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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I have heard of folk who didn't enjoy their segments due to the 'attitude' of some worldies, but as frequent segmenteers, we have never had a problem. It's inevitable a group of people who are together for months on end will develop a close affinity but not, in our experience, to the detriment of others.
  2. Apart from taking land holidays as cruises suit us now, I entirely agree with you. The day we stop enjoying Cunard, is the day we will look at other lines. Let's both hope that day isn't close. 🙂
  3. As one didn't discover Cunard until 2011, one is rather proud of one's nights on Cunard so one is more than happy to mention them just as one is more than happy to say what wonderful people one has met over those nights. 🙂
  4. I won't quote your long comment but I do think saying the dress code has been ridiculed [which is what deriding means] is rather extreme. We love dressing for dinner each evening on our Cunard cruises and most of the passengers we see make an effort, some more than others I will agree. However, for some reason the powers that be have obviously decided some sort of evolving has to take place and if that means some stalwarts decide enough is enough, so be it. They can, and seemingly have according to you, found other ways of enjoying their holidays at sea. Their loss in my opinion. We will continue to dress for dinner as we always have done and as has been pointed out, others' attire will not affect our enjoyment one bit.
  5. Suit v Tux? Whichever gives a more 007 look!!! 😄 Seriously, it;s entirely up to you. In our experience, Black Tie is still the more popular Gala attire but there will be many dark suited chaps too. We are also ex Holland America and experienced our First Cunard cruise twelve years ago and have never looked back. We've become loyal Cunard followers and my advice is, ignore the odd, odd comment on this board. We've met wonderful people on our Cunard cruises, well travelled and delightful. Go and enjoy and come back and tell us all about it. 🙂 .
  6. and just as pertinently, the 'new breed' of passengers who will book and as we have two cruises booked on QA, we must be part of the new breed. 😄
  7. I think I can be called a Cunard regular [obviously not a true Cunard Voyager by your standards] with five future bookings and nearing 300 nights under my belt and in spite of early misgivings, I am thoroughly looking forward to our 'holiday cruises' on Queen Anne. She might be different from her sisters but no one knows what she'll be like so why make a comment which comes across as rather belittling to those who have, or will book a QA cruise, Worldie or not? To insinuate she is not a 'proper' Cunard ship comes across as rather arrogant and if you think any future W.C on her will be a possible bus scenario, then we have been 'bussing' it on QV for years when we've completed segments of her World Cruises, so nothing new there then. We might not want to make 'a crossing'/travel on QM2 but we thoroughly enjoy our 'holiday cruises' on Cunard along with thousands and thousands of others and look forward to many more in the future, which ever Cunard ship we choose. We are Cunard clients/passengers/regulars. That'll do for us.😄
  8. Being loyal Cunard passengers, we have had all that in order for years. Both of us.
  9. I'm trying to put a positive spin on it so I won't feel left out! 😄
  10. We haven't been asked our opinions in years now but then we always have quite a few booked cruises so maybe Cunard feel as we're committed Cunard passengers, there's no need to ask our opinion.
  11. Is your departure on the list of required 'enhanced requirements'? If not, you're worrying yourself unnecessarily.
  12. We were on a Northern Europe cruise last August and from my limited view, I would say most of the of chaps wore a jacket for dinner in QG.
  13. All drivers, experienced or not can use all motorway lanes. One can extrapolate that to all dancers can use all the floor thus those who wish to be inconspicuous can stay fairly central. However one wishes interpret things, those who have the guts to get up on the dance floor but remain fairly inconspicuous, can do so, in the middle. Ish. I have used the word 'guts' rather a lot. What a shame I've used it with respect to those who know very little about ballroom dancing and wish to give it a go on holiday but are worried about doing so. It's a holiday, not an endurance test.😄
  14. Your usage of the analogy is a littlle left of field. Our golf club has written rules on dress code. Cunard has written 'rules' re dress codes. Nowhere, as far as I have seen, has Cunard posted any 'thou shalt' notices regarding dance floor etiquette. That isn't to say there isn't any, just that the floor is open to all and those who are more experienced will just have to put up with newcomers to the floor who will 'learn on the job'! It's extremely selfish to assume the floor is only open to the experienced and I for one, as a spectator on deck three will be delighted to see the, dare I say it, slightly clumsy initial forays onto the floor and wish like mad I had the guts to join them. Well done dance newbies. We all have to start somewhere and why not on a wonderful holiday on a fabulous Cunard ship. Having the guts to get up knowing you're not up to par in some eyes takes some doing. Well done those who do so.👍 takes a lot of guts.
