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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. Looking forward to tagging along on your review. Thanks for taking the time from your vacation to do this.
  2. My stomach is still not 100% but it’s better than it has been, thank goodness. I’m braving a trip to the grocery store to stock the fridge so that Chris isn’t eating PB&J again. Oh!! And for anyone wondering about the FORD situation, I hate to say it…you’ll still never catch me owning one, but I don’t totally hate them either. In fact…there turned out to be features on the truck I LIKED. It had get up & go, which I appreciated, and actually handled really well/rode good. I’ll be glad to have Rammit come home, but I may kinda miss the White Whale.
  3. Hmmmm I’m going grocery shopping, I’ll see if some tuna may make her forgive me quicker! Although that may set me up for future trips, where she expects a bribe upon our return!
  4. Cat is still holding a grudge. In true KatieKat form, she was nowhere to be seen until late last night, and by morning she’s on the bed with us, but won’t face us or allow us to touch her. I think by evening tonight, she will be purring and climbing up our legs.
  5. Thank you. Yes! That was the other movie playing!
  6. Whoo hoo, perfect way to help me deal with my PCB (post cruise blues)! I’m here for the journey!
  7. I know there was a Bad Boys movie playing, but other than that I do not remember. Sorry 😞
  8. Thanks for following along! Yes, I’m glad to have made it home safe & sound. I really debated booking a room somewhere to try and recover, but being back in my surroundings is comforting! We sail Vista in December, so maybe we will get to experience the new garage!!
  9. Pulled into the driveway at 5:17. Whew, I’m home! Quick reunion with the Auss, and the cat is apparently holding a grudge. Whatever. Now, time to unpack the laundry and start in on that. Chris asked what’s for dinner and I just laughed at him. I barely made it home honey, I’m NOT eating tonight. Grab a frozen pizza from the freezer. Back to reality!
  10. Thank you. It helped break up the day, sitting in the room!
  11. That will be an amazing vacation! I can’t wait to follow along!
  12. It put a damper on that last day for sure! Can’t wait to meet y’all next year! I’m excited to get back to NOLA and go to a “new to me” port, aka Progresso! Thank you for following along!
  13. Making halfway decent time, just got into SC. About 4 more hours and we will be home! Trying to wrap up my thoughts on the trip overall, here’s a few randoms for the moment: *The ship had areas that were extremely cold (aft dining room even made Chris, a hot blooded person, comment on it) and then areas that were extremely hot (elevators, atrium stood out to me). Our stateroom, 5239, was bipolar in a WEIRD way…it was freezing cold during the day and then super stuffy at night. You’d think it would be the other way around! *Guest Services this time around were awful. I’m not the only one who commented that either, a few others with issues said the same, and even Chris got frustrated with them when he went to ask about canceling our Jiji’s reservation for last night. We wanted to cancel well in advance, as our reservation was for when they first opened, and GS told him to just call during open times. He explained we wanted to give them a heads up so that if someone else wanted our spot they could reserve it, and finally the agent “took care of it.” We got a call at our stateroom at the time of our reservation asking if we were planning to come…ummmm, GS supposedly let you know one of us is sick and we won’t be coming. They also never, ever followed up with us on the other issues we had, which is a first for me. *Marty was, I felt, a good CD. He did not make any announcements into the stateroom unless necessary, and we saw him out & about interacting with guests quite a bit. I really liked him! *As always, the Havana area just MADE the cruise. They totally got it right on Vista class ships. That area, even on a “school’s out for the summer” cruise, was a great oasis away from the crowds. We had some kids (maybe about 8-10 of them?) in the area, and overall they behaved. If they did jump/cannonball into the pool the attendant quickly (and nicely) told them it wasn’t allowed. The attendants were also enforcing “interlopers” trying to come in, more than once I saw them asking non-Havana guests to leave. *Parking situation at terminal 6 is a bit confusing. Ok, fine, Chris said it’s horrid. Hopefully when they finish the construction it won’t be so bad. It’s easy to get out on debarkation day (at least has been for us, but we get off early) but do bring your patience for embarkation day. Now that we have done it (more than once for me) I think we have it down, but it can be chaotic. That’s all I got for now, if I think of more I’ll add them. If anyone has any questions, ask away! I won’t be back on a CCL ship until December, and I’m not sure if I’ll be doing a review on that sailing or not, so you may not see me around for a bit. Until we meet again…smooth sailing!
  14. Thank you! Feeling honestly about the same, but trying to make it home, or at least partway home. If it happens to be a virus I figure right how Chris is feeling ok, but if it hits him too and we are away from home that’s going to suck. Plus I really, really want to sleep in my own bed and snuggle my KatieKat!
  15. I told him no more cruises less than 7 days….this was just too short! Even tho my stomach is still majorly off, I really, really want pizza! Im thinking that’s going to be dinner one night in the very near future when my stomach can handle it.
  16. I spent the night watching Lottery Dream Home and praying my stomach would settle. I debated trying to make a hotel reservation for today so that all I had to do was somehow make it off the ship and a short way to a hotel. I decided we will try and chance it to get home, and my body somehow made it off the ship and thru the terminal to the truck without embarrassing me. Hallelujah! Debarkation was quick, we reached deck 3 FWD right at 7 and the dining room was already being emptied. We were loading our stuff into the Ford by 7:24.
  17. Sorry I faded away last night…the sandwich, although soooo good, didn’t settle well. There are some awesome crew onboard Vista right now, let me tell you! It was noticed that I was MIA yesterday by several who asked about me. when Chris went to get coffee Setyo asked how I was, and when he went to say goodbye to the Alchemists Isha asked about me. She told Chris to go get hot water from Setyo and she proceeded to make me a hot lemon & honey drink, then held Chris’s seat for him to bring it to the room for me! I was touched by that sweet gesture, and it did make my tummy feel some better.
  18. Toilet isn’t flushing again, eeek. Today is not the day for that!! Got a call into maintenance, and they just arrived (within about 10 mins of my call) to fix it. Hopefully it gets resolved. I hear sucking sounds in there now…someone along the line must be flushing unflushables….
  19. I was napping and my phone started going CRAZY with Hub App notifications. Guess what? It’s working now! If I wanted to check in to dine, or make reservations, I could. Chris just checked in on me and I told him I’m hungry, so he’s gone to retrieve a sandwich from the deli for me. He said no steak and cheese 😂 but agreed I could try the tomato & mozzarella. I originally really, really wanted pizza but he said no flipping way. His pizza earlier looked and smelled SO GOOD but was pretty greasy looking. Fingers crossed the tomato & mozzarella will stay down. I’ve done good all afternoon nausea wise.
  20. Finally felt alive enough to pack my stuff for debarkation tomorrow. Diamond letter says to meet at 7 am in Reflection MDR, deck 3 forward.
  21. Me freaking too. The only saving grace is are weather right now is liquid sunshine, so at least I don’t feel like I’m missing out on sun & fun.
  22. Thanks for the advice! I didn’t think of yogurt, I’ll try and have Chris hunt some up. I did manage to keep a 1/4 of a 1/2 a dry bagel down a bit ago. Thank you. I’m still feeling pretty ill, but maybe it’s slowing down.
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