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MITSUGIRLY BREAKAWAY's 1 last time for the year-review/pictorial


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Hi Kim...We had a problem with the HOHO bus in St Georges...The gentleman at the visitor center told us that if we took the bus to the lighthouse we would have to wait at least an hour before it returned and if it even returned...not sure if they got this HOHO bus figured out yet... He gave me the impression that it was best to take a cub...which we did instead...so we ended up with a 2 hour tour of St DAvids and St Georges and all the beaches...unfortunately we were not in bathing suits to even enjoy a dip in any of the beaches but they were still beautiful

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Not sure when I will get to Bermuda (but I WILL get there at some point), but I am so happy that I have such great detailed information to use when I go!


And I cannot believe how pushy the people have been with you trying to cut ahead and get on buses. Glad you were able to get through all of that. I would have probably used a few choice words.


Can't wait for more!!


Have fun trick or treating. I have an Alice in Wonderland, Joy from Inside out (complete with blue wig, although how I'm going to get all of her long, thick hair in that tiny wig remains to be seen), and a car hop girl.


Oh you definitely have to make it there some time. So beautiful and worth it.


Yea the people this time were just plain rude, but we didn't let them win. ;)


We had a blast trick or treating last night. Sakari dressed up in her "Thing 1" costume that I made her for our Carnival Pride cruise, which is a Dr Seuss theme instead of the Nickelodeon.






Thank you so much for your review so far and especially for your pics of Long Bay Beach.


You and I 'talked' on the CC board about this beach (and how to get there) before your cruise and I'm so glad you made it there. I love that you got there with no one else before you...I got there with maybe 10 people there before us last summer.


It remains one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever been to.


Thanks again! :)


You are very welcome. We just loved Long Bay Beach. Thanks so much for suggesting it. I was determined to see Long Bay no matter rain or shine. I can only imagine how much more beautiful it would have been on a nice sunny hot day. Maybe because it was rainy, people decided not to come to the beaches and we just got lucky that no one else was there. :)

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On the next cruise you do, could I please go with y'all and I will pretend I am your mother. Then I could help take care of you, and enjoy in all the fun.


You absolutely can come! :D I'm not sure I need someone to take care of me, but it sounds like a good story to me and we'll run with it. :p


You are SO making me want to go, NOW!

Bermuda is DEFINITELY on my bucket list, but the cruises are so limited.

DD has 1 more year of high school and she's DONE!

Maybe we'll have more flexibility then.....


Definitely SOME DAY!!


Keep it on that bucket list. So worth it. I say a "graduation cruise" to Bermuda in another year! :D

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Kim I just want you to know I love your review... I bought my camera based on your review!! Gotta love you!!


I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine. :)


Hi Kim...We had a problem with the HOHO bus in St Georges...The gentleman at the visitor center told us that if we took the bus to the lighthouse we would have to wait at least an hour before it returned and if it even returned...not sure if they got this HOHO bus figured out yet... He gave me the impression that it was best to take a cub...which we did instead...so we ended up with a 2 hour tour of St DAvids and St Georges and all the beaches...unfortunately we were not in bathing suits to even enjoy a dip in any of the beaches but they were still beautiful



Yes, I was hearing reports that the bus to St David only runs once every hour. The HOHO bus in St George runs about every 15-20 minutes (both times we were here this year). But...more to come on the St David one.

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Sorry I wasn't able to get back here yesterday. You all can thank Kendra for that. She decided we would all have some dinner together after Trick Or Treating. She bought "finger foods" she said, had Kenny's girlfriend bring it over and then I got stuck making these "finger foods" which turned out to be a feast as if we were having Thanksgiving dinner. :eek: Everything in the crockpots and all of my counters and island loaded with food. After Trick or Treating, eating this "snack" and the kids staying over until late, followed by a candy coma, I didn't want to move the rest of the night. My apologies. :o

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We all walked back to Clearwater. I believe the name of the restaurant there is called Gombys. I knew they had food and drinks, so we decided this would be the place we hung out for awhile...or the rest of the day. I did have something else pictured in my mind though. I thought it was just a little shack type stand, but it ended up being really big.







There was just something about this place that I didn't care for. I'm not sure. It just felt cheap and trashy to me.





There didn't seem to be anyone there visiting. A few employees, but none of them spoke to us at all.











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We checked out the prices for food and drinks and the family was just unsure of it.




