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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I know, which is why although I would have preferred 'fresh', I did a bit of blueberry hoarding! 😉
  2. The lounge was very much a Marmite area. It was very popular for pre lunch and dinner drinks but I think those who love the Vistas lounge would be a tad disappointed. We didn't stop for coffee or drinks very often whereas QV's lounge was very much 'our' lounge!
  3. We had bananas no problem, which along with the bed mats seem to be a bit of a speciality. Rooibos Tea was almost a currency on a world cruise years ago. Maybe moving with the times, bananas are the short term post Covid replacement! I could mention the fact blueberries didn't last the whole two weeks but then we did do our best to decimate the supply so shouldn't moan really! 😄
  4. We used to rent a wheelchair for the last few segments of world cruises. The chair was put on in S'ton and stored for us by housekeeping and in our cabin on embarkation. Worked well except we obviously had to pay for the whole cruise as the chair was out of action for three months. This was all pre Covid so no idea if this would be allowed now. No harm in enquiring.
  5. That IS interesting. I questioned the list on arrival at the pub, I was told no deviation will be allowed from the list order. I think some explanation is required and when we join QA again, I will be questioning early on as I don't want to experience a shambolic disembarkation. edit I must say though, this was at 7.40 am so have no idea if things went by the list but went toes up by the time you got there an hour later.
  6. You can arrive in the Golden Lion whatever time you like but assistance disembarkation now goes strictly by the order of passenger disembarkation, the list which the office has supplied to the assistance personnel in the Golden Lion.
  7. Used to be our go to, then a crab lunch at The Lobster Pot finished off by a climb up to Pulpit Rock. Scuffed many shoes on that! 😀 I love Portland.
  8. We have around five UK cruises on QV and QE under our belts and love the snippets we see of cities we wouldn't normally visit but the best part is the scenic cruising and the places which wouldn't be on our radar such as the Irish stops and most important, Kirkwall.
  9. On our last two QV cruises last year, the larger tables in QG were not by the window apart from two large tables set up for a large family celebratory holiday [teens who were a credit to their parents] in July. We have found this not unusual post Covid as the plum spots now seem to be given over to two tops. The position of all tables varies according to passenger requirements.
  10. Golly, some diverse views. Just shows 'you' need to know the writer's background to really take in a review. I'll stick to the opinions of Cunard board members and in particular those who, and this is just my personal opinion, I feel have a recent Cunard experiences from which to draw on/compare/can be objective as well as subjective.
  11. They certainly do and although we heard announcements, others didn't and so more public announcements on any issues would help. Mind you, that wouldn't stop those determined to queue and block the hallways and public rooms in their eagerness to get off.
  12. He co wrote and produced one of the most famous releases of all times. 'Do they know it's Christmas', the charity singlr. He also co produced Live Aid in the 80's, never mind his own music career. He's a great speaker too. Pretty much an all rounder really.
  13. Nor me. Our agent is our 'go to' normally but I had a 'communications issue' last week which needed sorting there and then and and luckily, after a few 'chats' with various people, found my saviour. It only takes one person to know what they're doing but sadly, finding that person can be a bit of a winding path with Cunard on occasions. Hopefully, TowandaUK has found their saviour in this instance.
  14. No but then we haven't had one, post Covid.
  15. Don't believe all you read. Wait until you experience it for yourself. If standards were slipping as much as some imply, we'd be off to see what Regent could offer us and so far, we're happy bunnies on Cunard.
  16. For those of a certain age, Midge Ure co-ordinated Live Aid with Bob Geldorf in '84 which might have brought him to the consciousness of the US.
  17. Interesting. We giggled like mad at Bernie Flint, loved his musical interludes and thought him one of the best entertainers of the two weeks so differences of opinions of entertainment. Can't please all of us all the time!
  18. A very fair review. Thank you👍
  19. Do. You're paying a lot of money and I think anyone who reads this board is now under no illusion that the staff are there for us and no question is too trivial. Just don't bang on how easy to operate the coffee machine is in the cabin...perleeeeeze. 😄 and yes, I have been shown how to operate it and yes, I do realise it's operator error but boiling a kettle and shoving some granules into a mug is so much easier!👍
  20. Still have the bedside mats and don't have any Connaught style phones but we did have a couple of digital phones in the cabin. Times move on. Haven't had a bath for years and no way would I want or expect anyone to run one for me. Edit One person's luxury is an anathema to others.
  21. Luxury, as I have often spouted, is in the eye of the beholder. Anyone used to travelling in the back of a plane and gets bumped up to First might consider that a luxury whilst anyone used to First might think it pleasant but nothing out of the ordinary just as the fresh air of a balcony when used to an inside might be considered true luxury, which it is in that case but as Cunard's PG isn't considered in the true luxury bracket, I'm hard pressed to see why the likes of the lack of a shoe mit really counts against 'luxury'. Yes it's a niggle but so what! We don't have a foot file any more or the scratchy thing on the side of the bath but I have no issue with asking if not supplied and do not consider it a minus if unavailable. Golly, I'm easy to please! 🙂
  22. When folk talk about 'the Grills' and how it seems to be full of niggly cutbacks, it really would help if to know if 'The Grills' was used as an overarching term used to denote a PG experience or if 'The Grills' was referring to QG which is a different product from PG.
  23. We had umbrellas and I'm sure they would be there for the asking.
  24. There have been changes but then I think that can be said for many products, not just Cunard but as to 'lots' of cutbacks which would seem to constitute major issues, I'm afraid S1971 is going to have to give of his/her experience in order to back up the 'lots' bit. I like the new robes,cosy and fluffy but then I liked the towelling ones too and as for parties, we still have the cabin ones but as we gave up ship parties, apart from the very small ones, years ago, no loss there. 🙂
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