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Everything posted by cheeseheads4ever

  1. Funny we never had an issue and loved them which is why I’m asking the above question. Although we went 8 years ago. You could have had a different company. But anyway not looking for a debate here just want any answers to my original question.
  2. Great review! So who was the lead flair bartender at the Martini bar? Do you remember names?
  3. Hello Fellow Cruisers! My DW and I are cruising on the Equinox on Jan 2, 2023 heading to Southern Caribbean to the ports of Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia and Martinique. We were wondering if anyone that has cruised these ports has did Power Snorkeling as an excursion on any of them. We did this while on HAL at Turks and Caicos and really enjoyed it. It’s just a smaller power unit you hold onto and it takes you through the water with ease. if anyone has did this on any of the islands I mentioned please let me know. Thank you in advance.
  4. Ok so just that I can confuse this more. I have a cruise scheduled for April 2023. I have the all included classic drink Pkg. I have not been able to find the upgrade from Classic to premium discount online?I think they confused this when they try to have you do the Indulge upgrade or Elevate upgrade for $30 and $60 each. if I already have the classic pkg as part of all included it’s just the price difference between the 2 pkgs plus 20% gratuity plus any discount to go to premium? Correct? Bad thing would be you don’t do it onboard then the bartender who signs you up doesn’t get credit. Maybe just tip the bartender you like extra?
  5. Slightly confused here. So on a 7 night cruise Evening Chic and Lobster night will be on the 6th night of the cruise?
  6. We’ve only booked with a TA once and that was enough for us. A complete disaster she could never get the booking right. We never changed anything that would have complicated the booking. We always book directly through Celebrity with our contact and never had an issue. But a lot of cruisers have good TA’s but of course can’t share on CC. Like everyone has said on here just contact Celebrity and get the ball rolling.
  7. Rules are rules and Celebrity give smokers and vapers an area to smoke. They know the rules no smoking anywhere on the ship other than those areas. Why should this poor cruiser be intimidated by someone breaking the rules. Get their room number and turn them in to security which it sounds like she made a gallant effort to do. But why should it ruin her cruise. I’d keep turning them in till they get tossed off the ship. celebrity needs to be stricter with this. As far as vaping or smoking they are one in the same still do harm to the lungs and who really knows what the sweet candy smell does to others around. Trust me I lived in a household of smokers, killed my dad lung cancer, killed my brother and eventually killed my mom she got enphyzima and was bed ridden. So I really don’t have much sympathy for smokers. I have vices too. So now off my soapbox. Please cruisers smoke where they let you and no where else.
  8. Totally agree with swjumbo the drink package is the only way IMO. But it all depends on if you like to try different cocktails and like to drink. If you are not a drinker probably not worth it. But I agree who wants a huge bill at the end of the cruise. I’d rather know upfront. I don’t want to be nickel and dimed. I want the comfort of knowing I can try what ever I want with a surprise at the end of the cruise. Even if you go over the price of the drink allowed in your drink pkg you have to just pay the difference. You have to decide what is right for you and your family. Enjoy!
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