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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Don't you think we would have 'heard' by now if drinks had been [habitually] spilt on fellow passengers? I suppose inelegant though it might be seen, a drink in a bottle is less likely to be spilt than in a glass. A wine bottle anyone?? 😄
  2. Another way of looking at it is, they are individuals who happen to be in a group of individuals. I agree, carrying bottles [bought from the bar?] around the ship into the theater isn't an elegant look but I don't think there's a ban on that. Yet.
  3. Unless things have changed since last summer, boxes have always been free on non Gala evenings.
  4. I won't tell where my keycard is kept during the day but suffice to say, I often don't carry a bag around with me and I don't keep it in a pocket or near my ipad, phone being stuffed in a drawer in the room. I can't stand lanyards and won't be wearing a medallion so I guess the same receptacle will be utilised for any [small] room thingy. I'm happy with the key card but then, I'm a dinosaur, technology wise. 😄
  5. Actually, there are four as there's one just beyond the lobby on deck one. which, I imagine, considering not many other deck passengers will be traipsing down there, means that's going to be the one with the least footfall. Saddo that I am, I picked our cabin on seven because it is near the laundry 🙂 although I have a feeling we might be utilising the ship facility more, if needs be.
  6. $39 for six guest bars on Amazon .com
  7. I guess it's what you're used to. Compared to my product, it's weedy but it obviously does the trick for you so that's fine. Saves suitcase space.🙂
  8. I always have a bar of Simple Soap in my suitcase ever since a vacation stay in a hotel with disgustingly perfumed soap and I had to go out and buy something simple. Not had to use it so far on Cunard. i haven't seen any kind of bathroom accessory advisory either but my mantra is 'if you don't ask. you don't get'. So I ask! 🙂
  9. You sound as if you want to 'dress up' on a Gala night and so whatever colour of dress you wear, you'll be fine. There's no way you'll feel uncomfortable in a navy dress on any night and if you wish to wear a 40's style dress on the 20's night, up to you and go ahead. The themes are more suggestions than 'de rigueur' and as Big Mac has said, only a small minority follow the suggested theme apart from, B&W and that's because it's easy rather than conforming to a theme as such. Don't stress, just enjoy.
  10. You will most certainly, be in the majority. 🙂
  11. D'you know, I'm a bit funny abut touching 'things' others have touched these days. But, thanks for the nudge, I shall ask for the ginger to be served at the table in May. 👍 Edit In fact, as were 'aft' this time, I might ask for a dish to be permanently in the cabin, just in case we get queasy although it's a fairly benign itinerary so we should be OK.
  12. Yum Yum, although I'm a bit reluctant to take any now due to Covid etc. 😕
  13. Quercus is lovely and like Mareblu we didn't find anything watered down at all [a previous thread mentioned a watering down issue], It's just that my conditioner is a specific hair product and is a sight better than the most non specific hair company products. We asked for soap tablets for the shower and all the hand basins, habit I guess.🙂
  14. but it's pathetically 'weak'. I'm quite happy to use Quercus shampoo for a couple of weeks but always bring my own conditioner.
  15. As we have very high and fairly flexible annual cover, I have no idea on travel insurance brokers so again, google could be your friend. No harm in contacting a few and getting quotes from them all. Good luck🙂
  16. A quick google brings up a few links re UK-NZ one way insurance for emigration purposes. I haven't looked but the cover is mentioned so must be out there so I would have thought, a specialist insurance broker to marry the one way requirement with cruise insurance would be the sensible path to take.
  17. Fair comment, however, you will not be the first to 'emigrate' and there will be a way around this.
  18. We did but as we have rolling annual cover, no questions were asked it we had flights booked and so I am assuming that didn't factor into the insurance cover. Many people use ships to relocate for a season and again, I'm assuming that would be classed as either one way if a TA or sectors if part of a longer cruise.
  19. Don't look at it as 'one way'.. Describe it as 'sectors'. We have cruised sectors of a world cruise a few times and have had no difficulty getting insurance.
  20. I'm sure I read a comment some time ago about the shortage of GM in relation to Crepes Suzette so if it's a supply issue, I guess the solution is to take a small [?] bottle of GM with you if it's that important a drink and if none available ship wide, resign yourself to a pre bedtime drink in the cabin.
  21. I agree. We were bitten decades ago, when quite green about these things, when we booked a 'package' [ not Cunard] and we were basically allocated a broom closet. Apparently, 'run of house' gives the hotel carte blanche to utilise whatever room available. From then on, we booked out own hotels and so got specified rooms. The rates might not be so favourable, but the rooms definitely are,
  22. Hint to wife, a few of us ladies, have ditched the heels at the end of an evening and have walked the rest of the way, bare foot. Often the sign of a great evening. 🙂
  23. Interesting. That might be why pre and post Covid, from my elevated deck three position, I have watched quite a few 'waistcoats' dancing, occupied waistcoats obviously. I just assumed the wearers were hot, and without wishing to denigrate, that's temperature hot! 🙂
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