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Everything posted by Oxo

  1. So, ask the question and provide an answer. There is no one answer.
  2. If testing is good and keeps active Covid off ships, why are people getting Covid on the ships? Testing proves that at that specific time of the test, you may be negative. Once the test is over and the results are done, you are very able to contact Covid. Proven fact if you read all the info.
  3. My invoice is what I paid for the cruise that includes all costs, perks, etc. You must be referring to your final ship bill that you receive on debarking the ship?
  4. Why don't you start your own thread? Do you have a degree in psychology? You are not the monitor! Move on and create your own conflicts. Your trait is TROLL. TROLL someone else.
  5. Your opinion counts. Thank you! Why should anyone not defend their posting? Read the various comebacks and then try to understand why a person may respond over and over and over to their own thread. Is it arguing a point rather than providing info? Maybe you have never been on a debate team or try to clarify misconceptions. Oh, FYI, you only responded 5 times to this thread. What can I say. LOL Now, I have expressed my opinion of your response.
  6. Let me say this. Your invoice is nothing to NCL on a ship. I had a transfer from ship to airport and showed it to Guest Relations who copied it. I wanted to cancel my transfer since I was booking the excursion mentioned above. Waited for 2 days on the ship for GR to get an answer from HQ. Was told that I didn't buy a transfer from ship to airport, even though it was on my invoice. TA called NCL HQ and HQ is processing a refund for that cancelled transfer. That is suppose to take 5 - 10 business days. We all must be vigilant and watch our billing on the ship. Where does it end?
  7. If that is only how it can be used, 8 people including Shore Excursions personnel do NOT know this. The day we got off and gathered for the NY bus tour and drop off at JFK, the SE person I dealt with said all those credit were applied the last night of the cruise. He didn't know why mine was not. He told me to call NCL. When I called NCL they said it was being processed and could take up to 30 days.
  8. You are correct I interfaced with 8 different staff and they all said last night of the cruise. Lack of training, info, etc.
  9. Don't we think that Guest Relations and Shore Excursion would know? In fact, Shore Excursions went to Guest Relations asking them why my refund did not appear or was not processed. GR told SE that the refund will be processed and appear the last night of the cruise. Need I say more?
  10. Whats your problem? Don't you believe that this is valid info that others should know? You don't like my post, move on. Why did you take time to provide your umsolicited rrsponse? What added value did you provide?
  11. Thanks for your advice. However, Did you read my initial post? 1. I never was talking about OBC. 2. I wrote that I did call my TA and he told me to call NCL direct. 3. I'm not stressed about it. I was trying to provide info about this subject to help others who may have incurred the same problem. Why didn't NCL Guest Relations and Shore Excursions personnel tell me that the refund would not appear until within the next 30 days? Don't you think that they should have known?
  12. My point was: Why didn't Guest Relations and Shore Excursions tell me it would take 30 days to process? Why does it take so long? Would NCL let you off the ship if you owed them $50 and said you will pay them in 30 days? SMH
  13. Thanks for your reply. I need the $50 for my next 3 cruises this year. Prima, 12 day, Prima 7 day and Celebrity Apex 7 day. Maybe I should setup a Go Fund Me Page? Interested in helping.
  14. Just called NCL and was told that my $50 Excursion refund was being processed. However, it takes up to 30 days to process. My refund for the Ship to Airport transfer is being processed and will take 7-10 business days. UNBELIVEABLE! In today's computer age it takes that long? It sure doesn't take that long for NCL to want their money from us.
  15. Thank you! Do you by chance have a phone number for the NCL Excursion?
  16. Just got off of the Breakaway. Had a $50 Excursion perk that should have been applied. We took the NY to Airport Excursion and never had the $50 applied to our account. We asked Guest Relations and Shore Excursions Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat and even Sun the day of departure when the $50 credit would be applied to our account. They both told us that it would be applied on the last night of the cruise. On Sun as we departed Shore Excursions said all $50 Excursion perks were applied Sat night. He checked and said he doesn't know why I was not. He suggested that we call NCL when we get home. Well it was never applied! Called our TA and he stated we need to call NCL direct. Has anyone else had this and if you did, how did you get it applied after the cruise? TIA
  17. Thanks for your opinion. Now we have yours and others, too. That is the best part of having choices. We choose and we have choices.
  18. We are on now! Used Platinum coupon this week on Breakaway. Only limitation is 1 of each: App, main, desert. If upcharge shows, you pay the upcharge.
  19. Sensitive? How many times have you read about people being chided for going off topic? This may be only the Internet, but this is suppose to be an informative forum. Pick yourself up.
  20. So, you believe hijacking is OK? Remember that when it happens to yours. SMH!
  21. Is there some reason some of you fashionestas hijacked this? This was about Loyality Level - NOT if you should wear slacks or jeans. Wear what you want on your own tread. Your opinion on slacks or jeans is of no interest or value on this. Thanks you!
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