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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I have no idea what negative, awkward confrontations you refer to but with hundreds of nights in QG under our belts, I think it insulting to the staff to suggest a bribe will raise service levels. The staff are eager to please and will almost fall over themselves to help in any way and to reward service after the event is of course up to an individual should they wish to show appreciation. Of course there will be occasional anomalies in levels of service but to bribe beforehand is almost saying ''I don't think your regular service will be good enough'' which in my book is demeaning.
  2. I totally agree although if I have the cabin I want, I couldn't care less if the price drops, but when one is tracking a fare, it's impossible not to notice the fluctuations, as discussed on this thread.
  3. Or the change would have been affected anyway without the bribe if a table was available On one cruise, our selves and another couple had had enough of our table companions by the second evening and we both moved onto tables for two. The tables were available and no bribe was required.
  4. Fluid pricing is getting very fluid. The fare is up by thousands, per person now and that's including any early booking discount. It will be very interesting to see what happens when the pre launch interest period of grace is over. Al a bit of a gamble isn't it! 🙂
  5. I like to think a bribe [as you seem to be inferring that is what was given] would have no bearing whatsoever on the given or exchanged table position and to imply otherwise is highly speculative and unfair.
  6. I 100% agree and would dearly hope the M'ds are professional enough to ignore such a blatant attempt to influence. As an aside, we witnessed an almost tantrum last August when a passenger didn't get a window seat. Really amusing.
  7. To be clear ''thousands'' refers to the cabin price, not fare pp.
  8. buchanan101 is quite correct. I know at least one instance where the price has gone up by thousands. Edit, I know because I'm tracking three cruises as I registered our interest and the launch price is held for us until the 15th so we must decide by then if we want the launch price.
  9. Those of us who want specific cabins, have to book asap and settling for ''second best'' doesn't work which is why we never have the opportunity to wait for a price reduction. The plus side is, the cabins we choose often rocket up in price so that's kind of satisfying! 👍
  10. We didn't have a notifying card either this August, but were very happy with our table position. There seem to be quite a few two tops on the QA deck plan, the window having thirteen but as we know, layouts are for display purposes only and are always subject to change, depending on passenger requirements. It's easy to see which tables on are designated ''best'' on QV/E as soon as you walk in the restaurant. Hopefully, the ''best'' ones on QA will be away from immediate passenger footfall.
  11. I presume you meant, unusual. However, I have no experience of PG so can't express an opinion.
  12. Golly. That's awful. I think words would have been said if that had ever happened to us. It hasn't by the way.
  13. Thought I'd have to attack the Pol whatsit in August, but luckily, supplies were delivered in time. Not as quick as previous trips though!
  14. My apologies. I don't know how many grades there are within BC.
  15. I think cabin selection has a lot to do with ''table hierarchy''.
  16. Ordering in advance has never been available to us but we have also had Peronis stacked up on the counter. Like you, never had a problem with our requests.
  17. The term I heard was 'It'll be a bunfight''! I think that's slang for ''gosh, I think there will be a lot of interest''!😀
  18. Got our first choice of cabin so happy bunnies here. Now looking at the next trip to book before the prices go up.
  19. One of our bits of pre-cruise research was to make sure the treatment was available onboard. The NHS criteria is, and I have no idea if this has changed as we haven't had need to test the system, strict re Covid anti-virals. My husband has a special test kit and then numbers to call should he have caught the virus. As non vulnerable, I would not have been afforded the same conduit.
  20. Well I thought fancy dental work when I first read your comment, regal crowns being outside my experience [well dental crowns are too but a crown is a tooth thingy in my crowd]. I too join the select band of the unsurveyed!🙂
  21. It does. Hence my amusement at the listing for a Cunard Gala evening.
  22. Of course. That goes without saying. Unfortunately, that does not mean all passengers will be sensible.
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