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Posts posted by Grammyceej

  1. I have this dress available if anyone could use it. It is a size 20W. The skirt has a built in crinoline for fullness.


    The bodice is black and the skirt is an iridescent dark blue with black undertones and beautiful ribbon embroidery.


    Love this dress, but am happy to say it's now too big for me. Now wearing size 16 dresses. Someone is going to get a pretty dress.



  2. I've been with my bank for more than 25 years, so I think I'll keep them. :) Yes, it was quite the dilemma for me when my bank called and had me come get the check as they couldn't/wouldn't accept it. I would really love to pass along some of my things, but it will have to be in the US only. I'm really sorry ladies. :( I work 10+ hours a day and have such limited time for weekday errands that it's easier to get the flat rate box/bag/envelope and go that route.


    Wow. And here I was going to go out of my way to wait till I'm planning a trip over the border to post my items so the recipient would pay cheaper postage. Maybe I just need to post my items for other Canadian recipients and save myself the hassles.

    How hard is it for a person to send a bank draft in US funds instead of a cheque?

  3. Thanks for the laugh Marie.


    I've several dresses and other items to post here, but shipping from Canada is expensive. So I will post closer to a trip across the border and mail things from Washington. I have never used flicker and don't know anything about the cruise critic app I see you all mention. Can someone please provide me more info on this cruise critic app for posting pictures?

  4. Me too, blind date! We will celebrate our 34th. anniversary in Nov. Best decision I ever made. :D


    Mine wasn't exactly a blind date, but in a sense it was I guess. Met my husband on the internet and I never saw a picture of him before meeting him. He did tell a big fib tho, told me he's 5'7", HA! Try 5' nothing! I'm 4 inches taller than him. We've now been married for 12 years!


    I'm loving the grandma stories. I miss both my grandma's like crazy. One of my fondest memories of my one grandma was the watermelons. Grandpa had a 4 and a half acre garden. Yep that's what I said. lol In the bottom corner he had watermelons. He'd come in at lunch time and announce "we should have a watermelon ready for picking tomorrow". After he was gone back to his garden and out of sight Grandma and I would take a knife and sneak to the bottom corner and sit under a tree and eat that watermelon, throwing the rinds over the fence into the creek. Next day Grandpa would come in with a puzzled look on his face, "I can't find that darn watermelon, it's just gone missing. I think the critters stole it." I always thought it was so funny that he never knew it was us. Of course now I'm certain he knew it all along and that's why he'd announce they were ready for picking, so Grandma and I could have our fun. No one else in the family ever did get any of his watermelon.

  5. I have to run to my daughter's home....we have a chance to see our grandchild during the week which is something that we don't have a chance to do often. I'm going to start with this....it's a size 22 tankini that's never worn, only tried on. I never got around to sending it back. I personally think it's on the larger side of 22. Comes with a sarong. Always thought it was awesome, but it just wouldn't work on me.





    Sure wish this were a size 18 or even size 20 maybe. I'm in desperate need of a new swim suit for our upcoming cruise and love this one. But the 22 is now too big for me, thus my reason for needing a new one.



  6. Really??? It was pretty obvious who it was meant for??



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    Well I guess I'm just ignorant then because I had NO clue who it was meant for and was quite taken back by it as all I've seen is kindness on this site. If it was meant for just one person than why do the rest of us need to be subjected to the negativity of it?



  7. This thread has given me an obsession with looking at dresses and figuring out out to take more cruises!!! I found this dress on eBay and sure hope I can win it!




    I think it is so cute! Probably too young for me but what the heck you only live once!



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    Beautiful Kim, hope you win it!! Can't wait to see pics of you in it.

  8. This is a BIG THANK YOU to Marie! :D Just received the gown today & couldn't wait to show it off. It's just BEAUTIFUL & my DH loves it too. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Marie for being so generous. Can't wait to wear it on our cruise in Nov./Dec. :) Would love to some day meet Marie in person.


    Stunning! Marie has got to be the classiest lady on earth, it's amazing that she is extending that same class on to so many others. You look radiant in this gown Judy.

  9. Bad news. Two days ago I used the self service machine when the line was too long to ship all shoes and Christi’s package. I just checked; you are not going to receive your package until next week. Sorry :D. I have your tracking number; email me if you want it.


    Maureen, Margaret, Amy, Kathy, Judy and Kim. I shipped your package this morning; in person :), you should get it on Saturday.




    Marie, I'm surprised they don't have a special window just for you at the post office with all the package you ship. lol



  10. Hi CJ, I am notorious in my family for getting motion sickness. What has worked for me is over the counter Bonine. I take it before bed every night and it does the trick. I will start taking it on Monday night so it's in my system by the time I board the airplane on Wednesday. If the seas are rough, then I take an extra pill during the day. "Planes, trains, automobiles, or ships, if it moves she will get sick" said on numerous occasions by my dad. :eek:




    Lisa I've not heard of that one, will look for it on our next trip to Washington (tomorrow maybe). Thanks! Oh does it cause drowsiness? I don't want to sleep thru my cruise. lol



  11. Happy Hump day :).

    Yay... my list of things to do is getting a bit shorter. I just booked an Alaska cruise for next year. We met Dennis and Anne on the last year cruise. We became good friends. They will be joining us on the next year cruise. After the cruise they will be staying with us ten days to see the sites, then we will drive to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, Yellowstone, Seattle then to BC for our 14 day cruise to Alaska. Our first time to Alaska; I am very excited. The most important things to do on my list is to renew my husband's passport and add pages to my. I better get my ass moving :D.




