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RADIANCE/HAWAII Sept 11-21,2015 REVIEW w/lots of photos


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Yes, I was one of the few who had the "guts" to approach you with your yellow hat and your wife up at the Sky Bar at sail away.


Loving your review so far and I also disagree about people dropping off when reviewing ports and excursions - THIS IS HAWAII!!!! Who could ever tire of seeing photographs and "talking story" about this amazing place? Not me or anyone I know of.




Hey Ellen! How the heck are you?i! Pleasure to meet you That was a great sailaway :))... glad you chimed in on this revue

It's so weird you can meet someone day 1 and barely see them at all the entire trip. I know it's discussed here often on CC about how the smaller ships are more intimate and you see the same people everyday, but that is just so not true. It's all about your interests and where you end up up on each day... if the same people show up at the same places you do, then that's when you see them all the time :)


Hope you had an awesome vacation... and yes, looks like a few friends wish to see what Hawaii ports bring so I'll put a little more effort into that than what I originally planned. :D

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Hoopster95, you are rocking it just as you did with your Quantum review. Loving it...


Hey Lou!! Nice to hear from you... glad you're enjoying the ride :)

Any Anthem plans?? I see in your signature you're doing NCL & the Vista... I was barely a millimeter away from booking Vista Jan 2017 as my finger hovered over my mouse... then those Harmony prices came out and booked on her instead. I would love to hear from you as to how that sailing goes compared to RCL (Quantum). That's really the only CCL ship that has ever peaked my interest... looks incredible

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I'll be keeping days 4 and 5 at sea very minimal, other than the very new things (for me) that don't get reported often on CC that I wish to share with you. Just know that day 4 the weather began to get much warmer, albeit the clouds hadn't fully gone away and day 5 was finally glorious, hot and sunny... gorgeous tanning weather. The pool deck was grossly overcrowded with not a single lounger anywhere available anywhere, and several people walking away from the pool deck only to come back 5 minutes later carrying a lounger from who knows where from deck 12 down to 11, then propping their lounger pretty much anywhere that was empty (predominantly the stage area). And besides my usual routine morning workout, machiatto, breaky, Thriller practice, pool time with music & games, poolside BBQ & drink, poolside line dance & games, etc... nothing much different occurred any different than a Caribbean sailing.... it was a fantastic couple of days finally enjoying the weather rather than feeling cooped up!


Now to the "new" thing that I have never tried before on RCL... Mystery Dinner Theatre at Giovanni's. During my walk around on embarkation day, the large promo signage for Mystery Dinner is displayed outside of Giovanni's, so while taking pics that day#1 I asked the gal in Giovanni's to book me in. She said they were totally full on day 4 and to come on day 8 for the second performance. I asked her to put me on a waiting list for day 4, and told her I had several specialty dinners planned (Chef's table, etc etc) that I don't want to re-book/change... once I told her that she said most always someone tends to cancel Mystery Dinner, so she took our names down and said no problem... just show up, you're in. Nice!


So we received our invites in our room the night before, instructing us to show up at 6pm at the entrance to the Colony Club. We were escorted down into the seating area around the dance floor and at 6:30 the "show" started. I had no clue what to expect at all...





The show was called "BADA BING BADA BOOM"... the setting is two crime bosses, one controls the New York harbor, the other Jersey. New York's right hand man double crosses his boss and makes a deal with Jersey boss. New York crime boss has a mistress, of course his wife is pissed off, Jersey's crime boss girlfriend gets involved, etc.... good fun! And as you view the pics coming up, imagine them all speaking with a New Yoiker accent! lol. That's New York crime boss in the yellow below (I wish I took some notes on their names) and he's the one who get whacked.... we're all supposed to figure out who whacked him





And there's the "Joysie" crime boss in the red velvet and his mistress, "Sally Work Hard"... ha! I remembered her stage name.

I gotta say both mistresses were definitely bada bing bada boom hehe





So once the stage was set, New Yoik crime boss dead, we were all escorted into Giovanni's and orders were taken very quickly (I would say within 10min). Note that it's a set menu of minimal choice... and everyone served very quickly and all at once, so not typical to the great Giovanni's quality at all that I've experienced on several ships now. I would equate it to roughly MDR quality.





