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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. I love to take advantage of every meal opportunity when I cruise! Dick would eat every meal in Windjammer, I would eat every meal in a specialty restaurant. We compromise with dinner in the MDR. I’m enjoying your meals vicariously!
  2. Happy Hanukkah to @dani negreanu @lenquixote66 @BonTexasNY and everyone else celebrating the miracle of the oils.
  3. It definitely looks like a 2 and 1 car garage. You’ll still have a lot of separation. Far enough away to not “pop in” for a chat. close enough for help if anyone needs it.
  4. Casio Bay is gorgeous. We used to take the boat from Portland to Bailey Island and were hoping to do it when we were up there in July. Evidently it hasn’t been an option for several years. I wish we’d known about the mail boat!
  5. The wreath on the fireplace mirror is pretty. Perfect spot for it! It looks like you have the garage at your end of the new house. More privacy for you. You have beautiful scenery, even this time of year!
  6. What a marvelous way to spend a day in the water! So much to see and stopping to deliver mail adds to the fun.
  7. I am probably jinxing myself, but I’ve only had a reaction to one shot, ever, and that was back in the beginning of flu shots. went out to eat with friends, and couldn’t lift my right arm. I had to eat with my left hand, which was hard to do! And have my meat cut for me. My arm wasn’t sore, it was just dead as a door nail…whatever that is!
  8. I did the mocha barium. Not so chalky. I have bad reactions to the dye, but the guy said he’d put it in very slowly, and it worked. Mildly nauseous, but not violently ill like my usual effect. Try that next time.
  9. This afternoon it started up again. I called Yahoo. You have to pay to talk to them. He had me sign myself in to Yahoo and send myself an email. I got the email, so he said it was fixed. I had to give info for premium care, $1.99 per month. I am receiving emails right now but still can’t send them. Got off the phone and tried to email Dick who’s getting the oil changed. Same darn message. User name or password incorrect!! I’ve powered down, I’ve deleted the mail icon and reinstalled it. I guess I’ll try Apple next!
  10. So my little drama is over, and I thank y’all for trying to help. I guess our network just threw a hissy fit! Why turning Cellular on and back off again fixed it, I will never know.
  11. Luckily I didn’t have to do that. I probably would have screwed it up and wandered in the desert for a week!
  12. I’ve never had a problem sending or forwarding emails to myself. I tried it this afternoon and it went into my Outbox. On the other hand, my son called me because he got a bunch of texts this afternoon that had been sent over the last five days. They all arrived today! Maybe my family is operating under a weird cloud!
  13. Correct. But I must be a genius. I had turned Cellular on, and went through my emails and turned it back off. After watching FSU wind up winning their game, I turned Cellular back on and sent a couple of emails. Turned it off again. judt a few minutes ago I heard a ding, picked up my phone and I had two emails. From sore losers. I looked and Cellular was still off. Then I noticed I had three in Junk. So I’m back in business! Cellular must have a laxative effect, because it breached the dam!
  14. It shows logged in. I turned on Cellular and everything populated. I went through and cleaned them up and turned Cellular back off. This is not a good time for extra bills. I don’t know what it means that I can get on the internet regardless, and can get into Mail if I turn Cellular on. I thought you’re either connected to the internet or you’re not, and that you’re connected to Mail or not. I’m hopeless with anything like this, and Dick has been glued to the tv since Thursday. rught now he’s cheering his team against mine. And leading! Or his backup quarterback against my backup quarterback!
  15. I discovered a problem when my daughter texted me to say she didn’t get my emailed Christmas wish list. Today’s emails piled up in my Outbox, and the Walgreens one I received at 10:04am was the last I received. So by now I would have 30 or 40 in my Junk mail, including 15 or 20 that should be in my inbox. The internet otherwise is fine. When I try to send from Outbox I get the message my yahoo account failed. Hopefully none of the emails are important so I’ll worry Monday. Being totally inept technologically, I’m in trouble! I’m attaching the notice I get, in case anyone has a quick solution! I’m on my iPhone, with an att.net address, but left AT&T 5 or more years ago. Comcast Infinity has been fine right up to now!
  16. Wonderful ornaments! It’s so nice to greet them when you start hanging them, and are reminded of the day they joined your family.
  17. I’m just now catching up again. I’m sorry Linda is going to be going through pain and rehab. Hopefully, you will take turns so there’s always someone who can do the cooking! As long as it is something that can be repaired, it can be managed. I don’t ever look forward to surgery, but it beats the heck out of hearing a doctor saying “I’m sorry, but nothing can be done”. Hopefully you will both be at a point where you can not only make that cruise, but will enjoy it!
  18. Never mind! It popped into my head after I posted! I feel so dumb; blame it on all the turkey. I found it in Floataway Lounge. I had forgotten about that! Thanks for responding to my plea!
  19. I’m ticked at myself! I accidentally x’ed the humor page off my screen and now I can’t find it again. I went through about 8 pages of RCI posts. Does anyone know how to find it again?
  20. You may not have been old enough to be in a state of shock from the moment you heard the President had been shot until the funeral was over. We were glued to the tv; I don’t think I cooked anything, just ate whatever. I don’t think I slept more than a couple of hours the whole time. And was shocked out of my shoes when my sister-in-law said “I don’t care one way it the other. He was never my president “.
  21. @Sea Dog I saw the attached photo and wondered if you ever got to taste this whiskey. The article said there are about 45 pours in a bottle make it about $60,000 per drink! The gentleman who wrote the article said he tasted a drop and found it very rich.
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