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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. Hopefully the third time will be a charm. $2,225.00 per person is the the maximum amount times 2 people equals $4,450.00. Keith
  2. Ed, I saw Tracie's response and my apologies. It is 2,250.00 per person. In our case two people $4450.00 so I had 50.00 on the brain. Keith
  3. I remember when we saw him last he was working on a project which was songs associated with the sea. His wife is lovely. I remember one one of the sailings when there was live music outside by the pool each time he passed by the band would play Turn Turn Turn. I had that LP. And probably wore it out playing it so much. Not as much as the Beatles but a lot. Keith
  4. I want to clarify that if eligible then everyone received $2,2,50.00 per person. However, in some cases people received less than this. Examples included what they were owed was less than $2,50.00 or in several cases their Credit Card companies reimbursed them for most of what was owed and the remaining balance was less than $2,250.00. Keith
  5. Ivi, I assisted a friend with this. Crystal has no assigned terminal at Miami as it doesn't sail there regularly. As you cruise nears, you can find the assignment using the Port website. But I found the information is not provided very far in advance. When you use the search click on cruise and put in the date before doing the search. https://wwwx.miamidade.gov/apps/seaport/dailydock/Default.aspx Even if you don't know which terminal when you enter the port it is really easy to find whatever ship you are looking for and your driver will not have a problem. With the exception of terminal J which often Crystal was assigned (not the other day though) the other ships are docked on the other side and are all lined up at the respective terminals. Keith
  6. Along time ago I wrote this off but today brings closure. I git my wish. Crystal came back. As to the previous owners I hope they get my wish. Just saying. Keith
  7. It is interesting that the letters are dated September 27, 2023. I am not blaming this on the USA Postal Service. Maybe they had thought they would be out by then. 😀 Keith
  8. I had mentioned the other day that Crystal enhanced the search function for finding new cruises with filters for country and ports. The home page has been enhanced as of today and has an excellent look to it. Keith
  9. Vince, agree with you 100% and usually it is almost literally a penny by the time it arrives. Keith
  10. OH no stake thru that topic heart but would like to give the previous owner a piece of .............Well enough said. Keith
  11. Check received and deposited. Keith
  12. Vince, my informed delivery shows the same thing for today's mail. Keith
  13. 15 years ago. Hong Kong. Our first visit for pleasure (I had been there previously on business). Next visit would be a year later on Symphony. Keith
  14. Yes. They were created new so I think of them more as new rather than being refurbished. On Deck 9 and former Seabreeze. No tubs. Keith
  15. On Serenity I have always favored the Classic Aquamarine because of the two desks and how space is optimized. I don't feel the same way about Symphony. I do wan to to correct one minor item and that is the Aquamarine redesigned in 2018. The square footage is actually smaller than the classic and that is because they took some of the space to have the hallway between the two suites that sit side by side. On Symphony I have always preferred what is Sapphire over Classic. I did very much like the Sapphire rooms created in 2017 on Symphony. I do realize though we all have different tastes and needs. In our case we like the desks. In our case we don't need a bathtub. Someone else might have just the opposite view. Keith
  16. A few additional photos from that special day with Asuka II. Helicopter above us taking photos and video of the two sister ships meeting. Keith
  17. They did not. Only one sea day on each voyage along with one afternoon arrival on each cruise. Keith.
  18. I hear you. I was just responding to Ivi's question about the present cruise. That one for sure doesn't meet the former criteria. I will ask about this in terms of do they still do these. It is very possible they don't for many reasons. but let's see. Keith
  19. Ivi, this cruise is not longer enough nor enough sea days to meet the former criteria. Keith
  20. Have I ever said that I love the music of The Beatles. I never would have dreamed that in 2023 another new song would be released. Here is a video on the making of the last song Now and Then. And here is the actual song. Keith
  21. Crystal has added two new filters to the find a cruise search function that I think are terrific. In addition to being able to search on destinations, dates, duration and ships, you can now search by countries and ports. I know in my case we wanted to return to Liverpool and with the new filer I could do a search just on this port and it pulled up five cruises. This is much faster way to find them. Let's say you want to visit Iceland you can use the country filter and discover there are nine cruises where one or more ports include Iceland. I use the search function frequently as I look for additional cruising possibilities and this will make finding certain cruises even easier than before. Keith
  22. You are very welcome. I am not following all of this so you are probably best to call your TA to talk all of this through. In terms of terminology you get a voucher wort x dollars which has five equal sub credits. One sub credit can be applied to each cruise. Keith
  23. Well I wish I was whole but that is another story and my fault but so it goes. Could you please explain more the disconnect with what you were told and what you got. This is how it should work. You submit the EI request. Let's say it is $25,000.00. Crystal confirms this with Mocker and if they say it is $25,000 you get a voucher which allows you to use $5,000 per cruise. If the cruise is $15,000.00 than one of the adjustments made would be to take the total fare down by $5,000.00 This is done as soon as the 1/5 sub credit is applied and you should get an invoice showing that. If there is more than one person on the booking then each fare in this example will be taken down by $2,500.00 per guest. It should be this straight forward. Now if you submitted the request for $25,000.00 and Crystal is told by Moecker that it is $20,000 than that is what it is unless you can prove that you are really owed $25,000.00. Keith
  24. We didn't hear anything until a couple of months ago when they sent us an-email where we are listed for the claims we submitted which were filed with the court. It notes on there the max we might get. If you haven't gotten this (and since you paid cash maybe that is why) I would contact them. Keith
  25. Extremely happy about the E-1 Credits. Initially got one voucher for precisely what we expected and then over the course of time used 1/5 of each credit for five different cruises including some already booked and one where I had made the final payment so got a refund. Then when they expanded them to river cruises, expeditions ships etc. submitted another form, got the amount I submitted in a second E1 voucher and have used all of the sub-credits. Haven't gotten any money back yet via Moecker. Keith
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