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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. I can’t speak for all airlines, but the lines for assistance we saw we lllooonnngg! The staff was making regular announcements saying “ if you booked through a Travel Agent or other ticket consolidater, you need to call that Agent for assistance “. Not only was those with tickets from Expedia, Cheap-O Air, etc, being caught up in this but also the Cruise Air people. That port Agent had all they could handle ( and more) with direct sales.
  2. Let’s keep things in perspective. Things are dynamic right now. If you get to the airport at 06:00 in Rome to find your connecting flight has been cancelled, it’s midnight in Miami. There’s no one at O to help you until afternoon in Rome. What we discovered was that some flights were being cancelled 24-48 hours in advance. Some, particularly those intra European flights, were being cancelled by the hour. If your response is “it’s Oceania’s responsibility to fix this “ and you wait for their actions, be prepared to not quickly return home. We had passengers bumped off our international flight home. Most were refugees from other cancellations. There are no empty seats right now. The SAS debacle has made things worse. An acquaintance that just got home had to take a train from Copenhagen to Frankfurt, to catch a flight on Lufthansa, and get the only two seats he could find home. Those seats were to DCA, not JFK near where he lives. Another train home. He got home three days late, but happy to be home. Will Oceania help you? I believe absolutely. If one isn’t willing or capable to help themselves, how long do you believe you might be waiting right now to even talk to O Air? We had people show up 1-2 days late for our cruise due to enroute air issues, and that doesn’t include baggage issues. A rhetorical question: whose on top the O Air in basket priority list, those trying to make it to the cruise, or those trying to get home? I’m sure that basket is overrunning right now.
  3. Thanks! I figured out my problem, I was logged in on the site earlier and had to log off and then back in to get the new updates! 🥺 After 8/1, you totally roll the dice and all the risk is on us. I didn’t mind the testing requirements at all. The majority got what they asked for with this.
  4. So back to the second half of the question. No pre testing required. So if you now come down with Covid while aboard and are quarantined should you expect FCC for time in quarantine?
  5. I didn’t find it! So if they drop pre testing, would that also mean no FCC for those that come down with Covid aboard?
  6. Yes! An 18.5% gratuity is automatically added to all drink orders.
  7. Be careful giving them cotton clothing that can shrink in a large industrial clothes dryer .
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