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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I'm not a fan of QM2 and have no QG experience with her and doubt I ever will but I have of the rest of the Cunard fleet and I find it hard to take that the Cunard flagship has a QG standard which falls below her sisters. Not acceptable. Food. If a hot dish, it should be served hot. If it isn't ask the Head Waiter over and ask why it's not. It happened to me last year and the meal was whisked away and a replacement brought. It took time and my husband had finished his entrรฉe but I got a hot meal. I also asked if I could have a magnifying glass one meal so I could find my filet mignon. That too got whisked away and two brought for me. Freshly cooked although I say cooked but as I have mine blue so it didn't take long. No one will spit in your meal and if no one points out issues, they can't be rectified. Each meal, there are items common to all menus which is why some dishes in the buffet will be the same as QG menu. The difference being however, is the range of choice in the various restaurants. Ask for the following day's menu the night before and if nothing floats your boat, ask for what you'd like. It's no trouble and it's part of the dining experience. That goes for starters, entrรฉes and puds. Whatever you want, if the ingredients are on the ship, you can have it as long as you let the head Waiter know in advance [hence asking for the following day's menu ๐Ÿ™‚]. Cabin QM2 is 'old' and a few questions on this forum would have prepared you. Neither of the Vistas have usb ports as standard and I wouldn't have expected Mary to have either and would have gone prepared, mind you, we were caught out last year when expecting deck 6 aft cabins to have ports, and they didn't but that's another issue. We keep the bathroom light on so can't comment on night lights, and hangers? Can't stand 'those' so would try and get some 'proper' hangers if there are any on the ship. The butler is there to help in any way he/sh can. I usually ask for more padded hangers for delicate items although on Annie, I had more than enough this year. Basically, don't let 'things' fester. Ask, ask and ask again. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. We wouldn't dream of booking long haul without a Cunard flight included in our booking but I realise that's not popular. Why not ask your agent before you book or if you book direct, ask before confirming your booking.
  3. I have been told just because the Captain isn't on the ship doesn't mean they are on holiday. Bear in mind Captain Thorhauge will have been 'at the helm' for more than the previous three cruises. They share the Captaincy of Queen Anne.
  4. You've heard of the Tooth Fairy and her band of fellow fairies [we have her best friend, Fridge Fairy], well you've just come across Window Fairy! ๐Ÿ˜ Enjoy and can I suggest once you get to the Fjords, have a camera or phone with you at all times, including meals [although I can forgo any food photos, thx] because guaranteed, when you don't have it with you is when you want to photograph something. That's how I caught a water spout on camera last year when in the Baltic!
  5. Ketchikan is supposedly 'the wettest city in the US' and on our three visits, it has been a bit damp. We split up the last time we were there. He wasn't feeling great so he went to the lumberjack show on the pier and I went kayaking in the Tongass National Park. Amazing.
  6. The White Pass is a wonderful trip, as are any flights -helicopter/float or four seater plane- but my advice would be to book these as soon as they become available on your cruise personaliser as most specialized trips have a set number of passengers places available. Most are quite/reasonably expensive but how many times will you be visiting Alaska and that's what we thought on our first trip thirty odd years ago so we packed in the lot ๐Ÿ˜€. If I remember correctly, you'll need your passport for the White Pass trip.
  7. How exciting. Hopefully a few thoughts and possibly differing views on the same cruise. Have a great time all of you.๐Ÿ™‚
  8. As long as it's ready, which is usually the case when boarding commences, assistance will take them to their cabin.
  9. We have sailed Alaska at the end of August and the weather was beautiful. Warm and sunny. You won't get snow and it won't be cold and you won't need a heavy coat but rain and sunshine will be on the cards so weather is very much luck of the draw. Think layers; think a fleece and a kagoul and add summer clothes to the mix and you'll be fine.
  10. We had deck 4 3s booked on a few Covid cancelled cruises just for the added balcony depth. I think on sunny cruises, if we were to book any 3s again [we won't] we'd def. go for deck 4 3s as you have the best of both worlds, sun and shade although the 'open' bit is overlooked but who cares, so good choice. ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. We used to book the 3s because of their lift proximity before my new knee allowed me the run of ships. I would say if there is any difference re sq ft between the 4s and 3s on the Vistas, it's microscopic.
  12. You're in safe hands! Sandro was M d' on QV pre Covid and is terrific. Mind you, Raul who I think he swapped with is also terrific. The Penthouses do seem a little 'cluttered' but they are mid ships which many folk like.Unless the ship has been re fitted, I wouldn't say the counter top over the fridge is huge although QV's has a sink combined too whereas QE doesn't which accounts for the surface area. We found the hanging space more than acceptable too. You'll get used to it. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. I made this point a while back as my husband has quite a reaction to animal fur, even when the animal isn't around. Not anaphylactic grade but definitely swollen/streaming eyes and streaming nose. We wouldn't be 'very happy' at all if that occurred. I'm guessing some kind of high grade specialist cleaning would have to be undertaken before the next occupants could move in.
  14. A few of the fjords in Norway gave a few connection issues in the past. Will the new system surmount those problems Pushpit ?
  15. Or better still, in our experience, come to share your table! ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. We were on a table for eight adjacent to the galley on our very first Cunard cruise. We knew no better other than the table was most definitely at the back and out of the way. Being grateful for the whole experience, it didn't begin to dawn on us we were 'at the worst table'. Our table mates were such good fun and we enjoyed every second of their company but then, our glass is always more than half full. Experience showed us other tables and as we climbed the ladder of being regulars, being appreciated by the staff and also our cabin grade, we were seated 'elsewhere'. Most folk not in top tier cabins start somewhere, in QG for us, and hopefully, like us, appreciate being on such an amazing ship, in a fabulous restaurant and have a wonderful time. buchanan101 will have a great time I'm sure. ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Not a chance. My instant coffee from home is a perfectly acceptable cabin coffee as long as I have enough milk sticks, as I don't like the long life milk provided. If we brought any drinks onboard, It would be four pts of semi skimmed milk to stick in the fridge! Now there's an idea! ๐Ÿ˜„
  18. Ships have sun blinds, as opposed to the curtains, which mean we can see out but the intensity of the sun's glare is lessened. This is usually an issue at dinner when the sun is going down. I always take my sunglasses with me at lunch time, just in case as bright [day] light affects [photophobia] me more than most and it's unfair of me to want to block out the view.
  19. Believe it or not, there are 'better' window tables on all three ships for some but again, better is subjective. If we go two top, we prefer a table without neighbouring tables a foot away at the side of us. Some might prefer window but with near neighbours. Choices all subjective. Do keep us in the loop re your cruise if you have the time/inclination. ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. We have cruised Cunard on many a school holiday and the children, when seen en masse around the ship, often on treasure hunts or as pirates, all seem to be having a fabulous time. Plus, when seen around the ship with family, out of 'Zone' hours, all are impeccably 'Cunard'ish' in behaviour. A real pleasure to cruise with Cunard youngsters. ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. It is, as I have said in the past but again to be fair, if window tables are requested or large tables in a certain area then that's what the higher tier cabins will get [large table areas subject to number of tables planned] and again, once 'you' are known as a regular, your preference will be kept in mind by the Maรฎtre d'Hotel, when the tables are planned.
  22. We have been lucky enough to cruise the Inside Passage a few times, the first time over thirty years ago but it's a long time since the last. Looking forward to your thread even if it will make me very envious. It's a magical cruise, both one way V to Anchorage and V/V. Enjoy.
  23. so ask for two ๐Ÿ˜€
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