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Everything posted by Raisinette

  1. Based on my (few) photos and recollection, their is no full sun unless your lounger lines up with one of the gaps in the roof covering. Here's a recent photo...possibly the far left area is more exposed.
  2. Ruth, thanks so much for the quick reply! I'll contact our TA. Regards, Becky
  3. We are seasoned cruisers, but first time on HAL, sailing in September. I have a question about selecting our evening dining time. We prefer traditional dining (same time, table, tablemates every night) if possible rather than 'Anytime' style dining. I have the Navigator app and have found sample menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner (they look wonderful!), but cannot figure out how/where to select a dining time. Can anyone tell me how to do this, or can this only be done on board? Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the info re purchasing a Norwegian sweater! I haven't done the forum search yet but will try that as well as the links provided. Thank to everyone! Becky
  5. I'll be visiting Norway for the first time this September, visiting various cruising ports - Alesund, Bergen, Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger and Flam. I realize this thread is specific to Oslo but figure someone reading here may be able to answer my question! I'm considering buying a nice Norwegian sweater at some point during the cruise, and am wondering if the prices are fairly consistent in all ports or if a particular port is known for generally having better prices? Or better yet, does a specific store/chain have greater variety and prices? I'm trying to avoid looking in sweater shops in every port and then wishing I'd bought in 'X' port instead! Any info would be greatly appreciated... Becky
  6. Hello, I have the pdf of the Legend deck plans and can't see the self-serve laundry locations. Does anyone know where they are? I'm specifically looking at deck 4, Main, if that helps! Thank you
  7. There is frequent train service from Amsterdam Centraal train station to Schiphol at that time of day. I looked on the ns.nl/en website, and selected Journey Planner. There is a train at 4:46, 5:15, 5:31 etc and the journey time is 15-17 minutes. You can buy your train ticket at easy to use machines in Centraal station. The Amsterdam Centraal train station is 2 stops on tram 26 from the tram line right out front of the hotel. (the name of that tram stop is Muziekgeb.Bimhaus, be sure to take the tram going in the direction of the train station!). I don't know the frequency of the tram at that time of day. Alternatively, you can walk (approx 9 minutes) to the far right of the block of buildings that includes the hotel, to bus stop 'B' in this photo (Jan Schaeferbrug bus halte ie stop), and catch GVB bus #246 to Schiphol, bus journey time approx 40 minutes. I couldn't enter Movenpick hotel as a starting point, so had to use the bus stop out from of the hotel instead. If I was doing this route I'd likely walk along the back of the buidlings on the water side down to the 'B' location bus stop. Website for this info is 9292.nl/en. There is a GVB bus at 4:48am arriving at Schiphol at 5:29. I've used these buses from other locations in Amsterdam and found them to be extremely reliable.
  8. I'll add one more comment regarding the train station in Civitavecchia. Mind you, the last time I did this journey was just before Covid, so things may have changed in the interim. When you get off the train in Civitavecchia, you need to cross under the tracks in order to get to the actual station - there was a staircase from the platform (you had to go down, walk under the tracks, then up the stairs on the other side) but no elevator. Schlepping a suitcase and wheelie carryon down and then up the stairs was doable at the time, I'd be less enthusiastic about the prospect now! Possibly someone that's used the station more recently can provide an update...?
  9. Hi, this is a shot of my Caribe balcony on the Emerald in February. You get two chairs that recline, two footstools (almost = a lounger!) and a table tall enough to eat on/play cards etc instead of the small and low drink table on regular balconies. Enjoy!
  10. I organized a group of 8 (through the roll call here) with George's Taxi in 2019. We were all very pleased with their service, comfy vehicle etc. You may want to check them out...https://www.georgestaxi.com/
  11. Unfortunately I'm still a 'real' book kind of person...so far...! (Bringing books and then leaving them behind also provides room for shopping purchases!)
  12. I looked up the departure guidelines for Barcelona as I'm ending a cruise there in a few weeks and I'm guessing you will be booking an international flight too. This is what my Summary indicates:
  13. That's good news, fingers crossed they do it again! Thank you
  14. I suspected as much...that's too bad, now I'll have to lug a few books instead! Thank you.
  15. I've checked the deck plans and don't see a library on the Enchanted Princess; does anyone know if there is one on board, and if so, where? Thanks!
  16. I think you've hit the nail on the head...the 'fine print' above seems quite clear to me - I guess I was just lucky in 2019! Thank you!
  17. Thanks for the info, likely that's the reason. My sometimes TA (a friend of a friend) had never had a 'group' booking prior to mine so was learning with us. You learn something new most days!
  18. This question is aimed at any of the travel agents or group organizers posting here that may be able to shed light on this scenario... I organized a small 'group' of 6 cabins (10 people) for a recent cruise, and in discussion with my travel agent we agreed to use the amenity points to receive a Tour Conductor credit (basically a payment from Princess of a % of the value of the total booking) rather than allocating some Onboard credit to each cabin. The Tour Conductor credit was worth more than the offered OBC. When it was time to initiate the Tour Conductor payment my TA was informed by Princess that I (the group organizer and part of the travelling group) could not receive the payment as I was already receiving the Stockholder benefit. Allegedly anyone receiving the stockholder benefit is ineligible for the Tour Conductor credit. (I don't keep the tour conductor payment for myself, I take it out in cash and divvy it up between the group as we are all family, but like to keep it as a nice surprise for once we are on board) So I had to cancel the surprise aspect and instruct my TA to pay the Tour Conductor credit to a person in our group that does not claim the stockholder benefit. Then have that person transfer the funds to me so I could get the cash and split between everyone. The reason I'm asking about this here is that I organized my first and only other 'group' (with mostly the same participants) in 2019 and there was no issue with me receiving the Tour Conductor credit that time - even though I definitely claimed the stockholder benefit on that cruise too. So, does anyone know if Princess has changed their policy regarding payment of the Tour Conductor credit since the fall of 2019? thanks, Becky
  19. It was a bit crazy the first night but since then has been fine. I’m with a family group of ten so we were able to reserve the same table, same time, for every night. This was in the Da Vinci. The Botticelli dining room is being used exclusively for two reserved seatings - one early and one late, but not exactly the same as old style tradition dining. The actual seating times vary slightly but the end result is two seatings overall in that dining room if that makes sense.
  20. I’m on the Emerald at the moment. Port side. There is a pillar in the middle of the entry area and they had a sign on either side indicating that one side was for people that had a reservation and the other side is for people without a reservation.
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