Appies came out quick... crab cakes were good, could've eaten more! We also shared the caesar salad and mushroom soup.... again MDR equivalents. I must admit, I have a pick of the crab cakes but at this dinner I forgot to take food pics before sticky my fork into it... oh what the heck, I know many of you want to see the food porn so here you go



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I again apologize for the food pics re not being taken the second they arrived at the table, but here are the all 3 dinner entries... steak was great! shrimp was ok. Pasta was pretty good. Nothing to rave about but did the trick. It was the conversation between all of us at the table and the story line that prevailed this night. Also by the way complimentary wine is served.







I loved how the crew interacted and dropped by all the tables. You can banter with them, heckle them, ask them questions and try to get more clues... tons of fun! I found out later a few sailings ago they were bored out of their tree as no one was speaking to them or heckling.... our group that night was super cool, lots of questions and some bantering going on... I obviously did my share lol! Joisey crime boss had it in for me and kept an eye on me all night, too funny. They are very quick to banter back and turn the tables on you!


Here's the dead crime boss' wife





And here's the double crossing right hand man





And here's Joisey's mistress... bada bing bada boom!!!




So once dinners were cleared, deserts served and gone, the entire crew re-appeared to play out the final act. During the dinner and desert we're given paper and pencil to fill out our guess of who the killer is... I picked a fellow cruiser on the other table as Joisey mistress was really getting close to him, sitting on his lap, etc making a scene.... she was also in the will as it turned out! Ah... motive lol! (plus a little jealousy on my part-- bada bing bada boom!!!!). I must say next time I book Mystery Dinner I'm going to reach out to the crew to see if they can incorporate me as the surprise killer somehow and be part of the show :)))))))


As they played out the final scene, they went through the process of elimination, leaving the New Yoik crime boss' wife as the final one left and she had to admit what had really happened.... it always the wife I tell ya!! Yep, the wife did it.


They gathered all the winning guesses into a hat and pulled a winner... winner got bottle of champagne and a RCL gift bag full of goodies. Standing to the singers and dancers. What a very very cool night! We got out of there approx 9:30'ish so you definitely miss both of the Headliner shows. So following my rating system that I use, I'll give this evening an 8.5/10... memorable and very very good. It's expensive for what you get food wise, but the entertainment value was excellent! This is absolutely not something I would do on every sailing whatsoever, but I will do this again maybe in a couple of years on another ship... and this would be a superb activity if you're sailing with a group of friends or family.


I forgot to mention that we were separated into groupings (table numbers) outside on the colony club, so we didn't get to sit with our pals UNV-IT/Sammi and newly found friends also from BC Tammy/John. Nonetheless we gathered once getting out and enjoyed the rest of the evening, finishing up at the rather quiet Starquest... albeit now on night #4 we've begun to get some action with more cruisers dancing and enjoying themselves.

Edited by Hoopster95
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As per the above Day 4 post, my day 5 was pretty much the same as the previous... another great day on board enjoying the pool deck and pool, pool deck BBQ, Thriller practice, etc. But the evening was coming up and I have my very first ever Chef's Table experience coming up and stoked about it....


A couple of days ago I had tried to book it on day 3 as UNV-IT was booked, but day 3 was fully reserved pre-cruise. I skipped and was going to decide later in the cruise. During our Windjammer visit on day 3 I believe, the Specialty crew was outside WJ trying to sell various restaurants, and one of the head waiters recognized me. He knew I had been to a couple of the other restaurants and thought I had a specialty package (which I didn't.. I was going with the flow). He offered me Chef's Table for $50 per person (reg $75)... No brainer!! I wanted to book it anyways so this was great. So we booked for the first avail night, which was this night #5.


Like Mystery Dinner, an invitation card was delivered to the cabin the night before, asking to be at the Colony Club at 6pm (6:30pm dinner). When we arrived a few fellow cruisers were already there, they served us some welcome champagne (good quality champagne, not the average served at the Capts reception for example) and we got to chat with each for a bit as we assembled. Once we were all there, we were escorted into the room located on the port side of the Colony Club and just behind Chops. Names were placed on the table as we had set seating. Very very cool setting





The master Chef was crazy in that he explains every single minute detail of absolutely everything he does to prepare each and every course that is brought out. Seriously, hours of cooking love is poured into this dinner. I couldn't believe the detail of the things he had to do and time it took, yet when the courses are brought out they would be consumed so quickly in comparison... just didn't do it justice.