  15. OK. To bring up the dreaded dress code again, some posters are so flipping hidebound, we'd soon be sailing on increasingly empty ships if potential newbies took some folk's aspirational dress as the norm rather rather than actual dress onboard, and decided not to give Cunard a try. The same goes here. This will be YOUR ship for the duration and if you want to get out on that dance floor and dance, middle, edge or wherever, you go ahead and do that. Don't let a couple of comments put you off. A Cunard dance floor is for ALL passengers and etiquette will be learnt as experience progresses. Go and join the majority who aren't experts and who just want to dance. Enjoy yourselves. 🙂
  16. It might be normal etiquette to those who know, but for the inexperienced, who want to take to the floor but basically 'hide' for a while, that is their right. The floor is for all, experienced to total beginners and as a frequent deck three observer on QV, I do see 'middle of room' dancers so it does happen. 🙂
  17. Assuming that's one way, to ship to and from the ship would be double? I call that an expense I could do without if judicious packing negates the need to ship a case.
  18. As one who has more or less forgotten my ballroom dancing past, I would assume newbies would stick to main ballroom dances and leave the Argentinian Tango and the like to those who probably know what they're doing. As to 'not working', the dance floor is for everyone of all standards and if folk want to be less conspicuous by being somewhere near the middle initially, that's up to them. Rather like the dress code threads which could put folk off if taken seriously, a dance thread with contributions from those who appear to be very experienced, could put off the inexperienced from joining in which isn't fair.
  19. Unless you intend to take this up as your new hobby and thus learn to dance to a high standard, watch a few videos, add post #2 in for starters and you're off. Posts #6 and #7 then says it for me.However new you are to dancing, sundaypeople5 the arm flingers/look at me dancers. attract one's eyes, not those who are 'dancing' in their own little bubble without annoying others. Go and enjoy.
  20. I too applaud the fact you're a dressing up newbie. Fingers crossed this bodes well for newbies who will follow. If you were a UK resident on a Southampton departure round trip, your clothes list would be no problem. However, your itinerary suggests your list needs paring down. Admirable though it is to pack 2/3 suits for instance, one would do and even then, pack an extra jacket and the suit could be ditched. Three Gala dresses instead of four because as has been said, no one will bother [or even notice?] if you wear clothes s twice. Only you will know. Shipping a case will be expensive. Cheaper is to pare down and use laundry facilities. The passenger laundry facilities are great, plus the ship's laundry is there if needs be. We have pared down the amount we bring and utilise the passenger laundry if needed and the ship's laundry for my husband's shirts as they need pressing after washing and I don't do ironing on my holidays.
  21. Spills occur in bars and restaurants etc. They're called accidents. Accidents happen but thankfully, rarely and I have yet to see or hear of one in a theater. Cunard picked up the laundry bill for a spill on my husband's jacket so you never know, the odd spill in the theatre might be treated the same way. Maybe. Either way, drinks are allowed in the theatre and we have seen wait staff hovering n occasions to fulfill any drink requests.
  22. Don't you think we would have 'heard' by now if drinks had been [habitually] spilt on fellow passengers? I suppose inelegant though it might be seen, a drink in a bottle is less likely to be spilt than in a glass. A wine bottle anyone?? 😄
  23. Another way of looking at it is, they are individuals who happen to be in a group of individuals. I agree, carrying bottles [bought from the bar?] around the ship into the theater isn't an elegant look but I don't think there's a ban on that. Yet.
  24. Unless things have changed since last summer, boxes have always been free on non Gala evenings.
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