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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Admittedly, our last hotel stay was pre Covid, in '19 but rooms still utilised the key card system and I'm not aware things have changed. I for one, will not be wearing any kind of tech to enter my room and any chitty wil be paid from my pocket, be it a card or, heavens forbid, some kind of techie thingy.
  2. In all seriousness now, there isn't a cat in hell's chance I would wear a medallion, anywhere. Lanyards are bad enough [that's me being polite about them] but wearing a bit of tech like a medallion is far worse. It would go in a pocket so what's the difference between a card in a pocket and a bit of tech in a pocket? Cards any time over more tech stuff.
  3. No wrist band wanted here either, well not unless it's incorporated in a Graff, diamond encrusted platinum bangle. So that's a no from me then! 😁
  4. Well to be fair, hopefully most passengers will have read the memo re dress advice. 🙂 However, that word 'enjoy'. Enjoyment is paramount. I remember on one World Cruise [segments, not the full Monty] seeing a few elderly ladies sitting knitting one evening on the outside seats of the Queens Room, chatting and thoroughly enjoying the ship's ambiance. They were most definitely dressed for what some might defined as 'a cosy night in', slippers and all. Bearing in mind this was well before dress code tweaks, the Fashion Police would not have been Happy Bunnies if they had caught sight of the knitting gang, but we smiled as it was so nice to see them obviously enjoying themselves.
  5. A gentleman will emerge from the Dark Side? Is this comment for real or did you forget a smilie or something? If it's pukka and not tongue in cheek [hope it is 🙂], we obviously don't have the same mindset as to what constitutes a gentleman.
  6. No as it's a tad difficult to squash into my rucksack and who wants to walk around with a full sized umbrella? I certainly don't. 🙂
  7. With respect [don't you just love that phrase!😁] if Mr carlsbadbruin is prepared to carry on with their booking in spite of the discovered dress codes so that, I imagine, his wife will enjoy the cruise, as it would have been so easy to cancel I would say he HAS thought about his wife and less about himself. Reading the last sentence of #1 and further comments, I doubt they will upset those who are 'concerned', in any way. 🙂
  8. I'm British. An umbrella, a cagoule and a pashmina [wrap] are essentials and are always kept in my suitcase, for the next trip. 🙂
  9. Well said and my addition to the first highlighted comment, ' it would have no effect on our enjoyment of the evening'.
  10. Thankfully, most passengers who choose to travel Cunard have manners and so there will be no disdain and there will be no laughter. OK, slight correction there, plenty of laughter but not directed at fellow passengers.🙂
  11. No need to phone through. The conditions are all clearly laid out on the Cunard site.
  12. and just bear in mind, if you want to book a non adapted cabin in order to house your electric scooter, the available cabins on Cunard are all within Grills' categories which for a solo, means 200% fare payable.
  13. Yes, scooters are allowed but with certain restrictions. This has been asked many times and has caught a couple of people out as they didn't either read the T&C for disabled travel or chose to think because their transport was small and foldable, it would be accepted in any cabin..Not true. A designated cabin has to be booked for scooter usage, accessible and a few non accessible cabins. This link will help https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/the-cunard-experience/accessibility/accessible-staterooms If you go into it, click on the non-accessible staterooms on the appropriate ship and you can find the list of cabins/numbers which will be appropriate for scooters. May I add, there are ways around this. Foldable wheelchairs are OK for any cabin and strangely enough, that includes some foldable power chairs too so all the advantages of electric transport but can go in any cabin. 🙂
  14. A jacket, leisure or more tailored, will be worn by a good proportion of the chaps [mine included] on non Gala nights but it is no longer a requirement. A dress shirt and Chinos will be perfectly acceptable.
  15. Correct name and cabin number on the bar chitty, incorrect signature/name on the signage and we were in a different bar at the time. It was a considerable amount and the person who signed it probably just looked at the amount and no other details and signed his/her name. One reason why I like the paper trail of receipts. Easy to see the whole picture if it goes pear shaped.
  16. Victoria2


    We drank it!!😄
  17. Victoria2


    I will let you know. Will hopefully, give a bit of a commentary in a week or so's time.
  18. I don't think its terribly difficult to follow now. It's just that so many regulars disagree with the tweaks and poke holes in them and when offering their opinions, make their own take sound almost fact rather than an opinion. Disagree yes [and I wish it were the three codes of yesteryear] but be accurate when answering questions,
  19. Victoria2

    Pol Aker?

    I think you're right but we have enough alcohol in the cabin so we usually leave it as we have a fridge fairy who keeps me topped up with Gin and Sauvignon Blanc. As an aside, I wouldn't dream of taking either out of the cabin for consumption around the ship apart from the occasional contribution to a cabin party somewhere.
  20. Victoria2

    Pol Aker?

    No idea as we usually leave it unopened in the cabin but, if it's as dreadful as most seem to think it is [it's drinkable, especially with fresh orange juice] I would have thought not many would 'dare' to be seen in public with a it!😄
  21. ballroom-cruisers You are quite right. The topic takes prime debate spot with another issue folk have strong views on but 'we' are here to help and answer queries, and if a specific simple answer is available, then that it's up to us to give that answer. If we wish to embellish with our own opinions fine, but not without giving the correct answer if there is one and in this case, whatever the majority of us wish to see, there is a simple answer to 'optional Gala' and that is, it's optional and up to individuals to follow, or not, just as Gala themes are up to anyone to follow, or not.
  22. The word at the root of some queries on this thread is 'optional'. To answer, again, optional means a choice is there and it's up to individuals to make a decision so #38 bravojulietcharlie, no-one can/should be turned away from any venue if not dressed in the Gala choice.
  23. This is an optional Gala night [never come across that term before] There will be many passengers dressed to the nines and we would be amongst them. However, the key word is the adjective, optional. Optional in my book means available but up to each individual to choose and I would interpret that as meaning smart casual [hate that term] will be acceptable. I'm open to be corrected. 🙂
  24. We did this itinerary [West Med early Sept] Sept '19 on QV. It was hot. My advice would be to pack for heat and take a fleece for the end of the journey and a pashmina for possible cooler nights or if you feel the aircon, unkind.
  25. A little anecdote re disabled passengers and tours. By golly can some rush in order to bag front seats. Bad leg? What bad leg!!!🤣
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