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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. It’s amazing how quiet places still are now. Even my local shopping centre isn’t anywhere near as busy as it used to be.
  2. My 4 night Aurora cruise in November 2014 was cancelled because it was late coming out of dry dock. We did find out quite a while in advance , about 3 or 4 months before I think. She was having the new livery put on with the flag on the bow. I was gutted because it was my 50th birthday. I’ve still never been on Aurora. We had a good time on Oriana instead but we were supposed to go Amsterdam on Aurora and Oriana went to Bruges and Cherbourg.
  3. We have a couple of bushes that we bought a few years ago from this farm, Castle Farm at Shoreham near Dartford for any locals!
  4. I’ve just remembered, I don’t think I’ve posted since Ventura did not arrive in Guernsey on Friday 24th. Such a shame as 3 other days we were there other cruise lines got in. I must say P&O do seem very cautious. It was grey and a bit damp first thing but it brightened up to a lovely day again and wasn’t as windy as other days! I know all about the notorious undercurrents at Guernsey but it really was a lovely calm afternoon. I expect the captain did what ours did last time we couldn’t get in and found some sun for everyone to enjoy on the decks! We were at Castle Cornet in the afternoon as our ferry didn’t go until 7pm!! The castle in right on the mouth of the harbour so we would have had a great view.
  5. Hello all, sorry I haven’t been around, it’s been all go since we got home from Guernsey. My parents have moved to their ground floor flat now but we’ve been over there nearly every day this week. There’s still so much to do as they still have too much stuff! Things have happened such as the built in washing machine doesn’t work properly! I’ve got our friend to go and look at it this Wednesday as she’s not really bothered about the dishwasher so we’re thinking of putting a new washing machine where the dishwasher is (that’s not built in) then turn the washing machine space just to a cupboard. In the meantime I’m sitting in my garden looking at their washing on my line! We did get out to a lavender farm not too far from us on Friday.
  6. Oh no hope she’s ok. Very selfish if they knew they were ill.
  7. Great thread dermotsgirl. Our first cruise was June 2012 so I had no chance to be on any of those special cruises. I may have watched it on YouTube? Would have loved to have been there, what dreadful weather though! Early summer wasn’t great that year, just before our cruise it was the Queen’s jubilee when they all got soaked on that river pageant! Our first cruise wasn’t the fab weather I was expecting but I was hooked!
  8. Ooh err! I was booked to be on this cruise, although I moved it over six months ago.
  9. Today started a bit drizzly so we went to the Occupation museum and Guernsey Pearl. Then the weather brightened up so we drove round the coast stopping at a couple of forts and taking pictures. Early evening we pretended we were in France as we went to the Crepe place again and this time were seated by the window with this great view.
  10. Hello all again, had a brilliant day yesterday as it was hot and sunny from the start and we took a trip to Herm island. There is a bus stop outside our hotel and all journeys are £1-25 so we decided to take the bus to St Peter Port to catch the ferry. We had a nice pub lunch on Herm and then lazed on a beach. After we got back to St Peter Port we had a coffee before we went to get a bus back - we ended up waiting an hour!! The bus journey is about 30 mins so we were very glad to get back at about 7pm!Here are some pics from the boat and on the beach at Herm. We went past an Azamara cruise ship in port.
  11. Yes they are French. It was an incredible house, the pictures don’t do it justice. We saw another tour where it seemed the group were French.
  12. After a yummy galette (a savoury crepe) in St Peter Port we then went to Cabo Bay and you can see the weather improved a lot.
  13. Hello again from Guernsey. After a dull start we have had lovely sunshine again. I’d booked online a while ago to see Victor Hugo’s house in St Peter Port while he was in exile there. The tour was by a French lady and was very interesting. It was an incredible house, don’t think I’ve even seen anything like it! At the top he’d built a lovely airy room with great views of the sea — another cruise ship was in!
  14. Hi all, we are just resting in our room in Guernsey. We are very pleased to see we have a side view of the sea which we weren’t expecting. The other picture is the view from the restaurant window at lunch time. We also found a fab view of a tendering Silversea ship in St Peter Port.
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