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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. Apropo of nothing, I wonder how many people know (or care) that you can smile in your passport photo. We had ours done at AAA yesterday because no charge as members. The photographer said she’d have to retake mine because I smiled. I said it would be fine. That a natural smile is ok. She said no, you can’t show your teeth. I thanked her and we left for the Post Office. The clerk at the Passport window said my photo needed to be retaken because my teeth were showing. I repeated that it’s ok. So she packed everything up and took my credit card. Got home and Dick said I was nuts to insist it was ok, when two people whose job entails passport applications tried to warn me. So he Googled it. Evidently the State Dept didn’t get the word out except on their website. I hope whoever processes our renewals has been told a natural smile that doesn’t change the face is acceptable. The website even has example photos!
  2. Are the others, like internet agencies, eligible?
  3. Call Crown and Anchor. They’re very helpful.
  4. Actually, he is Senior VP of a major health insurance company. My DD majored in hotel and restaurant and part of restaurant was setting up a restaurant for lunch and one for dinner. Each team chose theme, table shapes and sizes, linens, tableware, designed a menu, and cooked and served to invited guests. Jon got involved somehow and got really interested in cooking. For him it’s relaxing and he clears his mind while doing it. For the family, it’s wonderful; we look forward to family meals like we’re going to a Michelin 5 Star restaurant. And no bill to pay!!
  5. I’m way late reading about your ordeal, and glad that you’re home and Jim’s recovering. Getting yourselves off the ship must have been a nightmare when you were already worried about him and if he’d be ok.
  6. My gall bladder scars from the mid 70’s are still so bad a surgeon looked at my abdomen and said “Who did this to you!” First surgery looked like a machete hit me. Second surgery to finish it was another machete slash, not through the first wound. My colon cancer surgery looks like a slight discoloration. Very slight.
  7. The most absolutely gorgeous fall colors I’ve ever seen were in Canada. Mont Tremblant on a dirt road looking out at a lake. it was like looking at a miracle.
  8. Our problem, is my family, Dick’s, and our son-in-law’s family are all first or second generation. Luckily Dick’s relatives all came except fir the Mainers. So the bulk of our relatives are in Scotland and Germany! We were very happy that so many of Dick’s extended family came.
  9. So much better right out of the water! Gator tail in restaurants is always tough and chewy, in my experience.
  10. One of my granddaughters posted a video of her dad cooking up a storm for their Florida State posse before tonight’s game. I guess cooking all last weekend wasn’t enough! They take a couple of grills and other essentials to Tallahassee to tailgate before games.
  11. A week ago today our daughter Lisa and her husband Jon single-handedly hosted almost 70 people for a family reunion. A number flying from other states, but none of our Maine relatives made it. We were all disappointed about that but managed to have a two day blast, anyway. Jon did all the cooking, lunch and dinner Saturday and brunch on Sunday. Then pizza in the afternoon Sunday because nobody was leaving. It was so wonderful to be together for fun and not funerals! I wish I was techno savvy! These pictures are not in the order I put them in! The moon was up, center left, and the trail you see bottom right is a launch from Canaveral, a couple of hours south. Our son-in-law Jon, probably the only time he sat down. Then a close up of the rising moon that one of the guys took with a much newer iPhone. Second one was taken by me with my 8Plus. Big difference! And Lisa, me, and my son Scott. And last, Dick, whose family we were celebrating, with two of our granddaughters, Megan, who is now a practicing attorney in Chicago, and Hannah, our CPA Most of the out of towners and a few diehards ie my immediate family.
  12. People that start something like that don’t know the hell they’re unleashing You were lucky to be able to find that alley.
  13. We came off our cruise with and by the time we got home we felt miserable. But we were ever so glad we waited till August to get COVID. Our breathing wasn’t affected and we weren’t in fear of hospitalization. Oops! I forgot to say I hope you get over it quickly and start feeling better even quicker.
  14. My oncologist told me not to get the next booster till at least 3 months after the onset of my COVID. Last week the New York Times said the same thing. I haven’t read it on the internet, but 2 out of 3 have convinced me!
  15. Mine are 6 years old. And I didn’t get the cheapest, or the most expensive. Kind of like picking out a casket.
  16. I was looking forward to Cody??? Coming back to his tribe with fishing gear plus a bunch of food and they skipped right over the reaction. Next scene was coming to the challenge. or I dozed off and didn’t know it!
  17. Color me dumb, but since one is listening to the phone through the hearing aids, at 30 feet how does the person on the other end hear them???
  18. We used Rapid Testing and Tracing. it wound up great after I screwed up because I didn’t know what I was doing.
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