parked cars and I am about 9 miles north if your ship.
  17. Good morning from a gloomy but going up to 50 NY. We have not been to Japan but would love to escape to somewhere today.A turkey breast would be nice for dinner but we have leftover Italian Wedding Soup. @HAL Sailer,Melissa, Happy Belated Birthday.Are you also an Aquarian? I am glad you got the fraud mess cleared up. @StLouisCruisers, Ren's soccer adventures sound very exciting.Best of luck to them and it is great that the Dads are there as well. Also, thank you so much for your labors in keeping the Daily going. @kazu, Jacqui, I also ordered a can opener that day and really like it. I am glad you slept until six today. @mamaofami, Carol. I am often awake at really early hours.It is good for reading ! @Seasick Sailor,Joy, a prayer for you and I hope the surgery goes well. @rafinmd, I can't imagine getting news like that in the middle of the night.I hope your doctor can provide accurate information today.Pneumonia is hard to deal with as there are a lot of ups and downs.Tana sends her love and best wishes to you,as do I.I hope today is much,much better. Terry
  18. I am glad you don't have pain but the eye problems sound so difficult.Enjoy your football games.
  19. Good morning everyone. I crept outside in the dark with the two dogs and it looks like a nice start to the day.It will get up to 50 and we may even see the sun. @rafinmd,Roy, I hope you got some sleep at the hospital and that the pain is less.Sending extra prayers your way. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi thank you for all your work bringing us the Daily and our lists.The picture of Elliot Rose was so beautiful. It is amazing how much they change at that age. @kazu,Jacqui, I am sorry to hear that the pain continues to be so hard to control.Doctors around here are reluctant to prescribe pain meds as I found out after my surgery.I remember watching the clock especially right after the surgery as I was limited by the prescribed amount. Newport Rhode Island is very important in our family. My DB was stationed at the Naval Base there in the late 60's.My DSIL was at a Newport bar with friends(she lived in Fall River,MA) and met a "sailor" there.They were married at the Officerc Club right before he went to Vietnam.In those days there was a ferry instead of the impressive Newport Bridge.Over the years we have been back to enjoy the Cliff Walk and some of the mansions including the Breakers. It is a really nice place to visit with great restaurants . Of course, all the pictures are in my mind....
  20. I can't wait to tell my niece that.We have pictures of her with a late seventies version of the same hairdo!
  21. @Seasick Sailor, Joy,glad you are ok.My Niece(grandma) sent two pictures last week.Camilla's hair does the same thing her grandmother 's did when she was the same age.A cockatu look....This little girl is a hoot and also shares her grandmother's knack for getting in trouble
  22. Good morning everyone. Thank you Sandi for starting us off today. We have a nice sunny day here to enjoy. @Seasick Sailor,I am glad you are home but sorry about the fall.Hope all is well.I loved your pictures and commentary about your cruises. @ger_77,I am glad you are safely home and that your cruise was a good one.We missed you! We have not been to Buenos Aires and lack a kazoo.Data breeches are all too common.We would probably like the recipe.
  23. I hope you can get checked out and am sending prayers your way.
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