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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Also .. Grandad is it true Father Amazon lives at the north pole ? Yeah he was known as Santa but he was addicted to a coke or two, but when we were young we had Father Christmas and he would wear holly around his head . Grandad is it also true that you used to drag a live Fir tree into your house, if so why ? Well er .. so the fairy had somewhere to sit . What happened after Christmas to the tree ? We would chuck it out into the back yard where it would lay for months, as no one would have it ,the bin men didn't want to know . Did you drag it back in for Easter Grand dad ?? Who on earth would drag a live tree into their house ? Anyway forget that, tell me what you want for Christmas? Is it the blue or red protein pill this year ??
  2. ' It's not "freedom" at all ... It's " Fish " 😉 https://youtu.be/W_IyKguD5B4?si=45kCkIP1ExOODHae&t=27
  3. Being laid low a few days , I had the chance to see a bit of daytime TV , Oh dear !! Is it just me ?Just when you're getting into a program and ten minutes later your stuck with some weird adverts that seem to take an age . I think the only clever advert is the one called car Trade car or summat ? They came up with the brilliant idea of having no sound whatsoever , thus making you look as you think the telly's on the blink . Then we come to the ones which really grinds my gears ! All those people who have sold their cars to we buy any car ! And don't get me started on those people waggling their eyebrows cos they want a McDonald's . Can you imagine sat in the traffic at Southampton and everyone around starts waggling their brows at you ....Really ?🤔 My third one has to be that woman who puts the tiniest amount of cream on her face as it stops her from ageing .. My I suggest ,they get a 9 year old girl , put her in Granny's clothes , screaming "Help me I've used to much "🙃 Have any of you got a love /hate advert ?
  4. Great point , over the years I adapted from a rock group party animal into someone who has to take a little more care of myself, I'm sure I'm not alone but we cut our cloth to suit our needs .
  5. Agreed, only the other week we used the Ageas Bowl ,Hilton . Good parking , and a great breakfast and on informing the reception we would be boarding later,they let us keep the room an extra hour FOC . The taxis were spot on and Southampton seemed gridlocked going to the ship but no prob's for us as they used the taxi/bus lanes which were clear .
  6. You don't see many running around the beach in Sunderland . They would soon be between a bread bun ,faster than you could say Greggs 😉 Hope everyone's OK , we just did the tests and we are both clear thank goodness .
  7. If he can bring you a beer from the fridge and open it,then keep him Brian 😊
  8. As a kid we had a dog that weren't bothered by fireworks. He liked bonfire parties as he knew he would get hot dogs etc. Same as most dogs he would get edgy if indoors but more than happy to go walks or sit outside watching them.
  9. Morning 11.c and dry here at the moment. Just enjoying a cuppa and thinking our cruise seems a life time away but so glad we did it ..Have a nice day 😊
  10. Watching the Stadium of light . England v Scotland ladies. I must be feeling better 😌
  11. Don't worry still laid in bed,try to get up and walk around bedroom for 5 min to help keep my lungs clear and risk of clots. Been a very good lad and following all medical advice. 😊
  12. And the paint will be cheaper as it will be on the house. That reminds me of the time some workers from the Dulux Weathersheild exterior paint depth took a trip up Ben Nevis. Regret to say they all perished. A spokesperson for the mountain rescue team said ' They all looked like they needed another coat " 😯 I seem to be getting better unlike the jokes 😊 Have good day !
  13. We did our 1st on Cunard, we didn't want to get off She is one lovely ship. They put in one of the cruise papers that they had wi-fi installers going around the cabins fitting whatever for better reception. Which in our cabin was poor.
  14. We were gutted back in 2019 When due to my HF we had to cancel after that we all know what came next but promised each other a cruise one day. Mrs K loves art decco and other such pretty things but not too big and there we were on our date 18:55 prompt. We had kept our promise at last Okay it was the lovely Queen Victoria and with price match was a bargain. What about P&O ??? Watch this space cos we ain't done yet😊
  15. Now I feel up for it and getting used to this phone,your were on the right track. We did depart and stay at the Ageas Bowl,parking ,breakfast and taxis both ways ,hence pic of breakfast.If you have a late boarding time they let us keep our room until midday FOC. The photo of the steak pie was a pub called WestEnd Brewery about 4 min away from hotel. As for the cruise, it was brilliant but as my thumbs dropping off typing this and Nurse K has Brought me food and drink,so will post a little about that later.
  16. Correction if I don't follow nurse Mrs k orders I will end up flat on my back again
  17. Certainly has,we cannot stop her heartache 💔 but can try to lift hers,for a little while maybe 🫠 Glad your getting sorted as well Indie 😊
  18. Had a telephone conversation with a cov-Lurgist and she was very pleased with my progress, providing no relapses of course. I helped her as I own an oxymeter,which giving her my readings was very helpful. So glad I bought one. Onwards and upwards I hope.
  19. We are all there for each other mate,all gems. As Fleetwood Mac said .. "Never Break the chain" 🙂🙂
  20. Thoughts of the day from me. What compassionate, caring bunch of people we have on here 🫠 How much I miss my keyboard &mouse laptop,not a fan of mobiles. Most importantly of all,the hugs & kisses of my wife but they will return soon. In Josys post those poor kids will soon lose some of their's. So folks give your loved ones a hug even if it's the dog but please don't try it on the goldfish! If you have no one then here a big hug from your CC family 💗 Take care everyone ❤️ 🙂
  21. Doing my best to get there and distracting my self with papers headlines... such as rubbing baboon poo onto a dianetics feet can cure ulcers?🥴 I wonder if it would work on my sore ribs?? Josy , why not have your jab in your sore arm that's got to be better than 2 sore arms ??
  22. Thanks Harry they rang me yesterday and then sent me a "how did I rate the treatment " questionnaire ??? I seem to be doing OK anyway. Thanks for posting Harry much appreciated. You take care 🙂
  23. Morning I hope everyone's OK. Had a glance yesterday and saw Josy and Graham had good results, also thanks for the good wishes, I see Harry posted as well but I can't find his post or mine ,possibly me using this phone, again thanks for the good wishes. Not much fun laid here in bed with a box of tissues.(That doesn't sound right does it ?) Try to post again later if I feel up to.it. Everyone take care 🙂
  24. Morning had a nice breakfast apart from that veggie thing impersonating a sausage. Soon swapped it for two real pork ones.😁 Have a nice day !
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