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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. You could book a 2 week cruise in a Q1 and spend £7,500pp Really? Don't you mean a week?
  2. OOPS Huge error SHOULDN'T be considered simply because location plays a part in the shorties as much as loyalty!
  3. I'll order the popcorn. 😀 Although I'm not holding my breath so might have to eat it before it becomes stale.😁
  4. I had heard the scheme was up for revision. Loyalty to me means regular booking of Cunard cruises, be it in a Q1or an inside although I think trips longer than shorties should be considered simply because location plays a part in the shorties as much as loyalty. Good luck in fathoming any revision out Cunard! 😄
  5. We've never worn ours but interestingly, pin wearing was quite prolific on the Canary cruise on QA, formal and non formal evenings.
  6. Can't comment on the adapted cabins as we don't book them so have no real knowledge of all requirements, but once 'hold the lift' became our mantra, we had no real difficulty especially when the lift sprint became part of our exercise regime! 😃 A couple of pinch points might be sorted with the understanding of fellow passengers and the theatre signage more obvious but again, that relies on passenger co operation. As I have said, Cunard are marvellous around their ships with mobility challenged passengers and the staff on QA are no exception. Lovely people. With the best will in the world to have everything perfect, early cruises on a new ship could also be termed snagging cruises. If snags which can be sorted, are sorted then all's well. I will be able to judge later on in the year.
  7. Going forward, it will be very interesting to see QA's demographics. For Cunard regulars like us who want to cruise from Southampton, don't want to fly and don't want to book QM2, what's left in late Spring and Summer 25/26? Queen Anne. It has already been said the number of mobility challenged, mostly seniors was very high on our 10th May cruise and the average age similar to the Round Britain cruises on QV/QE we've taken...high. Will 'they' book QA for the next few years or jump ship to another cruise line? I really don't know because ignoring the lack of full adaptations in the fully [word used advisedly here 🙂] adapted cabin, Cunard as a company are, in our opinion brilliant with older passengers and those with mobility challenges. As I said, interesting.
  8. Hear Hear. I have written exactly the same in the past and so on this we are in complete agreement on all aspects mentioned. 🙂
  9. We used to if onboard when itineraries went live as the perks were financially of benefit, especially the very low deposit required. We would book an appropriate appointment, book and then had our booking transferred to our agent. Worked very well. Now being very picky on cabins and never being onboard at the correct time, our agent books within a minute or two of bookings going live.
  10. Glacier Bay, one the the National Parks of the US has had a limit on cruise line concessions for ages. Cunard were awarded their ten year concession at the renewals a few years ago. Maybe some sort of 'pruning' of visitors will be environmentally good for the ports too although businesses might carp a bit.
  11. If booking a one way, and I have no idea of the itineraries, after a couple of Inside Passage cruises, we found starboard the more scenic side for our Vancouver [Seattle for Cunard]/Anchorage one way.
  12. Excuse me if I ‘hone in' on your criticisms and in this thread, the service you are nitpicking at as 'advising' to walk away from a cruise line because of a 'can’t book' onboard issue is in my opinion, petulantly anti the cruise line because you can book, but it takes a spot of planning. There are feasibly over a thousand plus passengers who might want to book onboard which would be an impossible feat to facilitate and some sort of system is needed, and it’s there as demonstrated by appointments booked. Phoning or visiting the front desk or Grills concierge to make an appointment has always been preferable to queuing at the future sales office and it’s up to individuals to use the time during their cruise to access that facility, via queuing or an appointment. No problem, Just be proactive as obviously, many passengers were as leaving anything last minute is subject to disappointment and booking onboard is no different. I will edit to say a voicemail system for the Future Voyage office would be a welcome addition...at least for passengers 👍 if only for a reply to come back saying there are no more available appointments and queuing is required.
  13. Oh I would definitely fill one in but as to whether my form filling would be of use, the jury is out on that. Regarding areas which need improvement, I made my thoughts clear onboard.
  14. Hmm, like the lifts??😁
  15. I do apologise. Trivial was a word used in the spur of the moment to someone who seems to take any opportunity to nit pick at Cunard. To us, it's trivial as we've not had one for many years but make sure anything of relevance [hopefully] reaches the ears of those who can escalate our comments upwards which to my mind, is better than any survey. To even begin to contemplate 'walking away' from a cruise line due to the lack of a customer survey is to me, laughable. One comment I made was quite relevant. I will see if it has been acted upon on our next cruise.
  16. We haven't had a survey for years and anything relevant to say has been made to appropriate departments either on board or once at home. I'm not sure how many Cunard cruises you have taken, but our holidays do not rest on trivial extras such as passenger surveys. I'm sure I'm not alone here.
  17. Pink pigs and flying spring to mind! 😃
  18. I agree, and before that too as the original Maiden was for January. Contracts would have been rostered to take all this in. The QG M d' is on leave 14th July and he has been heavily involved for months before the original Maiden.
  19. 1] Service/gratuity is included. No need [at all] to add extra 4] No gratuity needed or expected when QG bottle are replenished but [and not wishing to start a 'tip or not to tip extra' debate] what you do grats wise at the end of the cruise is up to you. 🙂
  20. I'd be interested to know if the library has reverted to two books each time per passenger rather than the ridiculous five on the 10th May.
  21. Once the [Cunard] form is reviewed and then submitted, a pop up appears confirming the submission with a one time chance to download the form to print out. For us, that's a Cunard confirmation the form has been received. If it became an issue at boarding especially after showing the submitted form, and I don't think for one moment there would be a problem, there would be hell to play and believe me, I can 'do hell'! 🙂
  22. Shall be following with interest. We too have another trip booked this year and will be fascinated to compare the two experience. Enjoy.
  23. Again, I would expect all M d's to help exactly as you have described. All of them without fail. It's part of their job and all the ones we have met are there because they deserve the position and as you say, do Cunard proud but that doesn't mean they are all 'perfect' all the time. None of the Senior M d's are intimidating. In fact no QG restaurant staff members are in our not exactly slight experience and if that is a perceived issue for some then that might just be a personal problem. I don't know what your experience is of Cunard M d's but if a tick sheet were to be completed, for us, most would get a full five star rating. Not making sure to speak to every table *very often would not rate five stars and yes, maybe not every night but some folk DO like to have the M d' come to greet/pass the time of day/ ask if everything is OK and seeing or reading of folk making the point that didn't happen does not detract from their position of Senior M d' but doesn't give the full five stars. Opinions will vary and it's down to experiences at the end of the day.
  24. I can't comment on apps but we experienced left hand/right hand syndrome on the previous QA cruise but being proactive, I found out before it became a really serious issue. It was worrying but the end result was a feather in the cap of a certain member of Cunard staff and I made sure that was noted. I don't think we would ever be denied boarding but having 'proof' in the form of the print out the access protocols were followed and accepted is now part of the paperwork to bring with us. I think any passenger who has filled out the form, evac or just for help, should bring the paperwork along when boarding. A tad tedious but dotting i's and crossing t's is now part of our boarding process.
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