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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. OK. I completely agree Cunard ships are not in the luxury category and bearing in mind I am not talking about QM2 here as I haven't experienced QG there, I defy you to argue the top cabins in the refitted QV and those on QA can't compete with 'the best' on the true luxury lines. Add the restaurant into the mix and I think you'd have a pretty luxurious time so please, don't say Cunard isn't on a par with luxury full stop in QG until you've tried it yourself. It's a pretty neat experience. 😃
  2. Sorry, behind the times. Similar artwork on display in a lift, stairway B in May. The artist must have done a job lot! 🙃
  3. Don't fret about themes. I happen to dress to black and white as I have so many black long dresses. Other than that, couldn't give a toss about any themes.
  4. The Cunard advisories are what they are and in our experience, the majority of the ship follows them and as anyone can black tie it every night if they want to, no need to elevate anything.
  5. or just as important, pick up the gossip in one of the passenger laundrettes.
  6. Which thread were you talking about? I know the comparison thread you started had at least one inaccuracy in it which to be fair, you acknowledged.
  7. Well of course it is. This IS Cunard after all! 😄
  8. Don't even begin to apologise as there is absolutely NOTHING to apologise for. NO ONE who comments on this forum has anything to apologise for. Opinions are opinions and if we disagree, we say we do. Vehement disagreeing whilst expressing opposing viewpoints, is often fun [and passes the time when laid up with a bad back!!] and if that's seen as squabbling fine. Usual mantra, don't like it then don't read it.🙂
  9. I think it's an accepted fact the number of folk who contribute to the posts on this forum are a [very] minute percentage of Cunard passengers and therefore do not represent any main Cunard thinking but if the comments help just a couple of newbies, then fine by me. As for squabbling...makes for great viewing figures so some folk must like 'the action'! 😅
  10. Ah, didn’t look at the MDR but there again, I love QV's decor.
  11. Just to clarify, 'slob' is a term hopefully [hence the word apparently] used in jest here and was not the reality of our QA experience.
  12. Cunard and feeling posh when sailing with their ships? I kept out of this initially as I'm sure my post would have been removed! 😄 Cunard is isn't posh unless you call changing for dinner, posh and unless all cruising is deemed a middle class way of having a holiday, it's not middle class either. It's a cruise line without the bells and whistles of some of the more 'exuberant' lines, with good food, pleasant company and great daily programmes; caring staff and three ships with elegant surroundings. edit the fourth ship being slightly different from her sisters and I can't call her elegant, more akin to 'of today'! Still lovely staff and fellow passengers tho' and loads to do without the need of water slides etc.
  13. Hey, you're in the bubble. That was where our table for six to eight was on QV pre Covid. Best restaurant view on the ship
  14. As I said, cap fits and all that but thank you for 'respecting' my comment even if you disagree with me. 😀
  15. The lifts are fine if there's someone to hold the door but a wheelchair user would have to be a paralympic sprinter if on the wrong side of the lobby to get to an empty lift before the doors close. The timing however, meets regulations so it is what it is. We can't say we particularly like QA as such but she's OK and has plus points [as well as minuses] although as has been said, she's too big but we can't shrink her. She's definitely not awful but I wouldn't be joining in any discussion on Annie if the Vistas were in town but as we can't book the cabins we'd like on Mary [one of the reasons I don't like her], it is what it is and now having sussed her out in May, look forward to great cruises in the future...well at least until '27 when I hope Victoria comes back to homeport in Southampton.
  16. Not at all. The respect for all was aimed at those who look down on some with regards to dress. Nothing more, nothing less. Anachronistic referred to the idea of a cruise line living in the past. If you want to extrapolate that to involve passengers, if the cap fits and all that, feel free. As to your point i, what's wrong with it? It's a fact those who can no longer cruise won't be worried what others wear. I could have said those who will no longer be with us but decided that was a bit 'much'! 😃 Let's get one thing straight. I love dressing for dinner My husband always wears a jacket and has never ever let the chair wear it even when encouraged to do so in years gone by when the air-con couldn't cope We ALWAYS dress to our standards of ten years ago [well apart from a tie occasionally] but I want Cunard to be around in years to come and sailing pretty full. To do that they have had to accommodate changes. Like it or lump it, the Cunard of the past has changed and yes, the 'old' Cunard will be seen as an example of cruising in the Golden era and even the early years of this century will be mourned by me along with many others but it will also be seen as an anachronism in years to come.
  17. It IS entertaining isn't it. 😄 I would go further and say 'the discerning cruiser' wouldn't actually 'own' that phrase, in print or otherwise.
  18. What I find hard to understand is the fact those who bang on about standards are falling re dress codes, is that without the changes and bearing in mind I preferred the old three codes of yesteryear, there will be no Cunard in a few years time as folk won’t book to sail on an anachronism. Now that won’t bother those who are getting on and who won’t physically be able to cruise in a few years time but selfishly, it would bother me. Yes the youngsters like to scrub up for a Gala night but put on jacket and maybe a tie on other evenings ? Don’t think so. Those who want to do that, can. Those who don’t want to, don’t. Best of both worlds and those newbies who hesitate to book Cunard for the first time due to what they thought was a required onerous dress style will have no worries about pretentious Fashion Police who don't actually exist onboard, looking down their noses in print at anyone's attire just because they followed advisories. Respect for all and here's to another decade or more for us personally, on Cunard.
  19. Wanting to be amongst the first had nothing to do with our booking, It was the availability of a Cunard ship which wasn't QM2 and I do wonder if that was the thinking of many others. I hope there will be children on the mid summer sailings. They will certainly be welcome as far as we're concerned.
  20. Having visited Iceland a few times so far, summer on cruises and once in Dec on a land based trip, the weather can be very mild in the summer and sitting out on deck, a very pleasant experience.
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