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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. A wonderful British sit-com [Keeping up Appearances] with a social climbing utter snob [Mrs Bucket -self pronounced as Bouquet] as the central character who to her utter chagrin has a b in l, Onslow, who has been described in programme blurb as a ''loveable slob''. No Onslows around, but Mrs Buckets? ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. I always see what folk are wearing, but I don't always notice.
  3. Sorry, my mark out of ten comment was confined to daytime. I too notice evening wear if it's a little wow'ish.
  4. Excellent. I hope you come back and tell us if you enjoyed the cruise on my very favourite ship. We are all entitled to our own opinions but when aspirational opinions are given as the way forward, then I'm afraid I have to stick my oar in and having well over 270 nights on QV, I think I have a little experience of the QV way of life. Lovely to dress for dinner but don't worry at all about day time wear. No one will be giving you marks out of ten!!๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Well. to be fair, if I've been out in the sun, I do shower and change before lunch and also, a cup of tea in PG but the talked about liveried staff stuff affecting level of dress is outdated. old fashioned and completely out of touch with the reality of life onboard Cunard ships and quite frankly, gives the incorrect impression to those thinking of giving Cunard a try. The restaurant staff wear a uniform. Said uniform harks back to years gone by which is lovely as Cunard has tradition and it's rather nice to ''dress'' for dinner but in no way will any uniform dictate day time wear on a Cunard ship. Cunard are not out to emulate The Royal Yacht Britannia and one is most definitely not lunching with HRH. ๐Ÿ™‚ That saying of course, those who wish to dress to a Royal Yacht standard are perfectly at liberty to do so but the reality is quite different.
  6. Ah, no slap needed. I'm so used to being in the wrong with some members, I take posts at face value. Derr!๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  7. Come on, this is the Cunard board, Let's go posh with Cruise Critiquers ๐Ÿ˜€
  8. There is definitely a marked structural difference between a liner and a cruise ship but their main functions are the same. Vacations. There will be ''jeaners'' [my new favourite word ๐Ÿ™‚] on both just as there will be Lakesregioners on both. My parents, avid world cruise Cunarders, would definitely have been Lakesregioners but equally, would have welcomed and accepted all manners of dress which lay within any given boundaries, without comment or question. Both sets are correct and neither are wrong. ๐Ÿ™‚ I spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends in Boston years ago. What an occasion. Enjoy tomorrow ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿฅ‚ and that goes for all the American members of this lovely board.
  9. I can understand the colouring but no, it wasn't David Gower. Unfortunately! ๐Ÿ™
  10. My claim to a totally inconsequential addition is, I have never had a bread roll on Cunard! However, my very slim husband makes up for it. Has to be plain white at lunchtime and cheesy for dinner. We were seated on one occasion with a celebrity guest speaker who managed two or three rolls before the first dinner course. Every day! My lips are sealed! ๐Ÿ˜„
  11. Of course they're not. Jeans was the initial catalyst and then the word ''slovenly'' was introduced. Your ''but'' is definitely true but only goes to compliment my comment.
  12. indiana123 M&S have some black sparkly/metallic joggers. Dress to impress girl!!!๐Ÿ˜€
  13. Your opinion is different to most but that doesn't mean our opinions are down market. The world is changing and in order to survive, Cunard is changing with it. If there really are still ''those who know different'' as far as vacation day wear is concerned then they have very little thought for the future of Cunard. Almost selfish really.
  14. The conveyor you mention is primarily a holiday ship, albeit a liner and if the presence of liveried staff and fine dining, although sushi or a salad for lunch however lovely the surroundings and well dressed the staff doesn't constitute fine dining for me, gives the need to imagine the ship is akin to a modern day Downton Abby set, then fine. Luckily, those who those who appreciate the Cunard uniform but realise it's just part of ''the show'' have a more easy going approach to their vacation and realise the world [Cunard in this case] is theirs to relax and enjoy as they wish during the day with the added bonus of dressing for dinner, fine dining or spag bol from the galley! You and I will never agree but it's fun disagreeing with you. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Luckily, the more worldly members of Cunard's clientele are well versed in modern dress and are aware jeans, preferably the non sliced variety but that's just my pickiness, whilst not necessarily great garments for gardening, are most definitely part of daytime vacation wear from ultra luxury resort hotels to humble shacks on the beach and so are perfectly acceptable vacation day time wear on Cunard ships, none of which are in the ultra luxury category.
  16. Hair dryers are permitted. I don't bother as I find the provided one adequate, but I could bring one if I wanted to.
  17. I've only been in one QV shortie and that was years ago but my feeling at the time was passengers definitely dressed up. What to wear depends on your interpretation of evening dresses. As you are up for it, I would say cocktail wear for the non Gala nights [all of them] and long [if you have long] for the Gala. You won't be out of place. Enjoy. She's our favourite ship. ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. I am quite aware of the point of your enquiry. The comment you quoted was not addressed to you. My reply to you explained my take on Cunard dress. During the day, vacation wear can rule and that includes jeans. Blue denim in my case as well as white denim. You may call it slovenly. I prefer to call it vacation wear. Come the evening, I will scrub up more than most passengers although my figure does not lend itself to lithe couture. Not all passengers will wish to dress for dinner or indeed., the evening but they are vastly outnumbered, by those who do and in any case, there are a few areas of the ship where those who choose not to follow any suggested evening codes, can go. If you don't want to be near those who choose not 'to dress'. then stay away from those areas. During the day however, you're pretty much up the creek without a paddle as jeans are ''allowed'' anywhere on the ship!
  19. Forgive me, but not every single passenger wishes 'to dress''. For those who do, the opportunity is there. For those who don't, there are areas of the ship where they can go.
  20. A cruise is a holiday. Even resort five * hotels have denim wearing guests during the day. That doesn't mean the evenings on QM2 aren't glammed up affairs for those who want to ''dress''. It just means the day time isn't stuffy. ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. We don't travel QM2 but although I don't wear tees, I'd definitely have no problem wearing [blue denim] jeans in the dining room at lunchtime.
  22. Don't know about a blanket ''Grills' comment, but unless things have changed, they still had the domed cheese cart in QG in August.
  23. Cunard are excellent with disabled guests but they make it quite clear before booking, there are details to attend to first with respect to some mobility aids before that booking goes ahead. If that had been adhered to, then the 'debacle' wouldnโ€™t have happened. I think this is true of a few cruise lines so Cunard are not alone there. Some airlines require prior notification too when motorised accessories are involved and an experienced traveller will be aware of this. However, that doesnโ€™t excuse the misinformation given on the phone and I would definitely cascade that up the customer service chain as a a complaint, either before or after your cruise as some retraining is required there
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