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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. Bad advice, based on an era of significantly reduced passenger capacity. I just recently ACTUALLY booked and found my optimum evening already taken and a limited number of evenings still available/open for booking . I believe if one follows Mauibabes’s advice they may well be “ left in the cold”. This Board struggles with the differentiation of those sailing during Covid conditions at very low ship capacity and those sailing at past , and future, full capacity. Our October fully waitlisted cruise versus our recent barely 50% capacity summer cruise is a perfect example. My advice: If one desires a Privee evening, they had better book it sooner than later. Ten is the max capacity. I can’t imagine adulterating a wonderful evening by attempting to exceed capacity.
  2. This thread prompted me to get Privee booked on my next Marina cruise. My TA has taken care of it for me. Looking forward to the new additional menu items. Another wine dinner to be planned! 😁 Since we’re doing South America, I think the wine theme is self evident. Salivating already!
  3. Totally depends upon the popularity of the tour versus what else is being offered that day. I’ve seen 60 passenger buses being entirely full before, and that’s on longer more active tours not just panoramic ones. Some days Oceania will run 2-3 bus loads of the same tour. Meanwhile, other tours may have 15-25 on the bus. It’s really a box of chocolates. If you see a tour that you’re signed up for has sold out, expect that bus to be full. If Oceania is offering 3-4 shorex, at a given port, that are 2.5-3 hours long, and then just one that is 5.5 hours long expect that latter one to be packed.
  4. Perhaps you’re correct. Even then, destination and timing matters. In the middle of the summer, going somewhere in Europe, it should be no problem. Huge NCLH pool. Shoulder month or lower used area, the tickets might not be there. Bulk discounted rate plane tickets are an entity of their own with multiple organizations, including cruise lines, chasing a limited number of such tickets. If travel remains as hot as it is currently, and the specific airline issues don’t significantly decrease, it is easily predictable that the number of such seats available will plunge.They may have already done so.
  5. Also don’t forget the 24 hour rule for canceling a shorex.
  6. I love Privee. I know you’re not much into wines, but I typically do byob wine dinners there and they are well attended. As a Newbie, here’s a fact. Lots of people lurk on this Forum and the Roll Calls. To “ Lurk” means they read the various posts but never post themselves. Therefore, never try correlate readers to posters. I always leave my email address when setting up private tours and have multiple participants contact me direct that won’t post or respond to anything online. Privee has worked the same way. Your options are many.
  7. This part is incorrect . Having (and still) ran Group trips on group rate fares, the airlines are very strict on certain timelines. One of those time lines is having a specific name on a seat/ticket/fare. Initially one can hold X seats without names. Then seats must be ticketed with a name. Beyond that date all the group rate seats are released . Any seats acquired after that cutoff date are done so at the then market price, not the bulk rate price. With all of the airlines currently flying full ons/or overbooked, how many tickets do you believe are available inside 30 days? For those choosing to fly on cruise line bulk rate tickets, you do realize that your ticket class puts you first in line to be bumped, for itinerary changes , or cancellation? That ticket class, which appears on all tickets has a meaning.
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