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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. I had grand plans to go to bed early last night, but my uncle and hubby kept me up playing cards and having a few “beginning of vacation” shots and I didn’t crawl in bed until around 10:30. Then hubby had a fire call and got back home around midnight, so my 2:30 alarm came wayyyyy too quick. I stumbled around and said goodbye to KatiePuff and Divya but forgot to tell Chris bye when I left at 3:02. Oops. I arrived at Mom’s at 3:12, and after being slobbered by her rotten Rottweilers we left at 3:31. It was pouring rain, and the first 3 hours of driving were awful. The interstate was not shedding water so we had to take it slow. We stopped in Orangeburg, SC at 6:22 for gas, and a quick egg & cheese biscuit from McDonalds. We continued on and once we got into GA the rain stopped. We stopped at 10:15 in Jacksonville, FL at my favorite horse tack store to stretch our legs, potty, and spend some moolah. We passed over the big scary bridge (random Stephanie fact: I HATE bridges) and stopped at 12:11 for Subway lunch. Now we are somewhere past Cape Canaveral but not to Miami, and it’s clouding up again. Mom is on a mission to spot a gator or a “swirly”, aka waterspout or tornado…I dunno why she wants to see one, or thinks she will. I think the lack of sleep has her a little looney. I just want to get to the hotel in one piece.
  2. I wish!!! Not enough PTO time to do that and my other ones this year.
  3. We will try and leave the ship in tip top shape for y’all! Whoo hoo! See you onboard!! I’m so sad I miss cruising with yall AGAIN!!!! 😫
  4. See you onboard!! We are a group of 3 ladies leaving the hubbies behind for girl time!
  5. I will be sailing on her in 29 days and doing a Live review, if nobody else posts feedback before then. 🙂
  6. Not an ECU Pirate, I just chose this screen name after my horse, Pirate. 🙂
  7. Hahaha I am kind of glad I opted to go live too. I feel the love!! Hey, this means we skip forward an hour so I get on the ship an hour sooner! Heck yeah!!!!
  8. Hahaha I use to pack a month or so in advance of my vacation, then unpack and re-pack it 1-2 times. Then somehow it got to be I'd pack 2 weeks before, and unpack and re-pack maybe once. Now I am down to packing the week of vacation and praying I don't forget anything because I don't have time to unpack and re-pack. Hopefully I don't get even worse and start packing just the day before, or worse yet, day of, departure!
  9. Thank you! Glad to have you along! Haha the flip flops are in there (I live in them in warm weather so no way was I forgetting them!), and sunscreen is in as well. I never use a visor or hat, but the sunglasses and cover up are now on the list! Thanks for the tip!!
  10. As others have said, do a test run with a friend/family mbr prior....I have had staterooms that the internet connection was very poor, and you don't want that to be the case! Good luck with the interview!
  11. It's the last work day before vacation, and I have a feeling it is going to drag. Ugh c'mon 5:30!! I have lots to do before my butt-crack of dawn departure tomorrow morning. For some reason I saved all my pre-cruise chores for today. Not smart, Steph, not smart at all. Laundry, dishes, loading up the car with my luggage (Oh yeah, gotta remember to put a swimsuit in there....somehow I forgot, and that could be important!), shaving, pulling the pre-portioned pet food out of the freezer for the Hubs...ugh. You know what, I think I will leave the laundry and dishes for him to do while I am gone....surely he won't be a total slob and pile even more on top of them while I am away....
  12. We will hopefully have a blast. 🙂 Thank you!! Thanks for following along!
  13. Pre Cruise Hotel: I decided to try out the Intercontinental in Doral this go-round. They have a park and cruise package that includes breakfast for 2, free parking for up to 14 days, and a $25 Uber credit to get you to the port. It sounded like a good deal to me, so let’s see how it goes! The address for the hotel is 2505 North West 87th Ave in Doral. We will see how it is come Saturday!
  14. Welcome aboard! If you have any questions you’d like me to try and find answers to, feel free to ask! 🙂
  15. I’m very lucky with the relationship we have! I think some of it’s because she did have me young, so we are just 16 years apart in age. But we also have alot of common interests which helps! I hope the memo helps people second guess bad decisions too. I will admit I’ve been lucky so far on my voyages and not witnessed any really bad behavior like I’ve heard others talk about, but I know there’s always that chance.
  16. Huh, I’ve sailed during spring break before and don’t remember getting this advisory. Hopefully things won’t be too crazy onboard!
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