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Everything posted by 1ANGELCAT

  1. Good hot and humid morning. The feels like temperature is already 87 with thunderstorms expected this afternoon. I used to love summer, but I can’t wait for a cool day. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  2. I’m confused, is the Delta flight from Amsterdam at 11:30, then what time is the flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam?
  3. Good very humid morning. It’s 72 with92 percent humidity and thunderstorms expected for the next few days. The joys of summer. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  4. Good hot and sunny morning. It’s currently 86 with a feels like of 103. I just turned the air conditioner on. The cats are all sleeping under the ceiling fan. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  5. Good hot and sunny but not too humid afternoon. Tomorrow and Thursday will be in the low nineties. The cleanup from the flooding continues, especially in the Antietam Valley area of the county. The high school was badly damaged. It had 6 feet of water in the basement where the heating system and electrical systems are located. The first floor was also flooded. The school sits across the road from a small creek that is usually low. There are numerous homes that were also damaged. The community center is accepting donations of water, cleaning supplies, etc. I dropped off 2 cases of water and some food. I’ll probably go back later this week. The damage is heartbreaking. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  6. Good sunny afternoon, much better than yesterday. The damage from the flooding has been severe in certain areas. I have been to Edinburgh several times over the years, all on land trips. Love the Tattoo and the fringe festival. I especially loved dining at The Witchery by the Castle. I was on the Royal Yacht on our first visit back in 1999. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  7. Evening all, looks like the rain is finally over. Parts of the area received over 7 inches. There are reports of building collapse and many water rescues., including rooftop by National Guard helicopters. 🙏🤞 More rain is forecast for tomorrow.
  8. Good rainy afternoon. It’s been pouring since noontime off and on. Lots of idiots driving around barricades and having to be rescued. Also, reports of trees and wires down. I’ve been following a fire alerts page that shows responses in real time. Prayers for all involved. @Denise T, I hope Pottstown is doing okay. Stay safe.
  9. Good muggy morning, rain is supposed to start around noon, with a flood warning in effect until midnight. The cats all like to stretch out under the ceiling fan. I hope it cools off soon, but another heat wave is expected by Wednesday. @Crazy For Cats, how is Jasper doing? Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  10. Good still warm and muggy evening. Father David’s message is now on YouTube. @grapau27, I believe you mentioned his birthday is coming up this week. Please wish him birthday wishes from me. @Cruzin Terri, enjoy your day in Kirkwall. I hope the weather is better than predicted. There’s a wonderful jewelry designer there, Sheila Fleet, her designs are all about Scotland. I had the pleasure of meeting her 2 times. Stormy weather is predicted here for tomorrow with flood warnings in effect from noon onward. I hope everyone has a good night.
  11. Good very humid morning.It’s already feeling like 90. Yesterday afternoon we had rain for more than an hour. Not much going on today. Another day in the air conditioning. I had blueberries for breakfast. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  12. Good miserable humid morning. It’s 77 with a real feel of 96, I hate the humidity. Need to run some errands and then I plan to stay home in the air conditioning. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. Especially for Murphy.
  13. Good sunny and humid morning. It’s already 75 with a feels like 90 , maybe some storms this afternoon. Thank goodness for a/c. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  14. Good sunny and hot morning. It’s another day in the 90’s and again tomorrow. The fireworks went on till after midnight, I hope it is over for another year. @summer slope hugs and love being sent to your family today. Bailey will be met with many friends to play with in heaven 💔🐾🙏 Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  15. Good night all, the idiots are going strong as the fireworks are completely surrounding us. Yet, the mayor assured the citizens that the ordinance would be strictly enforced this year.(NOT). Rant over.
  16. Good hot and humid afternoon. It’s currently 90 with a real feel of106. Happy Birthday USA 🇺🇸 and also MS Nieuw Amsterdam. I remember watching the ceremony on the website. I’m not sure if I will make the steak on the grill tonight or wait until it is cooler. Just to hot outside. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  17. Well this day just got even worse. Came home from running errands to find about 6 police cars and the coroner van parked in front of our block. Apparently one of my neighbors ended his life 💔
  18. Well no trip to the vet today. Apparently they never put it in their system, even though we have a card with it on. Just have to reschedule, wasn’t looking forward to getting him in the carrier anyway. The one receptionist that handled appointments recently retired and the new people are still learning.
  19. Good sunny and humid morning. Like Denise T we had storms and tornado warnings last night, more rain expected today. Trouble has a routine vet appointment this afternoon and we’ll also discuss Houdini with him.🤞🐾 On a happy note. Nieuw Amsterdam officially becomes a teenager tomorrow. I wish I was there to celebrate 🎉🎂🍾🚢 Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  20. FWIW, Nieuw Amsterdam will just be coming out of dry dock as of December 16th
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