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Everything posted by SilkySal

  1. Question: We are on a B2B in October on Mariner. The first leg is just 5-nights, so no pre-cruise testing will be required. However, what about that 2nd leg for 8 nights? I assume that RCCL will perform that testing on-board? 🤞 TIA! Sal
  2. Another scenario: We're doing a B3B this October and will be changing rooms for each leg, which have different muster stations. Will we need to fill out the safety drill on the app for each leg? I assume we will but wanted to ask.
  3. Hey Ken, I also have an issue. We booked (on-line) the Odyssey next February to celebrate my birthday. I also booked 2 other rooms for our adult kids. This was back in November, 2021, before all the vaccine and testing requirements were in place. Our kids refuse to get any of the required shots, so I tried to cancel their reservations. Even though I booked them on-line and used my CC, the agent said that they would each need to call to cancel and, since it was a NRD, I would probably get nothing back. Yesterday, I wrote an email to RCI "contact info" explaining all of this and haven't heard back just yet. Wondering if you have any advice for our scenario? I think I owe you some $$ for all of the advice you've given me! TIA! Sal Oh, the agent also said that I should wait until RCI's new rules come out in September but I don't want to wait that long to cancel their rooms.
  4. Haha! Yep, I get it! Tom and I are doing ok. He just had a long stent placed in his heart due to 2 blocked arteries, one of which was 95% blocked (widow maker)! He just started some heart rehab therapy but says he feels a lot better. I'm dealing with a darn UTI, along with my usual weight issues, which has lead to not being able to walk very far or stand very long. I know, motion is lotion, but, that's pretty hard to do when pain is involved. No worries though cause I won't ever give up; one day at a time; one step at a time. We both still enjoy our cruises, even if we don't get off the ship as much! Been there, done that anyway! We enjoy those port days when most get off and we have the pools/hot tubs to ourselves! Hope we get to see you on another cruise! BTW, I love that picture of your view at home!! Absolutely beautiful!! Take care cruise buddy!! Sal
  5. We always like the free breakfasts at Johnny Rockets (on ships that have that). Not sure if they are even still doing that but will find out on our next cruise! If not, then we prefer the MDR to avoid the mob in the WJ.
  6. Before each cruise, I tell myself that I am going to stay up later to experience the night life on board. As of yet, I haven't been able to stay up later than 10pm. Guess I'll never know what happens after that.😏
  7. Ahh, I did not know that! I pre-booked CT for our anniversary in October on Mariner, which falls on the first day that we board as a surprise for DH. When we go to the restaurant, do you think we can apply the BOGO at that time and either get one dinner refunded or maybe get the 2nd night's dinner free? I don't want to cancel the pre-purchased reservation and wait until we board for fear that they may not have availability at CT for our anniversary. Thoughts? TIA!
  8. I usually buy the "refreshment package" which includes all (even frozen) no alcohol drinks. The Cafe Promenade makes a great caramel macchiato!!
  9. You might try this: https://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/royal-caribbean-cruises/cl/ Select Mariner of the Seas and then "cabins". Good luck!
  10. For Port Canaveral, we usually use the Radisson to stay one pre-night, park our vehicle there, and use their hotel shuttle to the port, just a few minutes away. Very easy!
  11. You will need passport, proof of vaccination, credit card info, and check-in info for your sea pass filled out on-line before you get to terminal (takes a bit longer if you don't do that beforehand). You are allowed 2 bottles (750ml) of wine per room to enjoy in your room. We don't stay up past midnight to sign in early; I just book my time whenever I get up that morning and usually get a morning time slot but it's up to you. Yes, I use my PC as well! Happy cruising!! Cheers!!
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