I for sure cannot remember at all not a single detail how he prepared any dish. There's totally no way to remember without recording it, and I can't remember the names of each specific dish, but this lobster & salmon appetizer was the best seafood I've ever had on RCL





And this duck consume (middle cup) I could've taken a bath in!!!! Totally delicious... TOTALLY! Dip that prepared duck baguette into the soup.... holy cow batman... yu-u-u-mmmy





And this was a scallop appy of some sort. These portions look really small. and yet I was fully satisfied after this entire meal in it's entirety, so don't let these pics fool you... these pics don't do these meals any justice.





The main course was a veal dish and totally superb. Again I can't explain the dish, nor the huge number of steps it took to actually make it over the course of the day before. Wow, what an awesome meal



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Desert was finally served as was the ice wine ... yum!

OK, was getting too full now... all the wine I just drank likely didn't help that!





I haven't mentioned the wine parings yet... here they are. I expected more rare vintages, more expensive wines for Chef's table... for example, The Danzante Pinot Grigio was served and that's a wine I can locally very inexpensively, also available as one of our "cheaper" D+ gift selections for RCL. Nonetheless, we enjoyed our wines, and I wish to point out very strongly that the wine servings are not MDR or DL/CL sized.... they're in goblets! lol. UNV-IT warned me that we'd be feeling "reeeeealy good" by dinner's end and he was so right. Pacing yourself is a key else you could end up not enjoying the experience at all imho by getting too tipsy.





My favorite? The Wolf Blass Yellow Label Pinot that was paired with the main course.... delicious wine





Overall I rate Chef's table a 9/10. I will definitely be trying it on other ships to see if it's any better or worse, and I recommend those of you who have not even thought about trying it to go ahead and live a little... good fun. This was a good and fun night with quality food, excellent service and great company. Note, like the night before at Mystery Dinner, we missed the Headliner as this dinner was approx 3 hours in length, which incl the first 1/2 hour in the Colony Club meeting everyone and sipping the champagne.


UNV-IT & Sammi came by near the end of the sho... er.... Chef's Table to see if Lisa and I were crawling on hands and knees out of there or not. So they were waiting for us outside at the pool tables. We played a bit then headed out to the Centrum to check out the 70's party.





What's a 70's party of course without the requisite elevator shenanigans!





The centrum party finished early (I think 9:45'ish) with the party to continue at 10:30pm up at Starquest.... major flaw. Pretty much 70's night ended right then and there at 9:45 in the Centrum. So the 4 of us headed up to Starquest, and I believe this was the night a after wedding party was going on... they let us and others into the bar, but the dance floor and music was totally run by the wedding group until 10:30pm. This night, being the last full night remaining with the last sea day the next day turned out to be the busiest in Starquest for the whole cruise, and yet started emptying out a bit not too long after midnight'ish. Overall, another great day and another great night with an excellent dinner and awesome company with newest cruise buddies.

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Good day, "Hoopster95."

We have just looked at all the pages of this thread. We thank you for your efforts, and we look forward to all your future posts.


Having been on the Radiance of the Seas (RotS) before -- in 2012 or 2013 -- and having gotten reacquainted with her by looking at your thread and a couple of other threads, we find ourselves with some questions:


1. We have noticed references to 50% discounts on the prices of meals in specialty restaurants (SRs) on Embarkation Day (E-Day). On the other hand, a "Compass" for "Boarding Day" on the RotS in August, 2015 -- viewed on another thread -- specifically mentions that the discount for SRs and Chef's Table would be only 20%. Do you know which is correct -- 20% or 50%?


2. What is the price for Chef's Table on the Radiance? When we were aboard (2012 or 2013), it was a whopping $95. You have stated that it was $75. The aforementioned August "Compass" says $70.


3. If SRs really have "50% off" on E-Day, does that include Chef's Table (making its price $35 or $37.50, instead of $70 or $75)?


