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Everything posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. Cosmopolitan French onion soup Pork chop 3 desserts-I can't decide-probably the chocolate caramel tart
  2. We just returned from the Georgia Aquarium-what an amazing place. I spent nearly 1/2 hour watching the whale sharks glide around their pool. They are so huge! We also did the Behind-the-Scenes Tour but compared to others we've taken, this one was just so-so. And thank you Atlanta for giving us perfect weather. Back home to the rain on Friday. Have a great week everyone.
  3. This was funny to read. A friend in high school actually read the book and then made up big buttons, the kind with the pin on the back, that asked, "Who is John Galt?"
  4. Southern Belle for something different Jumbo shrimp Filet Dutch Apple Pie, extra ice cream Thanks!
  5. Let’s start with the Paloma, then the chicken soup, spiced pork belly and the mango mousse. Thanks!
  6. I'm sorry we'll miss you in Kona. The family (9 of us) will be there for a week in March. Should be interesting??? 😮
  7. I think I’d try the Far East Legacy, 5 spiced ribs, chicken curry (would they add onion rings to that?) and sorbet. Yum! Have a great cruise!
  8. Thanks Sandi-Yes, we're here in Newnan, GA, enjoying the wonderful sunshine. A nice change from the rain we endured on the way to the airport Thursday. We were quite wet by the time we reached the light rail station from the passenger ferry. It's funny though. It's 59F at home right now (3 hours earlier) but seems much warmer (54F) here. And I finally get to visit the aquarium on Tuesday. I can't wait to see the whale shark! Have a great weekend everyone!
  9. What happened to October? It's gone already! I spent the day with 4 sewing friends sorting a fabulous donation of fabric. My sister's friend had been storing what was left from her Montana fabric store and decided to give it to our Comfort Care quilt group. I'd guess it's nearly 1500 yards of quality fabric. We are so lucky! But moving large bags and boxes and sorting and hauling has my knee not being happy with me. And tomorrow morning early, DH and I leave for Atlanta to see DS for 8 days. Walking through 2 airports will be interesting. Hopefully it will warm up before we have to return to the damp and gray. It's so nice to see so many on wonderful cruises-hope all goes well with the cruisers. Take care everyone.
  10. It looks like you're having a great time in Rome. We will be there next November so am interested in the BigBus from the airport. We had a terrible transfer last time we were there. Continue on-appreciating your reports.
  11. We had an easy trip home from the ocean. Tuesday was hard rain and strong winds so was glad I had taken fabric to cut for our comfort quilts. DH spent the day on the computer, cursing the slow internet. We were treated to a wonderful sunset the evening before we left. (This is only my 2nd time trying to submit a photo-hope it works) Now to get organized to leave for DS's house near Atlanta in a few days. A rather late Happy Birthday to @grapau27. Seems to be a lot of us with October birthdays. I hope everyone has a good weekend.
  12. For those of you who enjoy mincemeat but don't want to make a pie for just one, keep a jar of it in the fridge and have a spoonful or two when passing by. Yum! A little extra rum stirred in works too.
  13. Who makes up these recipes? DH cried when I told him what they did to the Scotch 🤣.
  14. We loved the Pantheon (do you need tickets now?) and walking around Piazza Navona. There we found the best cantaloupe gelato-yum! And a painting of the piazza that now hangs in the living room. Have a great time. Next time you’re in Rome, give yourself a couple of extra days and take the high speed train to Florence. Easy and fun.
  15. Happy Monday everyone. We’re spending a few days on Ocean Shores on the Washington coast, just for a quick getaway. The drive was easy and the trees are beautiful with all their colors. Then at the end of next week we leave for DS’s house near Atlanta for a week. After that it’s nearly Thanksgiving. Where has the year gone? Stay well everyone.
  16. @JazzyVHave you tried sleeping with a small, triangular wedge pillow under your knees? I found that helped me a lot.
  17. @SilvertoGold I think you nailed it. A good way to encourage loyalty and continued cruising in the future.
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