We just weren't feeling this place. I'm not sure what it was, but I did know it wasn't my "paradise" that's for sure.


As the family stayed up at the shack to make up their minds and order, I decided to head down to the beach to take a look.


This is what I see....




They had a dozer out there pushing sand around. Maybe from the hurricane? But it definitely didn't seem like a usable beach to me. I certainly didn't want my child running up and down the beach with this thing moving around.


To the other side there was a small section of beach. But I wouldn't say it was too pretty.










We were kind of disappointed after seeing this and the family met up with me on the beach. They informed me that they decided not to order anything from up there and the employees weren't too friendly.


We contemplated what we should do from here and where to go. I could tell they did not want to hang out at this place.


When the HOHO bus dropped us off, we had inquired when they would be back to this area and how often they ran. Now I know from previous research that it is supposed to run once an hour and I believe it was at the 45 minute block...as in 12:45, 1:45, 2:45 and so on. However, the driver told us she would be back at 2:45 and 4:45pm. (I believe it might have not been running as often this time around because of the rain and weather and there wasn't as many people brought to this area today that normally comes). Hmmm, it was only 12 noon. :eek: We knew there was no way that we wanted to hang out at this place for another "almost" 3 hours. No way at all!


The only other option, I told them, was to walk to the bus stop somewhere down the road and catch the #6 bus. They all agreed that this is what they wanted to do. We'd just catch the bus back into St George and find a place there to eat and away we went.

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The grounds here at Clearwater are actually pretty big. I can see why they decided to make this the primary beach over in this area and put a food place here. Plenty of room to spread out.


They did have a playground for the kids.








We seen a building toward the end of the place.





I decided to explore it and it ended up being a restroom. Now I know I have read in the past that they only allow customers that eat and drink there access to their restrooms. However, this building isn't anywhere near the restaurant area. Hmmm. Strange.


We decided to check it out since most of us needed to use the restroom and...it was unlocked.





Maybe it wasn't actually part of the restaurant and part of the park instead. I'm not sure.





We finally came out to the road that runs between the water and the airport. I knew we were heading in the right direction.



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Now I had done a little bit of research prior to going here, but it had been months ago when we first booked this cruise. I knew that the road curves around and I knew that there were bus stops toward the lighthouse. I remember even looking one up because, at the time, we had thought about catching the HOHO to the lighthouse and checking it out, then on to St George (after our trip to Clearwater). But, I never really figured out exactly where the bus stop was. Things get interesting...


So here's the LONG road you walk down from Clearwater.


You could tell who was in a hurry to get to their destination (and they had no clue where that destination was actually)




And you could tell who wasn't in a hurry...(I bet you all could have guessed who that would have been...the one that's late to everything)




Obviously from the pictures, I'm located in the middle of them all doing a leisurely walk.


The airport runway is to the left of us.




The water to the right.




I had also ask if this area was anything like being at Maho and watching the planes come in over top of you. The reply I got was "no"!





We would experience plane after plane coming in over top of us...and the answer to my question is still a definate "NO" from me as well. Not the same at all. They don't fly in low like Maho, but still a fun experience to watch as we walked by.



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These planes came quite frequent too.







But then again, this road was quite long. LOL


The kids being kids and bored during the walk, stopped and played tic tac toe on the road...geesh (Actually Kenny started this, which gave us a chance to catch up to them...then Kendra took over).





We arrived at the end of the road finally.





A lot of signs telling us where we had been...but none telling us where to go.







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As we stood at the corner of the road, there was 2 directions you could go. To the left would take you along the airport on another very long road with not much in site. The other would take you up the hill, where you couldn't really tell what was up there, but I did know that was the direction of the lighthouse and the little town.


I said we should go to the right, Kenny said to the left. Well, I knew there was a bus stop somewhere around the lighthouse, I just didn't know how far. So, Kenny won and we decided to head down the long road along the airport.





I started taking pictures of the intersection road signs so that when I got home I could actually look up where we had walked and see it on Google Earth.





At one point we felt so confused and just not sure what we were doing. We stopped. We stood in the road. There was traffic. We decided the only right thing to do was to flag down a local. A work truck was coming and he was our lucky prey of the day. We flagged him down and ask where the closest bus stop to catch the #6 was. He had no idea....:eek:


BUT...he was very nice and said "It has to be around here somewhere because I see the buses driving around here on the streets." He could probably see the look in our eyes and said "I'll tell you what, I'll circle around and see where it's at for you and come back." Wow, how nice of him. He said "STAY HERE!!! DON'T MOVE. I'll be right back." Off he went in his little work van.


