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Everything posted by SteelCityCruiser10

  1. For the ship spotters…. Silver Sea Whisper along side in Skagway today. Ovation was with us in Juneau yesterday. Windstar Star Breeze departed Seward before us.
  2. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions for us today. The weather was really good for the first half of the day until rain began around 4 pm. We were in Red Dog Saloon by that time anyway! 🍻 We ended up taking the blue bus to Mendenhall Glacier. We walked to the main photo point and the trail to the Nugget Falls. We took a few of the side trails too for different views and photo ops. We saw a black bear on the way there from the bus. After the glacier we stopped for beer break at the red dog saloon and then on to the Alaskan Brewing Co for a flight and ended with Tracy’s Crab Shack (with random shopping stops in between). Turned out to be a really great day. 😀
  3. A little food and beer porn from Juneau today. @A&L_Ont Tracy’s Crab Shack -Crab Cake Roll and Chips. Red Dog Saloon & Alaskan Brewing Co Forgot the pics of the Soft pretzel and cheese dip at Alaskan Brewing. 😔
  4. Mendenhall River Rafting. Low participation was reason given on the flyer delivered to the cabin. 15% off a different excursion was offered.
  5. Haha Ok i’ll do my best. I’m really bad at remembering to take food pics. I’m much more focused on the eating 😂
  6. Our excursion for Juneau tomorrow was cancelled. Maybe just catch a ride to Mendenhall Glacier and wander a bit instead. Any suggestions? Cheers 🍻 Mark
  7. Here’s Hubbard Glacier from this afternoon. around 45 F and light rain all day. made it pretty close to the glacier. Aft views 😀
  8. Saved me a trip up there in the morning. Thx. 😁Also on Radiance.
  9. Hear some pics from the train ride down to Seward today. We did the gold star service in the glass topped car with beverage and sit down breakfast. Really enjoyed it and the scenery is amazing 🤩 We have an aft facing JS on this one.
  10. We will be in Vancouver for 1 day (day of debark) then 6am flight the next morning. No firm plans- neighbor recommend a walking trail and pub near Hyatt Regency. We made it to Anchorage - been a long long day. lyft is scheduled for 5:30 am to catch the Alaska Railroad to Seward.
  11. Us too! 6/8/2018 - just looked at a shutterfly book before leaving and realized it the same week but 5 years later. Was it on Explorer?
  12. In route to Chicago now then on to Anchorage. Luggage appears to have made it with us as well so that’s nice 🙂 Pre flight Fat Heads Head Hunter IPA tasted especially good at 10am to kick off pre cruise tradition. Cheers 🍻 Mark
  13. Tomorrow is finally the day we leave for Alaska & board Radiance on Friday! woo hoo … Absolutely love Alaska I’ll check on in here periodically rather than going live more than likely. Im 95% packed and still catching up on house chores, preparing dogs for kennel etc. before we leave tomorrow. DW however just left work at 7:30 & still needs to pack .. oh my 😱😱🤢🤢 Already had a crisis averted this morning when I called our kennel/doggie daycare to touch base re: drop off time in the AM, they did NOT have our reservation. What!! Luckily they had room for the fur babies and all is good. Whew 😥 No idea how that happened but nothing to worry about. Cheers 🍻 Mark
  14. Next Thursday we leave for for Alaska!! Didn’t even begin to pack yet. Oh my. 😱 Not looking forward to the flights. Still no cruise docs or luggage tags posted but Royal tells me it’s because we are booked as part of a group & will be available once 7 days away or sooner. The old “any day now” line sounds like to me.
  15. Yes to internet report please! I’m sure it won’t be great but at least serviceable would be nice. I’ve heard reports it is worse in Alaska due to the landscape We are doing Radiance SB also in the 6/9 sailing. Are you taking the train to Seward from Anchorage? If so, how do you get from the Seward train station to the port? I know it’s pretty close, but how close? Not walking distance with bags? When is your boarding and did they honor your time? Names/place of any outstanding bartenders? Thank you!!
  16. Yes It’s hay. Under the hay there were bare spots in the lawn from the dogs. I patched the spots with fresh top soil and planted new grass. The hay acts as insulation and protection for the newly seeded area. Once the grass grows up through the hay, I’ll mow over it to pick most of it up. Mushroom Compost is my preferred top dressing but not ideal for this particular application.
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