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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. @ownedbypets @Ourusualbeach @brillohead Thanks! Like I posted, they took a video driving all over the garage. We'll be sure! to get there early and wait in the terminal for check in time, at least I HOPE we can wait inside. This will be our first time out of Miami and first time on Oasis class.
  2. We just viewed part of an Oasis review on you tube. The couple drove around and around the Miami RCI parking garage, but all spots were taken. They finally got a spot up on the roof (When this old world starts getting you down......remember that song?) I think they got to the garage at 11am. I sure hope we won't have any issues on our Bella cruise in March. It also seems like a lot to walk, more than I can handle. I think @singinalot Chrystal parked there recently and I don't think she had trouble getting a spot. Any past parkers find difficulty finding spots?
  3. Thank you, Graham. So glad it all worked for you. Our friend once ran the NY marathon and finished well after the first crossing won. He was in so much pain after, he couldn't go to work for 3 days and he practiced beforehand, was a seasoned jogger and seemed to be in top shape.
  4. Me too! It's one of the reasons I'm glad we moved to TX. I much prefer sweating to shivering. Your post made me smile. Thank you for that.
  5. Greg, maybe you need some PT? I hope you get permanent relief soon. No fun living with pain like that. So sorry about your macular degeneration. I hope something can be done for you.
  6. Thanks, Lenny, Greg, Marielle, Maryann, Andrew! Maryann, congrats to Meghan and her team! Greg, how is your shoulder? Any residual knee pain? Andrew, I remember when your mom and MIL had those surgeries. Hard to believe it's been 2 years! Glad they bounced back quickly.
  7. Braved an upcoming storm yesterday to have a cataract consultation. Surgery on 1st eye is scheduled for Tuesday. I know most of us "older" folks have had this surgery but I'm still nervous since I'll be "up" and eye just numb. The thought of being aware of someone poking around the inside of my eye fills me with slight dread. As it is now, I can barely read my computer and very glad I have a touchscreen to tweek everything larger. I remember years ago, my mother's reaction after cataract surgery. She said it was like a veil lifted from her eyes and she could see clearly again. Hope that happens to me. On the ankle front, feeling slightly less pain when walking. Yes! So looking forward to our Feb and Mar cruses, you have no idea! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
  8. I "hear" you and I understand. Totally. I was married in Israel, lived there for a year, visited approx. 25 times after we went back to the states, and I still can't figure out Israeli politics. I have no idea how Netanyahu, with his documented sordid background, is PM again. Very sad.
  9. Your pictures are nothing short of spectacular. Glad to be following this wonderful adventure. Special shout out to @island lady Pat, whose posts I miss on another thread. Have you been back to Maine this summer? Wishing you and Bucky smooth sails and happy memories on your upcoming cruises including this one (which I think you're on).
  10. I type very fast on my laptop without looking at the keys. I struggle on my phone with texts. My daughter's thumbs fly on her phone when she texts. The doctor sounds like a car salesman. Once, one gave me us a quote and I said "we'll probably come back". He said the quote won't be available if we leave. I said, neither will we and left.
  11. I will never understand how people type lengthy posts on their phones with those little keys. Maryann, how is Jim doing?
  12. @dani negreanu I haven't seen Dani post or hit a like button as she usually does, in quite a few pages. Hope all is well and hope the CC crud, if she's experiencing it, resolves quickly.
  13. I grew up in Manhattan and never heard of a septic tank until my married friend bought a house that had one. Ditto on all counts.
  14. Your posts are eagerly welcomed no matter when they come. Keep enjoying it all.
  15. Here's another reminder: Get it pumped! Thanks for the info. She probably knows. I don't. I never had houses or lived near any that had septic tanks, so this is totally foreign to me.
  16. My daughter's house in NJ has a septic tank but I have no idea where it's located on her property. This is her property looking out from the front of the house. Back property is built weird. Since the house is on a corner, there is a driveway all around the back and side of the house with access from both streets.
  17. I hope your niece has mild symptoms. I think by now almost everyone I know had covid. Glad for the most part the symptoms are like a bad cold. Jack and I were fortunate to have mild cold symptoms.
  18. Now that I'm posting on Edge again, I found that quite a few pages on here were omitted when viewing CC on Chrome. I just now read all of your fun Halloween posts and most importantly, I now can wish @LuckynanaMaryann's sweet granddaughter Erin a Happy 21st birthday. May she continue to be a shining light to your family.
  19. I'm back in here on Edge. I clicked "log in" and it automatically brought me in without asking for my username and password. Not sure how long this will last. I prefer Edge since I have most of my favorite places listed here.
  20. How was it? I've read all of his books. Sorry to hear this Lenny. You never said where your pain is. Is it the result of surgery as mine is?
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