We all looked at each other and noticed that he was heading toward the hill where I said I thought the bus stop was. I said "see, that's the way he went instead of the way we were headed. I just know it's that way and we might as well turn around and at least start walking that way until he catches up to us." Yea, I don't listen to directions well.


Before long, he pulled up behind us saying "You don't listen very well do you? I said stay put" and he was laughing. Then he said "Now turn back around and walk the direction you were going and the bus stop is down, around the corner, and in town." Sigh. He tried to explain to come to a street, turn this way, down there...um say what? Well, at least we knew there was one in the direction we were headed...even if we got lost again, we could ask someone else for directions.


Then the driver said "I tell you what, one of you come with me and I'll show you and bring you back and then you can show the rest." Say what? How nice....or...someone was about to get kidnapped. LOL I would volunteer my husband. haha. The rest of the kids said "if you could just pile us all in there, we don't require seats and can even hang on the roof" hehe...of course they were just joking...or were they? He laughed and said he would get in trouble for having passengers in the work van and we completely understood.


The hubby got into the van with the guy we didn't know, I gave him "that look", kissed him goodbye and assured him that I would take good care of our daughter as she grew up. Of course he squinted his eyes at me and my last memories of him would be a cold glare from his eyes as he pulled away.


Since THIS time we DID know that we were at least headed toward a bus stop, we started back tracking and walking in the other direction again...while we all contemplated if the hubby would come back. Some said "So do you think he'll come back? Or do you think he'll have him drop him off at the end of the street so he don't have to walk that far and meet us there...because that's what I would do." LOL Other's said "You think it was safe to get in the car with a stranger? I'm glad it wasn't me." Others said "So what would you do if he don't come back?" Courtney, which the the weird one of the bunch said "So, do you think you'll ever remarry?" LOLOLOLOL Geesh people.


So I'm not a widow and we didn't spend the rest of the time in Bermuda with a search party...he returned and had to walk with us. (Although he did admit that the thought of just meeting us at the end of the street did cross his mind, he didn't want me to worry about him).


The leaders of the pack fell behind and this was a picture I took while I was in front of them and I threw the camera over my shoulder, so they couldn't see it, and snapped a picture. I did pretty good and actually caught Michelle with a smile...which doesn't happen often and especially if she knows a picture is being taken of her. LOL






We could see the building. The hubby had told us that we would come to a pizza place first and the bus stop was right across the street from there. At that point, the kids heard nothing about the bus stop or its location and the thought process stopped at the word "pizza". FOOD!...and off they went like they had just found new energy.





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We made it to the Pizza place and figured we would grab a pizza to go.





Or maybe they served chicken instead?




Actually I'm not sure what kind of birds those are. Are the Bermuda chickens? They don't look like any of the chickens we have here.


We went inside and there was a huge line to order food. While we were standing in line, I took out my bus schedule and seen that it said the #6 bus runs at ____, well wait, we actually have no idea where we are at to know, but I was guessing it would be soon. I decided to step out of line and ask the lady at one of the counters and she said it comes around 12:40pm. IT WAS 12:35PM NOW!! Yikes! I told the kids that the bus was about to run so did they want to be on that bus or be eating instead? They decided to head to the bus stop and not take the chance. We would stick to our original plans and eat back at St George when we arrived.




We waited...12:40 came and went.


We were still waiting. The last picture I took of us standing at the bus stop was at 12:59pm. I believe the bus probably came within 10 minutes of that. Of course the kids had the "See, we could have got a pizza to go and been eating at the bus stop" comments. Oh well.



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I just wanted to add...IF any of you plan on doing the walk from Clearwater to the #6 bus stop. Here's our details of the timing (according to my pictures).


We left Clearwater, walking along the beach area, but still on the grounds, at 12:08pm. We arrived at the pizza place at 12:43pm. However, factor in the time we spent waiting on the guy to circle around and come back to tell us where the bus stop was and then walking back in the direction we came from and then turning back around again, I would say to cut at least 10-15 minutes off that time had we just kept walking.


So, it's maybe a 1/2 hour walk to THIS bus stop. Not really bad, just bad if you don't know where you are going and even worse when it's your first time. Are we there yet?


