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Everything posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. @VMax1700I read the same thing at first glance. I think a dink is a soft hit over the net when playing pickleball.
  2. Thanks so much for your detailed reports and good photos. I am curious as to how many name tags weren’t picked up at the M & G. Always disappointed when there are a lot who sign up but don’t actually show up.
  3. Just curious-what makes the Nieuw Amsterdam so popular with groups? Lots of full ship charters on the list.
  4. A rather late "Happy New Year" to everyone and thanks to everyone who shares news and information all year long. @SuslorDoes your new cruise include the January 4, 2025 28-day segment from Singapore? If so, we will see you onboard! First time for us in that area of the world (other than DH's time in Thailand during the Vietnam war).
  5. I agree with the suggestion that an upgraded cabin is in order, if the ship isn't fully booked. Ask for it, just in case they don't offer it as a remedy.
  6. I think you need to buy a lottery ticket. What are the odds of not only having a service dog on your flight but in your row! I hope the ship gives the dog cabin a very deep cleaning. You have to wonder if there were any “accidents “ during the long voyage.
  7. I want to add my thanks for your excellent review of your last 2 cruises. It's been interesting to see what new adventure (the good, the bad and the ugly) pops up. And I so agree that dogs do not belong in any area where food is being served-ugh! Back to cooking and cleaning-always a shock after a cruise. Thanks again!
  8. Thanks for all the information. Can’t wait for next January.
  9. Please bring back a little warmer weather with you please. Have a fantastic cruise and thanks for another cruise review.
  10. One last thought-it sort of depends on where you're cruising, your activity level and the weather. Cool weather and not doing anything very strenuous, you can wear something a couple of times. If you're taking tours through a steamy, hot jungle and trying to go light on the packing, you might like the unlimited option.
  11. Wow! The UW Huskies and Texas game is down to the wire. Ready to pass out after holding my breath for so long.
  12. Thanks for the amazing story of your journey. Now I’m really anxious for our next cruise for the eclipse in Mexico. It’s been too long since we’ve been on a ship.
  13. Thanks for the update on the rats-oops, I mean dogs. How frustrating to still be dealing with them. I think we're all amazed that they are onboard and wondering how it happened. Can't wait to hear what Guest Services has to say. Happy New Year and hope the rest of the cruise is calm and peaceful.
  14. I also have several of the folding cubes, although they are in various shapes. A couple of them are shorter, longer and narrower. Target, I think.
  15. Besides the shower without tub, the best part of the bathroom are the towel bars by the sink rather than dripping all the way to the bar over the toilet. We generally store our bags on the shelf under the sink. I bought small plastic baskets to keep the most-often-used items in and pull the basket out when needed. I did enjoy our 1st cruise in a Vista suite on the Nieuw Statendam last spring. Now I'm spoiled.
  16. The bag has a drawstring to close. Easy to really stuff and then shut.
  17. We rushed through a day trip to Iguazu Falls when we ended in Buenos Aries. Glad we went but it would have been nicer to have more time. Enjoy!
  18. Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes. Being so soon after Christmas, we've usually just wished each other a happy day. One year though, DH decided we should go to Seattle for dinner and a movie. Only problem was I was working at a temporary job-3 am to 11 am 7 days a week so you can guess what happened 2 minutes after the lights went down for the movie. Love all 3 days-friend gave me a loaf she made. It was really good and I asked if she'd share the recipe. It's Alton Brown's Free Range Fruitcake. It's moister than most and just really good! We were at the zoo when we were in Sydney in February and made snowflakes a couple of years ago with DGSs. @dfish, positive thoughts for surgery and don't overdo too soon.
  19. @StLouisCruisersSandi, so glad your DGD wasn't injured and thankful that the jerk was caught. (Wanted to use another word for him but didn't want to be censored.) My sister does mini cross stitch stockings and decorates the fireplace. She had me take some of the patterns to the copy shop to have them enlarged so she could see the details.
  20. That would be fun. We will probably arrive November 17 and stay a few days. Thanks!
  21. Yippee! I just booked our flight to Athens for our November cruise. I was able to use our AlaskaAir miles on Iberia Airlines (I am so tired of British Air being the only option-lousy service and pricy fees). Only drawback is DH will be in Business and I'll be in Premium Economy, but hopefully another seat will open up in the coming months. Now to find tickets from Rome to Atlanta, where we'll stop off to visit DS and DDIL for an early Thanksgiving on the way back-and the long wait!
  22. @grapau27The tablecloth is gorgeous and I love Christmas crackers. They are a tradition at our house. But your gifts inside are much better than what we get. HB to Sarah and Merry Christmas to all.
  23. One thing we found that was helpful when in an inside cabin-depending on when you want to get up and when sunrise is, you can set your tv to the bow cam, with the sound off, and it helps you sort of know what time it might be. A gradual wake-up, if you want to wake up with the sun🙂.
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