4. Like you, we enjoyed Samba's a lot. We were disappointed, however, to read your mention of only SIX meats there. When we were aboard, it was NINE meats. In fact, right now at the RCI site, the menu posted shows all nine (http://media.royalcaribbean.com/content/shared_assets/pdf/menus/sambagrill.pdf).

Which of the following were eliminated when you were there?:

Picanha - The prime cut of top sirloin

Fraldinha - Tender and juicy cut from the bottom sirloin

Frango - Tender chicken breast wrapped in bacon

Beef Tenderloin - The most tender cut of beef, slowly roasted

Cordeiro - Succulent grilled lamb chops

Costela - Fall-off-the-bone, juicy beef ribs

Alcarta - Cut from the top sirloin and full of flavor

Lombo - Parmesan cheese and herb crusted pork loin

Linguica - Brazilian-style cured pork sausage


Thanks, in advance, for your assistance.

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Good day, "Hoopster95."

We have just looked at all the pages of this thread. We thank you for your efforts, and we look forward to all your future posts.


Having been on the Radiance of the Seas (RotS) before -- in 2012 or 2013 -- and having gotten reacquainted with her by looking at your thread and a couple of other threads, we find ourselves with some questions:


1. We have noticed references to 50% discounts on the prices of meals in specialty restaurants (SRs) on Embarkation Day (E-Day). On the other hand, a "Compass" for "Boarding Day" on the RotS in August, 2015 -- viewed on another thread -- specifically mentions that the discount for SRs and Chef's Table would be only 20%. Do you know which is correct -- 20% or 50%?

I've read before reports here on CC that the odd ship here and there will offer various deals, I assume depending if they need to fill tables or not. I understand that the hotel director has the autonomy to make this call if needed. While it's in writing at 20%, when I walked on board and they pulled me in to reserve, I definitely received 50% the first night, this was for everyone not just C&A members... I was definitely able to save my D+ BOGO for night 2. There was no way to know about the 50% until you got on board.


2. What is the price for Chef's Table on the Radiance? When we were aboard (2012 or 2013), it was a whopping $95. You have stated that it was $75. The aforementioned August "Compass" says $70.

I was wrong.... just checked one of my compasses and it's $70


3. If SRs really have "50% off" on E-Day, does that include Chef's Table (making its price $35 or $37.50, instead of $70 or $75)?

I truly don't know this... would make it a great value yes? :D

However my understanding was that Chef's Table was pre-booked up to night #5, so with D+ BOGO's I figure they're always sold out long before sailing. Who knows... give it a try!

4. Like you, we enjoyed Samba's a lot. We were disappointed, however, to read your mention of only SIX meats there. When we were aboard, it was NINE meats. In fact, right now at the RCI site, the menu posted shows all nine (http://media.royalcaribbean.com/content/shared_assets/pdf/menus/sambagrill.pdf).

Which of the following were eliminated when you were there?:

Picanha - The prime cut of top sirloin (eliminated)

Fraldinha - Tender and juicy cut from the bottom sirloin

Frango - Tender chicken breast wrapped in bacon

Beef Tenderloin - The most tender cut of beef, slowly roasted

Cordeiro - Succulent grilled lamb chops

Costela - Fall-off-the-bone, juicy beef ribs (eliminated)

Alcarta - Cut from the top sirloin and full of flavor (eliminated)

Lombo - Parmesan cheese and herb crusted pork loin

Linguica - Brazilian-style cured pork sausage

The sign just outside Samba's has only these 6 posted as well. My picture of that sign back in post #84 shows only 6 meats as well I believe

Thanks, in advance, for your assistance.


Hello jg51!


I'll did my best to answer your questions above in red :)

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This is the final day of the cruise!! Ah ok... not the actual last day, but like CD Steve Davis said it's the last day of the 1st part of the cruise, with most all of the ship run events ending today (ie. progressive trivia ends today, Thriller today, The Quest today, etc) just like the final day of a regular cruise in the Caribbean. Today is also formal night, so the day as a whole was quite jam packed with great weather and plenty going on... a great day on board the Radiance!


My day started with an invite to the bridge... I love visiting the bridge and will never turn down this invite.







