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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. That's correct. The young ladies with the brightest clothes were invited to sit on the Parrot's Perch so they were on display as a sort of advert. Free drinks were provided to the lucky half a dozen by the management and competition was fierce on Friday nights as it was pay day. There was also a cage which was a dance floor. Imagine the furore if that happened these days!
  2. Up in Fulham, West London we girls were invited to sit and preen on the Parrot's Perch at our local club.
  3. No I'm sorry I do not work for P&O. However I was tasked with reserving a seat for a friend on her 30 December flight and paying her balance in the period before as she was on Aurora mid Atlantic at the time. I obviously had to pay the balance first and due to severe problems with the telephone I cheekily used a private contact to find out the problem. I received a call from that person and paid the balance via her - I'd been unable to use the internet payment as it was also offline. During that conversation I was told that seat booking was down and had been for a few days. This was confirmed when I was unable to reserve the seat, eventually accidentally getting in st 1.00am on Monday morning. Although the seat was reserved I kept checking the site as I have to reserve my own flight seats tomorrow. It did not come up fully functional until yesterday. I hope that explains better.
  4. I'm sorry you had so many problems. The entire P&O flight system was down from Thursday 21 September and this apparently affected all flight seat reservations including the TUI ones. Wishing you a great holiday.
  5. It was stated if any premium seats were available they would be given to people in the order they booked. Assumedly they would be early bookers. I think a total of 9 or 12 possible seats was mentioned so if the maximum number had been sold there wouldn't be enough seats for all.
  6. Beautiful sunny day here, quite chilly at 5.30am but once the sun was up looking great with a high predicted of 19°. Opened my app to see what delights breakfast was going to offer and surprised that 2 bacon rashers, two tomatoes and mushrooms on a slice of wholemeal toast was the offering and half the calories of my normal cereal, soft fruit and yoghurt! At least my food envy won't be quite so bad Looking forward to all those pictures of food to cheer me up later. I very nearly decided to leave the boards for a while after all the going on elsewhere but my desire for food porn has so far got the better of me and it's only days 2. Have a great day wherever you are and whatever you're all doing.
  7. In fairness Iona doesn't get that many people upset by her now she's bedded in.the "problem" ship appears to be Arvia. I enjoyed very much Selbourne's live from Iona and would welcome another one as I'm sure many would.
  8. I did mention logistics, however it was stated "if I'm correct". I too have lost the will to live, as I said.
  9. Well bully for you. As you have decided everyone else is either a liar, misguided and only you are entitled to an opinion and be right, I shall leave this conversation. Sadly you have chosen once again to kill any reasonable discussion or opportunity for others to put their point of view. As you state "you're not giving way on this one" there seems little point in anyone else posting their view or experience.
  10. Definitely in May. It wasn't 60 minutes though, a huge exaggeration. I wandered through after coming out of the art gallery about 5 minutes before the doors were due to be opened and there were about 6 couples there. I joined them and stood chatting, there seemed little point going anywhere else at that time because it took an average of 20 minutes to be served in the atrium. In the event I was given a front table but more importantly I got served with a drink immediately and carried on chatting with the people from outside. The other tables started to fill at about 8.05pm. There were in my opinion some pretty awful ones behind poles, I'd have been very unhappy to have paid for one of those.
  11. You're assuming the poster referred to "young" people as in the age group you keep banging on about. At 68 I'd call anyone onboard from 25 to 45 "young" when I refer to them in the cruising sense as this is the age group of "young families". I think you may find that a large number of these people do want to do as mentioned and lay in the sun drinking (nothing wrong with that I hasten to add). If the "young", ie age group you keep referring to are onboard Iona and Arvia they are very much in the minority at present otherwise we would be hearing the ships referred to as like Club 18-30 holidays. Talking of generalisations, perhaps you should stop making them and other assumptions about us older folk, believe it or not we aren't in our dotage and are quite capable.
  12. Interesting day. First session in 12 for Healthy Wiltshire. Now officially banned from all sorts of exciting foodstuffs so I'll need to live vicariously through all your food pictures until mid December. Have had to sign a "contract" to lose 5% of my body weight by then. Went directly from the meeting to the swimming pool and swam 1,500 metres in the vague hope I might earn a bowl of ice cream tonight but my app (ICF is going to love this!) says no way. So to cheer myself up I've just booked two new release Cunard cruises for 2025, one 12 night Norwegian on QM2 and one fly cruise QV. I can see this healthy living is going to prove very expensive if only on cheer up treats.
  13. Moley also said it was a covid protocol to stop queues. Unfortunately it is now having the opposite effect as witnessed by many on Arvia through the summer months with queues to join a queue etc and the 30 minute before opening theatre queue to allow staff to check everyone in via the reservations on the app.
  14. Of course not. It also doesn't work well on Britannia, causes confusion and more problems than it's worth. Frankly it's a mess when the ship is busy which is not helped by the crew doing work rounds. It may be a good idea in principle but it's an inefficient system offering very basic information. Until something better and efficient comes along it will continue to cause problems. If all the ships bar the big two reverted to the old system while a proper modern working system is put in place (after thorough testing) it would be no bad thing.
  15. So the "app" being a covid protocol assumedly isn't meant to stay forever. I had understood it to be a stop gap until Medallion could be introduced however it seemed incomplete and causing more confusion than enough. Is it still going to be in use across the whole fleet (and for that matter Cunard where it seemed to be totally ignored) or is the plan to phase it out and confine it to the covid period dustbin?
  16. I had one too. If I click through the link the price is £200.00 more expensive than if I just look at the cruise on the website!
  17. Exactly the problem I had in May. I was upgraded from the cabin I booked into one that it was impossible to sleep in before 2.00am. My complaint onboard was met with deaf ears and a shrug of the shoulders. It appears to be happening more since the introduction of the new deck plan layout as the entry level select fare does indeed only offer guarantee. Unless there is a huge amount of OBC on offer there is virtually no reason to book entry level select from what I can see.
  18. I've no problem with a virtual queue if it gives me an idea how long I'm expected to be in it. At least if I'm given a pager they give a rough estimate of how long they think it will be.
  19. They most certainly do. Lots of new ones for all types of vehicles including motorcycles. Mine is worldwide as well which means no roaming costs abroad.
  20. I've just bought a new Tom Tom, an upgrade. I drive a 19 year old car and my phone won't work in a lot of places I drive in - Norfolk, Suffolk, north Cornwall. No internet, no traffic directions. Tom Tom no problems always gets me there.
  21. I'm not worried, I can assure you I won't be gracing Iona or Arvia with my presence any time soon! Might make the other ships better for the rest of us though so fingers crossed. Perhaps Medallion is coming ... OMG
  22. Your outrage speaks volumes. Now you might understand why others were unhappy when their preference was removed. If the app booking does turn out to not be in use will you feel it necessary to complain about it or will you just go along with what's being offered? Now you see the dilemma P&O faced, just who do they need to keep happy!
  23. Contrary to your experience a very great number have replied to P&O's Feefo review request indicating the restaurant situation with the app has been challenging. Way back in July a representative of P&O indicated there that they acknowledged P&O had a problem with the app and dining. Why would they not change the way things are to see if they can improve things for the passengers if that's what the passenger has indicated it would prefer? Until Iona and Arvia there was no booking required to dine in MDRs put simply they broke the system on the other ships to try something different on the new ones.
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