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Everything posted by SteelCityCruiser10

  1. Stopped for a pre-excursion lobster roll and beer 🍻 Tommasinos right next to the Garrison Brewery. Different than the last in Portland it still good. Accidentally got the Garrison double IPA to go with it. Oops. 🍻
  2. Loved Halifax! Started out with a walk down the waterfront boardwalk & stop a stop at the Garrison brewery. Then signed up for the Peggy’s Cove and Titanic cemetery tour.
  3. Toasted Marshmallow Old Fashioned (W/Buffalo Trace) πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  4. Just got back from a long day in Halifax. I’ll take some time to re cap later on. Need a Tito’s asap lol πŸ˜‚ Cheers 🍻 Mark
  5. To the right the white dots are all birds. It sure did look like some sort of fishing set. Just seemed odd to me for whatever reason at the time.
  6. Thanks! Ill keep an eye out. Sounds like they may be easy to spot if they are onboard.
  7. We are cleared to debark now. The tug boats were needed to push up to the pier. Of course my phone was charging when the one tug boat did a donut and blew the horn saluting the ship. Really wish I had it in video. darn. You’ll just have to imagine it I guess. We are winging it again. I’ll report back later what we ended up doing. I admit I had to google Donair πŸ˜‚
  8. 🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻🀞🏻 We had the same thoughts.
  9. I’ll try another quick video. Sound on. This is in the solarium. Wind blowing so hard it sounded like the flags were going to be torn right off the line. IMG_1088.mov
  10. We are in route to Halifax. Scheduled for 10:30 arrival. We moved ahead 1 hour last night so it’s 7:15 AM but sure does feel like 6:15 to me. Current conditions are clear skies and sunny but the wind is really blowing hard & the ship is really rockin. Top decks are closed due to bad weather conditions.
  11. none at all. the video even uploaded quickly. Best WiFi I’ve ever experienced on any Royal ship. not sure why though. Been on several ships since starlink change.
  12. Thanks for the kind words. Always nice to hear people enjoy the review. πŸ˜€ For starters I had no idea Halifax would be an hour ahead time change. Learn something new everyday!
  13. It’s super foggy again. Captain has the fog horn going every couple minutes. Really eerie out on the balcony.
  14. Caught the headliner show. Juggler - Adam Kario It was really good show. Entertaining & Funny. IMG_1080.mov
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