We did not get a visit from the Capt today as we were shown around by the first & second officers on duty. If any of you followed my last two sailings on Q & Legend, you'll know that the bridge tour was incredibly amazing on Q with all the new technology, then moving down to Legend was like viewing an old clunker... Radiance was right in the middle, more familiar with bridge tours I've had on Voyager Class for example. moving out over to the bridge wing, the azipod controls and radar equipment was explained, and how the entire ship can be controlled from the wings without having to sit at the center console





If you have a forward balcony you can easily see into the bridge wings... and they can see you!!!





And here of course they can see straight down below them for ease of operations, seeing the pier, etc... the more ability to view the better. Sure looks cool to watch the waves breaking against the ship from 10 decks above!





And a view from the wing looking over the bow



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I love looking on the walls and desks for some of the pertinent info of the ship, maybe some stats & info I'll be able to refer back to some day in the future.







I got to sit in the mock Capt. chair as you saw a few posts ago as they escorted us to the center console area of the ship. They actually had the other half of the bridge roped off at all areas that could've been accessible, never seen this before as I've been able to wander somewhat as long as the security officers kept an eye on you. So here we were to end the tour









This was one of the shortest bridge tours I've experienced at maybe 20 minutes tops before getting us out of there, but still fun nonetheless to start the morning. And off we went to enjoy the rest of the day.

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Having a quick bite up at the WJ, many of the participants of Thriller were stressing a little bit these past few days trying to get the routine down pat, so they arrange a meeting up at Starquest for 10am to practice. I really regret not thinking about getting a team picture up there of everyone practicing! Ah well... Starquest was being used for Hula dancing, so we went out on deck 13 beside the Climbing Wall. The DL Sunil got us a Bluetooth Bose speaker, and one of the fellow guests had Thriller on her iphone, so we had full on practice out on the deck, about 30 of us lol! Everyone looked pretty good actually.


Done with that we got ready for pool deck... super packed! But we were very fortunate to have someone give up one lounger right in front of the BBQ area, and within 45min the last there was probably done with the sun all morning so she gave up her lounger too... we were set for the afternoon!!! great BBQ lunch, Belly Flop contest, and I was given to bring home a medal too (I try to get one on every ship by participating in something) by winning a scavenger hunt based on musical chairs... last person to bring back an item is out. I won... with a lot of help from plenty of friends up on pool deck. Thank you UNV-IT, Sammi, Gretchan, Robert... I know I'll miss mentioning plenty of people but everyone who threw me your shoes and anything else I needed thank you!!! lol.


We were booked for formal night at 5:30 and I warned the waiter I had to get out of there by 7:15 at the latest to prepare for Thriller. No problem... got us going right away, and they even sat more people on our table for 8 as we were eating, no biggie at all. This was Fisherman Plate night and the lobster was excellent!... and he brought more without me having to ask.


So done with dinner, back to the cabin I went to get prepared... it was Thriller time! In no time I was ready to roll!





Coming down the elevator from deck 9 I couldn't help taking a page out of 70's night by putting on a show in the elevator, so I played zombie looking out into the Centrum, and banging my head and arms into the glass as we came down... of course I hit every floor on the way.... amazing how many people pointed up and noticed me up there as I came down. Hilarious!







As I got down to the Centrum, others did an absolute great job getting ready for this... check out fellow Oz cruiser Linda here! Now that's awesome!!! Well done Linda (hello Steve as well!!! Hope you get to see this review someday)





CD Steve Davis was ready to go too (red leather MJ jacket) as we were all assembled waiting for our que of the music to start



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The Centrum is totally packed on every deck..... and the lights dim.... the creaking of the door, and the loud footsteps ques the start of the Thriller song, and we begin! Lot's of fun, if you're at all into dancing or acting or whatever just to try something new, you should definitely do this at least once.







Sorry... not my pics! They don't do us justice as I was told we looked really good out there from various people on various decks. But I feel very very fortunate as within a couple of days of getting home I found our performance on youtube!!!!! To whomever posted this thank you so much!! I get a smile when I watch this with some of the many friends I made doing this, having fun with them as they learned this and how well they did after being so scared to go for it... they look awesome!




You can see how stoked some of them were jumping up and down like they won the lottery.... superb feeling conquering that in front of so many people and having so much fun doing it. They continued with some more MJ music to have a few minutes of an "after party" so to speak, more picture taking and so forth







But alas it was time to end the Thriller evening, so I like to be a foll by staying no character, photo bombing around the corner where people are taking formal pictures, and then heading off into the Thriller sunset lol .... until the next cruise!





