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Everything posted by harbourside

  1. Does anyone know if you can use the same email address for my husband and my visa.
  2. Yes, I am on Viking. Other cruise lines do it on board, but Viking says no, but I have heard from others that they have done it, but I cannot take the risk. I may have to pay to have someone to do it for me.
  3. I just went into the official website and started the process. I was quite surprised when my photo and passport went it without being rejected, but as I did not get to the end , who knows if it was right. This is starting to look like a nightmare.
  4. I did 3 practice runs and when I got to the end (everything seemed to be accepted) it came up INTERNAL ERROR each time.
  5. I have done a practice run on trying to apply for visa. Three times when I have got to the finish with all photos accepted, it comes up with INTERNAL SERVER PROBLEM. Anyone else had this problem.
  6. When they ask for address staying at what do you put. We are in Komodo first then Bali???? Does the site accept port addresses???
  7. Wish they would drop the visa requirement. Dropped it for USA. Why not for Aussies and NZ
  8. Where did you board you Viking cruise ship. I am going on a Sydney to Sydney 32 cruise, with Komodo and Bali as stops. (I am from NZ). From what I have heard from over people getting it on line is a nightmare. I did not thing Viking would get Visas. How did you arrange that.
  9. Why the two copies of passport and photo. Do you also have to attach cruise itinerary?? Sounds like a nightmare
  10. Will be interested in hearing if you have any problems applying for visa. I am also on a Circumnavigation cruise in January but with Viking.
  11. I hope that is not true. I will be on 32 day cruise so would be impossible.
  12. I am in New Zealand, so presume it would be the same for Australians. My cruise has a stop in Komodo and Bali. (32 day Circumnavigation). Sydney to Sydney. Can we get Visa on Arrival in port, or would Viking not allow us on board in Sydney without a visa. I thought this visa for Australians and New Zealanders was to be suspended. Obviously has not happened.
  13. With Vikings substantial increases in price, food should be better. Buffet is always good, but The Restaurant is a bit of a let down. Should be better at this price point. The Chefs Table is fine, Manfreddis is nothing special. I still keep rebooking Viking, but will look at Scenic,Oceania or Seabourn next.
  14. We will be on the Venus in January for 32 days. I hope we will be able to watch some movies without it being so frustrating to hear. It was on Mars that we had the problem.
  15. We have no hearing problems, but could barely hear the movies on TV, when set at maximun volume. From what I have read, the TV volume is preset.
  16. Thanks. I don't have to take out insurance until I pay my final account which is not until September. 4 months in New Zealand not 12 months like America. I was just getting quotes, and I cannot believe how they can be so different, some by several thousand, and there is no medical excess involved.
  17. I am going on Vikings 32day Australian cruise which includes Bali 6 hours and Komodo 30 hours. I Cover has told me I have to include these to stops, don't count as stopover as is it is a cruise. The policy goes from $916.07 to $1804.52 nearly doubling the policy. This is NZ dollars . Any one have better luck with other Insurance companies
  18. Is seafood a rare treat on Azamara. I look forward to having Lobster, scallops, prawns, etc on a cruise. My favourite is the crab served on Viking buffet every evening. My husband does not eat crustaceans, so could not care less if unavailable .
  19. I have only ever been offered red or white wine as the included wine (except welcome drink and captains evenings which was sparkling). Should also offer Rose as included.
  20. Thanks. Sides sound like a step up. Hope we have this menu in January .Australian Circumnaviagion 32 days. Also, hope the hamburgers have reverted back to the ones you had, and not the cardboard discs others have complained about.
  21. What I was trying to find out if the #5 menu also others sides and if they differ from previous menu versions.
  22. I have. Not listed. Previous Mandredi's menus have always had a selection of vegetable sides.
  23. Do they still have a selection of side dishes, potatoes,vegetables ????
  24. Is this the new normal for burgers. No more thick juicy burgers. Looked forward to having a burger. Why dumb down the burgers. With the new price increases, food should be improving, not getting worse.
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