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Everything posted by Oxo

  1. I guess we all have opinions. Go to or don't go to the M&G. If you have a choice, which you do, exercise your choice. Let's call this a draw! SMH!
  2. Thank you for your input. I guess we both tried to say the same thing. Do You think we made it clearer for those who have never done so themselves? Let's hour we did.
  3. SMH! My opinion, your opinion. LOL IF you don't go to the M&G why even provide your opinion? IF you go to the M&G, then your opinion counts. IF you don't cruise, what do you know about cruising? Seriously, why don't we all accept someone else's opinion if it is describing how they feel about their experience? Is this forum becoming divided like the political parties of today? It is easy to find fault with things you don't agree with. People make suggestions and ask for opinions. Instead of trying to provide value added, people immediately disagree with the suggestion. Then you have those that try to control the boards. Why not make this more positive and try to understand we are all here to try to help each other with answers rather than criticism. Remember, we are all interested in cruising, beating C19 and may meet on a future cruise. Stay safe and happy cruising!
  4. What is the reason you cannot take food out of the Local/OS?
  5. I think they should put security tags on the food and if you try to leave the room, an alarm goes off! Can you imagine them running after you down the halls and up the decks? Would you be charged for room service?
  6. Why would someone pay for a burger, etc., when it is free? Oh yes, it does taste better! The Reubens are free in the Local/OSheahans.
  7. We had the same party on our B2B on the Joy in Nov 2021.
  8. Sorry to disagree! On the Joy Nov 2021 they attended 2 M&G or CC parties. Now months later they do not? Just got off MSC SEASHORE and they had two B2B parties with Officers.
  9. Will someone please provide a list/pic of Prima Senior Officers. TIA
  10. These were the meal perks last year compare to now. Big reduction!
  11. No, I only posted the additional perks at each level. Here is a link to see all. https://www.ncl.com/latitudes-rewards-program
  12. Do we think they just tried to fool us into believing they were giving us something for our loyalty? Vote now. 1. YES 2. HECK YES! SMH
  13. These are the additional perks when you move up from Platinum: Sapphire ( 150 - 349 ) ± Priority Restaurant & Entertainment Seating (subject to availability) ± Dinner with Officers Diamond 350 - 699 ± Exclusive Sail & Sustain Mixology Experience ± One-time Free Cabin Upgrade Are these worth the loyalty and cost to cruise with NCL? I cruise NCL and other cruise lines NOT for the perks!
  14. Thank you both for your replies. I knew Cruise lines charge per person and normally you pay double. I was trying to find out the cost and the hotel, so when I book a hotel in Athens, I have the name of NCLs hotel and price.
  15. The biggest problem is that too many people are addressing/asking the same subject. Then, people are providing incorrect info. So, to much confusion!
  16. This has been posted many times on here and other forums.
  17. What is the current rate NCL is charging for this? TIA
  18. Thinking of booking Enchancement for Greek Isle Mederterainian in June 2023 B2B for ports? Been to the Med many times. Been on Rhapsody before.. Dimond ± Any comments, suggestions. TIA
  19. What about a lobster Roll im New England for $38? Totally out rageous.
  20. Thank You!!!!! That really helps on my decision on whether to book or not. Stay Safe and Happy Cruising!
  21. I have read many new articles that state Big Ships no longer go in/out of Venice, Italy. However, I am looking at an NCL GEM 10-Night Greek Isles: Ravenna Roundtrip for Jun 9 2023. The Ports of Call show: Day 1 Ravenna (Porto Corsini), Italy Depart 8PM Day 2 Venice, Italy Arrive 06:30Am Depart 11PM This to me implies that the Gem leaves Ravenna and sails into Venice. Has anyone recently gone on the Gem and into/out-of Venice? Or is this another misleading port such as Rome which doesn't even have a port. TIA
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