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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. I was enthralled and read every word. My husband’s niece was “sent away” at 16 to have a baby and immediately give it up. They managed to hide the whole thing from the rest of the family because they lived three hours away. The boy’s family pushed for marriage and said they would help support them, but A didn’t want her adult life to start like that, and thought if she never saw the baby she could turn the page and start a new chapter easily. She went back to school and graduated with her class. Married at 21, divorced at 23, married again at 24, and divorced again at 25. She had a child by each husband, but was never happy. She married and divorced one more time. After the third marriage, she started therapy. Her therapist advised her to try to find the child she gave up. It was a closed adoption, so she couldn’t find anything. 20 years after she gave the baby up, she turned to Ocean Voyage. And so did the baby! After many phone calls and emails, he came to Florida to meet her. Next visit was to meet his two half siblings and then his grandparents and aunts and uncles. Finally the rest of us were told the story. We met him and his parents at a 21st birthday party our niece threw for him. They flew to Central Florida from Arizona. He looks exactly like his half sister in coloring and his smile. He has great parents who gave him and his later adopted sister a wonderful childhood. When our niece died much too young from a brain tumor, his whole family flew again from Arizona for the funeral. A was so happy in her last years to have not only found him, but to have found a bonus family in his parents. It’s never too late to gain a family, and to feel the connection with people who were strangers.
  2. His smile is like sunshine after rain. I hope his meds and good doctors keep him making progress. 🙏🙏🙏 for Charlie.
  3. I have never be able to stay out of the sun while taking any meds…I live in Florida and stay tanned just walking from the car to the grocery store. I think that the antibiotics just increase the effect of the sun. you might be ok to take them with no problem if you slather on the sun block. I never had gum problems, so I don’t know if the bone graft was the default position, or maybe because I’m ancient!
  4. I’m just now trying to catch up after my cruise. I missed where you first mentioned your implant problems. was it the post? Did you need a bone graft? I’m getting one where I lost an old crown. First step is the bone graft, then the post. The bone graft worries me, but I’m told it’s necessary. Or do you have pain, which would be worse than not having the tooth!
  5. Here are my feet and view of the water as proof I’mhere. As further proof, my ankles are horribly swollen though I add no salt to anything!
  6. I’m taking advantage of the 2 days f free WiFi onboard Wonder. I do not like the new menu. I was happy to see Steak Frites still on the lunch menu, so on our first sea day, I went to the MDR for lunch. Well, instad of sliced sirloin on truffle fries and topped with Béarnaise, I was give a large sirloin steak with a cup of Béarnaise and a side of spinach. I said I had ordered Steak Frites. I was told that was Steak Frites. I said I didn’t want a large sirloin steak, and showed the server the menu on the app. She took my plate away and brought it back with some fries next to the steak. Not even truffle fries. At least I’ve managed to get escargot and shrim cocktail a couple of times. On the plus side, we were very happy with the wings and fries at Playmakers. Dick refuses to pay for Chops etc. says he can eat better and cheaper and quicker back home. Playmakers prices are ridiculous! $3 for more fries that two people can eat…really good fries! $10 for 12 excellent wings. He is now happy to be able to look forward to that on Mariner in September! The weather has been good. The morning cabin cleaning is working well. our steward has 21 cabins to clean. He works 5 hours 8-1 and then 4 hours 4-8. I make sure to have our sign out by 9 so we get him in the morning. We still get a paper Compass left on the dresser every night by a ghost. Any day at sea is a good day, good food or not.
  7. Publix has them in the freezer. Thaw 2 of them, nuke for 35 seconds and better than new. But not better than Krystals!
  8. I was so sad when we saw an A&W restaurant in Tennessee. Talked Dick into turning around. I was sooo excited. pulled up to the speaker and I asked for 2 corn dogs. The voice said “2 what?” I leaned across Dick and repeated 2 corn dogs. A&W no longer sells corn dogs!! I enjoyed my root beer float, but I really wanted their great corn dogs!
  9. Whew! I finally caught up! Again! And tomorrow we leave to spend a night before sailing on Wonder Sunday. In the last few weeks I’ve had two granddaughters get engaged, one at Rockefeller Plaza, the other in the gardens at Versailles. Had our AC replaced, had doctor and dentist appointments, and hosted 11 ladies for evening Bunco with appys and wine, and 11 ladies two Mondays in a row for breakfast Bunco. (Different groups of ladies). Finale is tonight, 18 for Mexican Train. We’re not paying for internet or a Junior Suite on this cruise. Dick says it’s just an interim cruise. Okay, as long as I have a balcony! I am ready to do absolutely nothing but relax and hope the new menu doesn’t take away my cruising appetite.
  10. We’ve had no problem getting them. my point is that with no evening turndown, I doubt the stewards will pop into cabins to leave a Compass.
  11. Wonderful pictures! I wish I had taken a picture of the UPS guy in his uniform of brown shirt and shorts. His gondola was piled high with packages to be delivered. And the two businessmen in suits, carrying briefcases, standing up in a gondola, crossing the Grand Canal. Those two sights reminded me that Venice is not just beautiful scenes, it’s a real city.
  12. @lenquixote66 I was over a week behind and trying to read quickly. Saw that your dear friend Mike was in ICU and that he later passed away. Our old friends are family, so losing them is so very painful! My sympathies to all of you, and I hope the good memories ease the pain.
  13. We’re sailing on Wonder on the 26th and Mariner in September. I would think we’d be claustrophobic on Mariner, except that a million years ago we went from the Norway one week and a tiny ship, the Dolphin IV, maybe, the next. it was weird how quickly we adjusted to the difference.
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