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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I hope your brother is feeling better today.It is alarming when the numbers go down so quickly. @mamaofami, we had a situation when my inlaws were alive when their smaller garment workers union suddenly went kaput. It was a scramble to get them enrolled in another plan.I hope you can find something.
  2. Good morning. I completely agree that everyone here is awesome. There are no phone booths around here but I did see a pay phone the other day when I went inside the car wash to pay. The man told me that it no longer works…My middle name is my grandmother’s and rather distinctive . We are planning breakfast for dinner here tonight and I am preparing a strata dish that is popular with everyone and vegetarian as well. It is nice when things are prepared earlier in the day and there is less chopping and mixing later. I thought of all of you at 3 am when I was wide awake for no good reason. I very much want to be in the sleeping through the night club but it is not in the cards. I even tried benedryl last night. The storm going to Massachusetts and New Hampshire with snow will bring us lots of rain. It will go up to almost fifty again today.
  3. @ger_77, Gerry, thank you so much.We look forward to having more help.Everyone is a little worn down.
  4. Good morning to all on a beautiful sunny day. It will go up to fifty today but there is snow/rain/sleet coming tomorrow. We make a concerted effort not to panic here and often have to just get over things right away. I knew my DGD was growing up when she informed me her Barbie collection was given to a”little girl” she knows. I think she humored me a lot when we visited and played with her Barbie dolls. One Christmas my fellow grandma and I were caught dressing the Barbie collection without DGD in attendance. Just the name of the recipe sounds good to me and I will check it out later. We made the Cheesecake Factory chicken last night and received a standing ovation. It was really tasty and didn’t take long to put together. I used the less caloric recipe at the end. Thanks Debbie, as always. @dfish. Have a great day everyone
  5. @aliaschief, Bruce, I was very happy to see your good news. As others have said,celebrate !
  6. Although my life is quite different, I very much understand about not wanting to post at times.I think of you often and hope things improve soon.
  7. @grapau27,Graham,thank you so much.We decided to hire the new aide and she will start on Monday. She will come for four hours three days a week.Hooray!
  8. Good morning to all. I think we should follow Debbie’s example and spread kindness. The world at this point in time seems to be full of nastiness and I sometimes despair. The last recipe looks very good and may show up for dinner at our house if the executive Chef agrees. I have both asparagus and mushrooms available. Our visit to the second specialist regarding an aorta problem was encouraging. This doctor felt that the situation could be monitored and that he is already taking the necessary medication.He did say there was a procedure used frequently that can repair the ulceration with a graft if it comes to that. We all hope it does not come to that. It was a very happy car ride home! We went to Newfoundland on the VOV but not that port. I would like to go back there some day as it was very beautiful. Today we are interviewing a young woman who had worked with Tana years ago. I hope for the best as it is frankly a lot for me at this point and I really do need more help.Fingers crossed! It is windy and cooler today but the sun is shining. I will take the pups on a long walk when it hits 38 or so around noon. Have a great day everyone.
  9. Good morning everyone. It’s snowed a small amount overnight but only went on the grass and the cars. It looks very similar to Graham’s garden. The Peace Core should have another day and the cereal popular around here is oatmeal. I tried making my own pad Thai and decided that it was much easier to get it as take out. There is a Thai restaurant on our Main Street that does a great job. Crown Roast of pork is nice, again, if someone else makes it. We have not been to the port. I agree with the MLK quote. Today DH and I will head out for a consultation with a cardiologist regarding his prior CT scan findings. This doctor is a specialist in that particular area. I am hoping he says nothing further needs to be done. DSIL is staying with Tana while we are gone. He also works from home and can bring the laptop to our side of the house. We tried another aide over the weekend who was nervous about the equipment and how to help Tana. I could see right away that her anxiety increased Tana’s anxiety. We are working with some of Tana’s nurse friends to find someone suitable. It is a difficult job and you do have to remain calm or things go quickly in the wrong direction. @Cruzin Terri, I hope you feel better this morning but it sounds very painful. The medicine mistake in the ER would scare me but hopefully it won’t have any side effects. Take care everyone
  10. @Cruzin Terri, Terri I hope they find out what is wrong and start treatment. Sending prayers your way.
  11. Good morning. It is expected to go up to fifty today. It is cloudy so far but it feels spring like. The local weatherman told me that more “mixed precipitation “ will arrive overnight. I took both dogs for a long walk first thing as the gas line replacement workers block off the street all day and we can’t circle the blocks the way they like. They are so funny in their enthusiastic sniffing and happy greetings with other dogs. I enjoy talking to the dog owners.We shared stories this morning about the policeman that told us to drive up our one way street the wrong way on Friday. DSIL told me he backed the car up our narrow curvy street. If I did that I would have hit a few parked cars. I never liked Oreo cookies but will grant them their day. Frozen food is a good thing but like Graham, we try to have fresh vegetables and fruit . I make a lot of things ahead of time and the freezer has saved the day when things are hectic. I am always happy to come across soup, stew or chili that I made waiting for the group in the freezer. We have not been to the port but enjoyed Sandi’s pictures. Thank you Sandi. I like George Burns but find it hard to have a lot of my family either four or five hours away by car. I am glad that I can still drive to see them and that they visit us here as well but remember the sad day when DS and family moved out of their tiny NY apartment to New Hampshire. It was the best thing for them and I had to tell myself that. Enjoy the day everyone!