    Sounds like a wonderful holiday. Have you been to BC before? It is such a beautiful province in which I live! You will have to share which Alaska ship and day you are going on, I'll go down to the seawall and wave as you go by!! That is if your cruise is leaving from Vancouver!

    Love our passport services here in Canada, it only took 10 days for my husband to get his new one.



  12. Oceania is a small ship, which means I might get seasick. I lose weight when I take seasickness pills:D. It worked for me in the past three cruises:).


    I started the Ketogenic diet yesterday to lose the four pounds I gained from the surgery. This diet is working best for me.



    Do you have a bell? Or should I get you one?










    I know off the topic of recycled clothing, however, Marie what do you take for seasickness? I get sick on any cruise where I can't see land, so know I'll be needing something for our cruise to Bermuda in 57 days! I do have a pair of wrist bands, but thinking pills would work better.



  13. That happened to me with a dress and pair of shoes from Marie. I feel so terrible about it (especially since she would not let me reimburse her for the postage) I've pretty much decided I won't ask for anything on here again unless I can GUARANTEE that I'll be home when the package is delivered. I travel a lot for work (and this year have been also traveling a lot to get my Iowa house ready for sale, thank goodness I have an accepted offer now so hopefully only one more drive up there for me) so that likely means no dresses for me until after I retire! :(


    It's really hard to believe that people would do that when they have absolutely no idea what's in the packages.


    I don't know where you work of course, but any chance you could have your packages delivered to your work? Or have the sender to include "signature required" on the package and pay that little bit extra when reimbursing them for their shipping costs.



  14. I need to clean out closets. Both clothes and shoes. Who would be interested in sizes 14-22 and size 10 shoes? Might even have some med & lg tops. Seems like most women on here wears either a lot smaller or larger than these sizes and not many in the middle. Maybe it would be helpful to start a thread and give sizes that we are looking for?


    I wear size 16 or 18 depending how it's made. Aim to be a solid size 16 by cruise in October (two personal trainers should help me get there). Depending on width, I wear either a 9.5 or a 10 shoe. So I'd certainly be interested.



  15. I agree. I also think it would be nice that the one that receives the check for the postage let's the person know that it was received. JMO ;)


    This I totally agree with. I sent a bank draft for postage and have no clue if it was ever received at the other end. How long do I need to hold onto the receipt for the bank draft? I could have sent a cheque, but being in Canada I felt a bank draft in American funds was the better way to go, but now I've no way of tracking it like a cheque.


  16. I'm no expert, but I do know shipping is usually more expensive going from US to Canada and obviously not as convenient because you can't just use a priority box.


    I got a huge case of USPS priority padded flat rate envelopes today that I ordered on usps.org. So any items that are small and light (like a blouse or skirt or anything that you can squeeze in there) will go for one low rate and if you buy the postage at usps, they add the delivery confirmation for tracking free!




    Standard first class would be somewhere between $15 and $20 probably. Depends on the weight of course but I'm guessing a pair of shoes to be around 2 pounds. That $40.95 price is international priority.



  17. Lisa and Sharon, I've been to my PO Box and I am now the proud owner of 3 gorgeous dresses. Lisa the one from you fits perfectly and I work it to work with a ton of compliments. Sharon the two from you I can get on but a little snug, I'm certain they will be perfect by cruise time. I love every single one of my new dresses. Will be sending payment off to both of you on Monday. I can't thank either of you enough.

  18. So here I am, elegant night one, wearing a dress I got from Lisa and earrings I got from Sheri. Got several compliments on both. :)

    Just got home from our cruise an hour or so ago. Reading through posts and trying to catch up. Laundry will have to wait! So glad to see your news, Sheri. God is good ... all the time.

    Hope to hear equally great news from Marie ... haven't gotten wedding pictures back yet but her/my shoes are well represented in those photos and I'll post one asap!

    God bless all of you!



    Judy, you look stunning!!!!! Love your dress.

  19. Also here is the dress I decided to order over the weekend to cheer me up - it should be here tomorrow - Hope it fits. I got it off Amazon is it by Ever Pretty - never tried them but was worth a shot for the price as it was black, sexy and figured would pack well for the cruise.






    Figured it was cheap enough and of course how could I pass up another black dress (make that number 40 or so - lol)


    And this is the model not me - I am blonde but again dress should be here tomorrow


    So it is way past my bed bedtime to need to turn in in a few





    I hope your's works out for you Sharon. I bought one from Ever Pretty and no matter how much weight I lose I don't see it every being possible that I'll be able to wear it. The girls are just always going to be too much for the way this dress is made. I'm sure mine will be going up on here in the near future.

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