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Everything posted by SteelCityCruiser10

  1. Thank you, He is 12. He’s getting older and has the sugar face but he’s still got a lot of pep in his step! 😂
  2. What are the itineraries? What ports? Explorer definitely older and just came out of a dry dock but it’s still not going to have all the bells and whistles of Symphony.
  3. I know a few people here who did the same. Big fans of the flower and changed loyalty to Vegas when he left the Pens. I was sorry to see him go. He’s one of those sports stars that you don’t mind your kids liking and having as a role model. Definitely can’t say that about a lot of sports figures.
  4. Agree - I was lucky enough to snag DBP at $59.99 pd a couple months back for Radiance in June. I was shocked to see any number in the 50’s so I purchased immediately. All my others are still sitting around $79 area.
  5. Very nice! We always like the cabanas on barefoot beach. Hope you are loving it. Curious on that thing in the water in one of your pics. Is that open to all as a lounger type platform? Never seen a menu either but also never asked.
  6. I am no expert in the 401K field but basically Yes, It’s a retirement savings plan through your employer with tax benefits. Often times employers will match a certain percentage of what you contribute and/or add a lump sum as an employer benefit too. It’s not shielded from the stock market fluctuations unless you specifically choose very conservative investments.
  7. They are good looking dogs. My older male dog (Oliver) is going to be 12 this september. He is a lab/redbone coonhound mix. He barks at anything on TV that resembles an animal.. dogs, squirrels, lions, bears, moose .. anything! Emma is the total opposite. Female 7 yr old purebred English Setter. Could not care less.
  8. Sorry to hear about the breach making a new ID necessary. I was lucky enough to visit Australia when I was around 15 years old as part of USA baseball. We visited Adelaide and played against Australian colleges in the area. I will never forget what a beautiful place it was. Visited a kangaroo park, held a Koala and did some beach/sightseeing while we were there. Very very long flight but well worth it.
  9. I thought maybe if I called and was the squeaky wheel they might move a little faster. hahah 😂😂 Well I tried 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sounds like I’ve got a few more months to wait.
  10. Made follow up call #2 to C&A his afternoon to see if there were any updates on the crystal block we should have received on EX in January. It is still “in progress” and will ship as soon they have back in stock. I won’t hold my breath.
  11. I had a couple Turkeys pecking at themselves in my chrome truck bumper last year. Caught them in the Ring floodlight camera.
  12. Glad to hear this.. We will be on Radiance in June to Alaska. First time for Radiance but we’ve been on Jewel & liked Jewel a lot.
  13. Visited National Aviary this afternoon. Thought I’d share some pics. Got to feed the Lorikeets. (first pic) They really love that nectar! They fly right down & grab onto a finger to eat right out of your hand.
  14. Back to normal at my house. Winds have died down. Unfortunately my brother who is only 25-30 min north still doesn’t have power. Funny thing is my parents are 5 min from him and they had power back by 6pm yesterday. At least they can go there with the kids and hang out. My Uncle who is also near me had a 30 ft Cherry tree blown over. Luckily it wasn’t near the house and I’ll help clean up & get some free firewood for next year. Glass half full 😀
  15. Definitely a mess! I know a guy who works for the power company - unfortunately fixing that mess was his responsibility. Long day for him and many others in that line of work.
  16. It’s pretty crazy over in the Pittsburgh area too. My brothers and parents a bit north of me all lost power for several hours earlier. I was out at my sportmen’s club with my nephew target shooting this afternoon. There is an electric gate to get in and out. We went to leave and guess what… gate not working - power is out. We were the only ones there. OH Crap. Ended up calling the club President and found a manual release to open the gate after it was apparent the power was not coming back on anytime soon. Once we got out it was very clear - there were massive pine trees uprooted all over . Huge metal carports upside down. I live about 30 minutes west of there and no power lost so far but wind is trying real hard to blown down my pear tree.
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