After a quick face wash and quick change, we actually made the Production show on this night: Tango Buenos Aires. Great show, excellent pro dancers featuring, of course, the tango. The night ended by meeting all our friends up at Starquest, but as expected being the final sea day with early sail-in in next morning (6am), it ended up being really dead up there... it was quiet everywhere, incl the Centrum and Schooner Bar as we walked through to see if any action anywhere, so after our absolute favorite and best day on radiance so far in the heat/sun on pool deck, great dinner, and great evening, we were in our cabin before midnight to get ready for Hawaii finally tomorrow!

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Hello jg51!


I'll did my best to answer your questions above in red :)

Thanks for those answers, "Hoopster95."


We will have to be patient and wait "to know about the 50% until" we get "on board."


We are glad to know that Chef's Table has come down from $95 to $70, which makes it more affordable. On the other hand, something must have been eliminated [a cookbook and aprons? top quality beef? lobster? better wines? some or all of the above?] to make such a price drop feasible.


We will plan to book at the $70 fee (minus a discount) after boarding. We will hope for the unlikely possibility of 50% off Chef's Table on E-Day ($35 per person) -- "a great value, yes?" (quoting you) -- but it is more likely that we would get 30% off as part of the 5-SR package (resulting in $49 per person for Chef's Table).


We were sad to read about the elimination of Picanha, Costela, and Alcarta at Samba's. Those are three of the (formerly) five beef cuts -- which is a very bad sign, in our opinion. In the cruising world, we say, it is never good to take things away from the public, but only to add things -- or, if necessary, to stay the same. We believe that RCI should have kept those three delicious cuts, while raising the Samba fee from $30 to $35 (if necessary). Now there are only TWO beef cuts, two pork, one lamb, and one chicken (the last of which is very inexpensive to RCI). We will try them anyway, hoping that something else has been improved (service, the salad bar, desserts, etc.)


Thanks again.


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We are glad to know that Chef's Table has come down from $95 to $70, which makes it more affordable. On the other hand, something must have been eliminated [a cookbook and aprons? top quality beef? lobster? better wines? some or all of the above?]to make such a price drop feasible. .


I think it's likely some :(


Definitely no apron nor cookbook is offered as part of the regular advertising, however within one of the compasses UNV-IT noticed that anyone booking Chef's Table for that specific night was to receive a free RCL cookbook! I suspect they were trying to fill seats?? Anyhow, at Chef's Table UNV-IT questioned the staff about the promo and they didn't know anything about it. UNV-IT produced the compass but they said it was definitely an error as they don't have any cookbooks to give out, and I believe they told UNV-IT that the price reduction has to do with this exact thing (not giving out cookbook). So UNV-IT went up to the DL Sunil who scrounged around the ship for one and did find a book somewhere (prob owned by a crew member who didn't care for it anymore), so UNV-IT ended up getting one. Later in the cruise Sunil got me a copy as well :D



edit: wanted to add re Samba that there was way too much food. The few reviews I've read previously also mentioned too much food. In thinking about this I don't think I would've enjoyed having the gaucho come out 9 times with 9 courses of meat over 3 hours instead of the 2 hour meal we had... and I can be a biiiig eater when I want to be :). I thought the food was excellent and had a great time, so I hope you continue to enjoy as well

Edited by Hoopster95
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Thank you for your photo-packed review. I didn't find a pic of your room. On what page is the picture of your room/


Ugh... the first time on any of my sailings that I did not get any photos at all of my cabin. I purposely this trip these days at sea put down my camera as much as possible, unlike my previous sailings, and go camera free. The times I remembered that I wanted a room picture it was messy, etc.... and then I thought I'd get a shot another day. And then I just plain forgot.


My L interior had the bed at the farthest wall as you enter the room, nightstand on each side, 2 seater sofa on the right with small/oval coffee table. Left was the desk/drawers/flat screen TV/safe. The bathroom still had the curtain for the shower with the older style "industrial" white/cream colouring to the entire space. I suspect and am only guessing that with drydock in 2017 this interior will be updated to match what I had on Serenade which is much more modern I thought. Hope that helps.

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