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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. Spent a little time at alchemy this afternoon after watching a movie and hanging in Havana. Goran is really good, he made me an espresso martini with fresh espresso from ocean plaza and a 40 is the new 20.
  2. Lunch of champions…Mac & cheese delicious, sausage nice & spicy, pork good, bread meh, slaw ok.
  3. Today is sea day #2. B and I got up at 7:30, she headed to the gym, I headed to the casino to use my $25 fun play. I love the non smoking casino on Vista. It may be small, but it had a good selection of slot machines and didn’t stink like smoke. I debated between 88 Fortunes or Huff & Puff. 88 Fortunes won out. I started out strong (up $8) then lost it all. Darn it! I went by the Ocean Plaza bar for an iced caramel latte to drown my sorrows, then headed back to the room. Mum was awake from her slumber, and shortly after I got in B came back from the gym. We decided to go to Sea Day brunch again today, and I won’t bore you with food pics…we got the same thing as yesterday, and it was all delicious. We went and sat outside the Ocean Plaza area for a bit soaking in the sun and talking, and now we are back at the cabin watching a movie. It’s a nice, relaxing day. I plan to read more of my book and hopefully get in the Havana area pool and hot tub later.
  4. We wandered back to our Havana area after a bit and decided to get into the hot tubs. I also took a quick dip in the pool (it was chilly!) and we got to see a pretty sunset. We hung there until about 9, then decided to call it a night. First we headed to Lido for more pizza for B (she says it’s soooooo good) and I decided to partake in some tonight too. Margarita, add mushrooms…yum! We went back to the room and started a Reese Witherspoon movie, and I passed out pretty quick. I would say that all in all, today was a success!
  5. After dinner we went to Alchemy. Goran, Vukasin & Janko are working there right now. Vukasin made me a 40 is the new 20 and it was sooooo good! After that Goran (pictured below) made me a “something absinthe” which was yummy, and I finished with a “something creamy coconut” from Janko.
  6. Last night’s dinner menu. I got Caesar salad (delish), cucumber avocado soup (gross, too sweet), and Indian vegetarian (delish!). B got the salmon aragula salad, it was so pretty & colorful. Mom got the chicken Alfredo dish, and said it was very good.
  7. This afternoon consisted of naps, reading (I have a book that by page 8 I’m so hooked on it it’s not funny…but it’s also got me wigged out), and mini golf. B had a very unfair advantage on mini golf…apparently she plays all the time with her nieces. She shoulda told us that BEFORE we got started. She whipped our tails. It was fun. She also found her first cruising duck! Tonight is our first elegant night, so we are taking turns getting ready. I want to hit up Alchemy tonight as well. I’ve been a very good girl, only 3 drinks so far today and a lot of water. I don’t want mom to lock me up again!
  8. I think I may have a new favorite deli sandwich: the chicken salad. It was delicious!! We got those, then went to get Guy’s fries (they’re warmer and yummier than the deli) and mama hit up the toppings bar at Guy’s to make her Buffalo chicken sammich even yummier.
  9. I don’t know…I think maybe not. She just downed a Guy’s burger for lunch
  10. Now we be relaxing in the Havana area. The pool is cooold, and it’s kinda cool outside too. So we are in the tiki huts chilling. Side note, I gotta show yall the cute cups I had made for us!!
  11. We followed breakfast up with some time at the atrium bar. I had a shot of Woodford and then a Tirimisu martini…I didn’t like it at all.
  12. We started today with sea day brunch. The eggs Benedict were delish. Mom had Huervo rancheros, they looked good. B had a ham & cheese omlet she devoured.
  13. Soooo about last night…B and I partied pretty hard. I reached lucky 13 on my drink package. Apparently Mom barricaded us in the room about 9:00…I wondered when I woke up why there was a chair in front of the door. She said I claimed she locked me in jail. I guess I never thought about the “patio” door. Before Mom barricaded us in, B (who’s on a carb free diet and was so good at dinner and had that Cobb salad) had a massive pizza craving. We ran up to Lido like 2 school kids to get her pizza, and she couldn’t even speak to the pizza guy she was so excited…she just bounced up and down grinning and pointing to the cheese pizza. We took our “prizes” (pizza for her, a Diet Pepsi for me that I still can’t figure out what happened to it…I didn’t drink it, it’s not in the fridge, I think I lost it between the Tides bar and the room) back to the room and I demanded we watch a movie. I fought with the TV (in our drunken stupor the remote wouldn’t work) and found Haunted Mansion. I don’t remember much after that…I passed out pretty quick after lying down, but not before sending a series of texts to Chris back home. Don’t worry, they aren’t dirty and made me laugh hard when I re-read them this morning. This will give you an idea of how, uh, well, how FUN our evening was. And by the way, who the heck is Joe?! Joe, are you onboard with me? Did I meet you yesterday? Me to Chris: B be druuuunk Chris: Haha Me: I be sleeping on the couch. My feet be in mama’s face all night BAHAHAHA! Chris: Oh gosh your stinky feet! Me: I need to go hit up Alchemy. Drinks be on Joe tonight! Chris: Haha Me: OMG I love the couch bed. From now on we ask them to make the couch into a bed. Chris: How was alchemy? Me: I dunno, I’m 13 drink in and dunno how to get out the door. Chris: Huh? Me: I check it out 2morrow sea day. For now I go sleep sleep as I watch Haunted Manny. Chris: Night Me: B wants Moo Cheese Pizza. She thinks they have a cow onboard they milk and make the cheese here. Mommy grouchy and tells us to shut up. She wants PB M&Ms or coffee. Chris: Haha poor mom. Me: B tells me to shut up and watch the movie. Me: movie stupid, I wanna meet Madea Me to Chris this morning: Oh God I took too much yesterday. I gotta be a good girl, my head hurts. Chris: LOL!
  14. We did park at the port, and it was a hot mess. 45 minutes to get thru the traffic and the signage was not the best. We had a 10 am arrival time, and really “arrived” at 10:45
  15. Welcome aboard!! Soooo somehow we all 3 ended up with a mini snickers….and we don’t remember where we got them. 😂 I THINK it was from the art auction guy, we stopped in to admire a painting and I think he may have had a bowl of them out. Thank you! Haha no it wasn’t part of the drink. Would be a great addition to the chocolate martini tho!!
  16. Dinner in MDR was delish. Crawfish strudel, Indian vegetarian for me, Cobb salad for B. Espresso martinis in ocean plaza bar good!
  17. I’ve had a few too many this afternoon, please excuse my lack of…uhhh..,description. It was fun. I’ll be better tomorrow, i promise!
  18. It was a bit non smooth, but whatevs….delays worth it. Onboard now, all smooth! Mmmmm!!!
  19. If you hear any questions, just ask! If you have any questions you want answered, just ask! I’ll do my best to answer. 🙂 Whoo hoo! You’re not too far away! I adore my dang sunglasses. She’s a follower, not an original. Bahaha
  20. Hey, pretty girl! Vista is at terminal 6. The parking is $17/day, and the lot doesn’t open until 10.
  21. Breakfast at the hotel isn’t half bad! A sausage, cheese, onion & pepper egg bowl. Yummy!
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