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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @rafinmd-Roy, I am sorry to hear about your fall.I hope you feel better soon. @JazzyV, I was also sorry to see that your GI issues are bothering you agayn.I hope today is better.
  2. Family members told us that our patients didn’t talk about their experiences very much,at least to them. Most of our patients were experiencing dementia and perhaps their defenses were down. Seeing tattooed numbers on an elderly person’s arm was just so horrifying for me. Thank you for the song clip.
  3. I drove down the West Side Highway last week and had tears in my eyes just looking at all the familiar buildings! I guess will have to ignore the fact that my Yonkers got voted the tenth Dirtiest City in the US.It is hideous in places,they are correct....
  4. Good morning. Thank goodness my clock punching days are behind me.At my last job I had several patients who were Holocaust survivors. Over time they related their stories and we learned of the horrors they had endured as very young people. I am looking forward to the recipe as falafel holds a place in my heart.DH and I were talking a few weeks ago about the place in Greenwich Village that served it 24 hours back in the day.We made a few stops there after being out and about..... @cunnorl,I hope the specialist can take care of the eye soon ,sorry to hear about this. @rafinmd,Roy, I hope you are feeling much better today and do not get the return of symptoms in the afternoon again. My DS reported feeling the same way when the family experienced the flu(they think) a few weeks ago. @grapau27, Graham, I hope Sarah is experiencing pain relief today. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope your elbow is feeling better today. Wishing all of you a great day.
  5. I am sorry to hear about your DH being hospitalized.Hopefully he will quickly improve.
  6. I am so sorry more surgery was required.OMG, no wonder it was so painful.I hope today is at least a little better.
  7. Good morning on a very windy day where temperatures are expected to drop to the thirties this afternoon. We celebrate Spouses Day and Australia Day and try not to clash colors with clothing.The recipe sounds interesting but we have not been to the port. @erewhon, I am afraid that walking for Tana is just a few steps with a lot of assistance. We depend on the WC and the oxygen to get to different rooms. Today DH returns to the cardiologist for what we hope is s good report. Sending prayers to Sarah @grapau27.
  8. Sandi, I doubt we will ever know for sure,the disease is often idiopathic.Tana is 51 and had had many bouts of pneumonia prior to contracting Covid in early 2020.She was hospitalized and has had long covid symptoms. Testing for that brought the Docs to a definitive diagnosis.
  9. Thanks for asking Vanessa.Tana's PF is debilitating and her susceptibility to pneumonia is scary.She remains on hospice and we hope for more time with her.She struggles to breathe even when she is inactive though which is new.She tells me she is "fine" which causes us both to laugh.
  10. Good morning to all. It looks as if our area will get mixed precipitation today but nothing of consequence. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope the problem is rectified with your elbow and was glad to see you could get an appointment today. @grapau27, Graham, I will be thinking of Sarah tomorrow and I hope all goes well. The port pictures are so beautiful, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers. And the recipe looks like a winner. Thanks to Debbie. @dfish. Take care everyone
  11. @Cruising-along, Carolyn, A very Happy Birthday to my fellow Aquarian!
  12. Good morning. It is a sunny day here and we will celebrate that and all of the days. Thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday yesterday .It made the day very festive and I do appreciate it. Heavy snow arrived yesterday in DS's area of New Hampshire.They had no school and no power but fortunately have a generator for the essentials. We had "mixed precipitation " that didn't stick to anything this time. I look forward to a good laugh and some dinner ideas.
  13. I am so glad that you are enjoying yourself on the World Cruise. It sounds like great fun with plenty to keep a person busy.Thank you for taking us with you.
  14. Good morning to all. Today I turn 69 and I am celebrating by not cooking or doing anything else of importance. My handwriting was always rather bad but now does not even resemble old signatures. I will blame it on arthritic hands.I used to be able to decipher the horrible handwriting of others at work- a good skill lost to the technology of the electronic medical records! I like most pies but not being a baker we tend not to have them here.I have not been to the port but love the pictures so far. Thinking of @Cruising-along and Patricia at this sad time. Take care everyone.
  15. @Cruising-along,I am so sorry for your niece, her family and yours.Adding my prayers.
  16. Good morning.It is somewhat dreary outside with rain expected. I have been to Astoria ,Queens but not Oregon.The recipe looks good today and blond brownies are always good. I was visiting with DD’s kitties yesterday and she showed me this picture of Misty, the youngest cat of their four. She mostly talks about food and is growing by leaps and bounds.
  17. I use flour tortillas and it makes twelve enchiladas. I usually make two trays for the group as we are six for dinner every night.
  18. @Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda, I liked your recipe and decided to go with that,thanks again. I got the bean and cheese enchilada recipe from a coworker years ago. It is fairly quick to put together. preheat oven to 425 chop two medium onions finely and sauté in olive oil with four cloves minced garlic for several minutes. Add 15 ounces of crushed or chopped tomatoes to the onions and 2 tsp chili powder 1and a half tsp cumin and a half tsp of hot sauce add two cans of rinsed,drained black beans and once off the heat add 6 ounces of shredded cheddar to the mixture Reserve one and a half cups of sauce mixture for topping rolled enchiladas heat 10-12 tortillas Roll up filling in tortillas and place in 9x 13 pan,cover with reserved sauce and cover the enchiladas with another cup or so of cheddar shredded. heat in oven 10 to 15 minutes top with sour cream. Enjoy!
  19. Good morning everyone. I have not been to Cannes but enjoyed seeing the pictures posted by Sandi @StLouisCruisers.Thank you.It looks like a great port to visit. I made the recipe with Lenda's suggestions last night and it was well received. Thank you @Quartzsite Cruiser.I meant to take a picture but the teenager decided he really liked it and ate an enormous portion. Well, maybe that is a normal portion for a growing teen!I turned around and there was just enough to taste it.Fortunately I had leftover vegetarian enchiladas for those who prefer it. Debbie, @dfish, the recipes look so good we may have to make it today or tomorrow. Thanks! Tana is getting better but still has a horrible cough.I am concerned about her oxygen needs and we are awaiting a visit from the hospice nurse. We were both wide awake early this morning and never went back to sleep . Sending virtual hugs to all of you! Terry
  20. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, sorry to hear you have the dreaded cough. I hope it goes away quickly. I enjoy hearing about your cruise.
  21. Vanessa I have similar veins and will say an extra prayer for you today.
  22. Lenda thanks for the recipe tips.I will try that one tonight and just happen to have the 4 cheese blend here.And there is sour cream!
  23. Good morning. Our weather matches Sandi's @StLouisCruisers.Last night the rain was very heavy with thunder and lightening. Our dogs objected to the noise and neighboring pooches joined in. I have tried many times to enjoy tofu but have not found a recipe that makes it tasty enough.I do use it in recipes for the vegetarians here and they love it so I think it is just my personal taste. The executive chef wanted to try one of the ground beef, cheese and pasta dishes from last week today.I think we have all the ingredients and it will be something new. My DSIL vacuumed all of the smoke and CO2 alarms yesterday and replaced batteries where needed.It was perfectly quiet last night. Enjoy the day and stay safe
  24. I am so sorry to hear this and send my prayers as well.Lupus is a devastating disease.
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