  12. Good morning. It looks like a nice day already with sunshine and forty degrees. I am going to see my good friend later and perhaps we will walk by the pretty harbor in her town of Mamaroneck. She no longer drives due to visual problems so I try to combine my visits with practical things like grocery store visits. I was named for both grandmothers and loved them both dearly. I was so fortunate to have them in my life until age twenty. I remember the large reels of film from our school days . I usually make my pot roast in the slow cooker these days as I love the smell as it cooks. My recipe is similar to the first one with tomato paste and Worcestershire sauce. @ger_77, I laughed so hard at the person who set their calculator as an alarm and certainly was not offended. My family often recalls the things I did during my short but intense drinking days and now we can laugh at some of them. I loved the conversation your DS reported back to you. So sweet. DD is manning the home front while I go out today. We decided it was a good day not to cook anything and order from our favorite diner. It will be a vacation day around here.
  13. Thanks!I have several Moosewood cook books but not that one.
  14. Debbie @dfish these recipes look very good and I might make one just for the carnivores. Thank you for your lovely words today.I read them to Tana and we both had a lump in the throat!
  15. Good morning.It is 40 degrees and raining. I have been to San Juan a few times but not via cruise ship. The best visit was when we went with my mom and our family to visit our cousin.She was stationed outside of San Juan at a Naval Base and we went to their beach every day. I like the idea of Holy Experiment day and fondly remember DS playing the trombone and marching when he was in grammar school.Two neighbors here are in the NY Police Emerald Society band and march in their kilts with drums. I will send hugs to both my nephew and my niece's husband,both are in the National Guard. Thanks to all for the Daily
  16. Good morning from a cloudy but warmer 38 degree day. We expect rain later but all my relatives in the north will get snow it seems. Well we got a fairly good answer for the problem seen on the CT scan at the aorta. It is a fairly common thing and the specialist we will see soon will decide whether or not further intervention is needed. DH is already taking the medication needed and his other vital signs are stable. Phew! We do have a few other tests to undergo due to other issues detected but will take a deep breath and try to relax. Thank you to all who expressed concern and sent good wishes. It truly helps at trying times. Both of our dogs have figured out how to open the main front door but luckily the screen door is in the way so they can’t get out. Yet. We had an Airedale growing up that could open the fifties style refrigerator easily and did it a lot. We have been to the port many times on BHB’s and usually rented a car to see the gorgeous beaches and lighthouses. I went swimming in June and the water was warmer than NY’s Jones Beach at the same time of year. Other people on the beach thought I was deranged. Debbie, @dfish,we made the lentil and mushroom pie last night and had a lot of satisfied customers. Thank you so much for presenting such appetizing recipes. I would love today’s recipe but no one else would be happy. I salute the caretakers today and it was so nice of @cunnorl to share her DD with us. It is true though that most of us will reach a time in life where someone needs our help. Take care out there everyone
  17. Good morning. We celebrate cat rescue day everyday here and I am sure we have a lot of old stuff that needs to be dealt with.I look forward to the recipe and thank Sandi @StLouisCruisers, for the beautiful Norway pictures. I am trying not to worry until I have to but it looks like there are several problems the doctor found on the CT scan Monday.Today we are back to the cardiologist to see if something needs to be done about a finding at the aorta.I am glad the weather for today is only rain.Yesterday I saw two different cars hit patches of black ice and take a spin.Fortunately they missed the rest of us. DD has 4 indoor kitties,all rescues.
  18. @Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda, I was happy to read that DH got a good report on his spine.I am sure you were both very happy to know things are healing well. Thank you for your kind thoughts about Tana. She is an excellent fighter and keeps up a good front.She worries about all of us too much.
  19. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, yes unfortunately it is the same disease.Tana was not a smoker either but has had asthma all her life.She caught covid early on and when she did not improve after almost a year,she was diagnosed with IPF.We also have a family friend who had it for a year and a half before he died.Tana knows her time is limited and unfortunately had other medical issues which made either transplant or the new meds not feasible. I am so sorry about your brother.I hope he can at least try the medication. It is way too expensive. It is a tough way to go for the patient and family
  20. @grapau27, Graham,thank you for the kind words.It is appreciated.
  21. @lazey1, I was so sorry to read about your medical issues.I hope things can be improved upon.It is tiring just going for various tests. @NextOne, I hope the cardiologist is able to help tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. @Cruising Terri ,I am sorry that the house situation continues to be very problematic. It is so difficult to be shouldering everything in light of DH's situation. Sending prayers and hugs to you both.
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