Here is a map I just made of the route we took. It's really simple.




Now I really wanted to know if I could find a bus stop up at the top of the hill. So, me being me, I went onto Google Earth and pulled down and "walked the street" along that route. I did find something that looked like a bus stop after you made it up to the top of the hill and started walking around the city area with houses. It was at the corner and there was a pole there. On Google Earth, it also showed someone sitting on a bench there, so I'm assuming it might be a bus stop. It's at an interesection. Here's a picture. Any thoughts?




As you can see from my map above, I have marked this location on it as well.


I would love to hear from others if this is actually the #6 bus stop and if not, where would it be?



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First off, I'm really enjoying your review. Can't wait to read more. I'm wanting to just hop a flight to Bermuda. I've been there many times; both land vacations and cruises. We hope to get back in 2016.


Things have changed quite a bit since I began going there 30+ yrs. ago. On my first visit, one day we hopped on a pink bus, heading somewhere, and the bus driver pulled over, turned around and said to all of us that he was going to stop for a sandwich at a place called the Parakeet, I think. He said he wouldn't be long. That's exactly what he did. We didn't care, we were on vacation. We got a good laugh out of that. Back then we were single, not a care in the world, time on our hands, etc. Another time, a taxi driver asked if we would mind if he stopped by his house for something that he needed to pick up from his son. Off we went to his house which was on the way to our destination. Things were more laid back, slower, etc. at that time in Bermuda. Now, it's a little different. It's still another world to me though. It's my favorite island. Can't wait to get back!!

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I'm loving the pictures Mitsugirly - but the more I see the sadder I'm becoming that I had bronchitis during my cruise last June. We managed to get to Horseshoe Bay but I just didn't have the stamina to go exploring the St. George beaches. Your review is making me think about another trip to Bermuda! Thx!

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Just had to stop in and tell you I DID IT!!! We will be sailing The Jade 3/19/16!! I think we got a good deal. We have the drink package, and dinner package (4 meals) Deck 10 midship inside for 3. They said the 3rd and 4th guest are free but I was coming up with about the same price yesterday when I was getting a final quote. Today they added the pick a second package deal. Man I wish you where sailing with us to show us the ropes. I'm quite nervously excited!

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Loving the review - Reading yours and Stacey's Breakaway to Bermuda reviews is my current favourite hobby. In fact I don't know what I will do once you have both finished them off....


Oh wait, actually I do: I will be on the Breakaway for the first time in two weeks time (including my first time in the US) and I can't wait!!!


(also secretly pricing up the Breakaway to Bermuda next year :D - Don't tell Mr C!)


P.s. your little girl is amazing, she always looks so happy and her drawings are brilliant :)

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First off, I'm really enjoying your review. Can't wait to read more. I'm wanting to just hop a flight to Bermuda. I've been there many times; both land vacations and cruises. We hope to get back in 2016.


Things have changed quite a bit since I began going there 30+ yrs. ago. On my first visit, one day we hopped on a pink bus, heading somewhere, and the bus driver pulled over, turned around and said to all of us that he was going to stop for a sandwich at a place called the Parakeet, I think. He said he wouldn't be long. That's exactly what he did. We didn't care, we were on vacation. We got a good laugh out of that. Back then we were single, not a care in the world, time on our hands, etc. Another time, a taxi driver asked if we would mind if he stopped by his house for something that he needed to pick up from his son. Off we went to his house which was on the way to our destination. Things were more laid back, slower, etc. at that time in Bermuda. Now, it's a little different. It's still another world to me though. It's my favorite island. Can't wait to get back!!


Your trip to Bermuda back in the day sounds wonderful. I can only imagine how laid back it was and that would be awesome. Things definitely change no matter where you go. Hopefully you'll get to go back again some day soon. :)


I'm loving the pictures Mitsugirly - but the more I see the sadder I'm becoming that I had bronchitis during my cruise last June. We managed to get to Horseshoe Bay but I just didn't have the stamina to go exploring the St. George beaches. Your review is making me think about another trip to Bermuda! Thx!


Thanks for the compliments. Sorry it's making you sad. :( Hopefully you'll get another trip there soon.

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Just had to stop in and tell you I DID IT!!! We will be sailing The Jade 3/19/16!! I think we got a good deal. We have the drink package, and dinner package (4 meals) Deck 10 midship inside for 3. They said the 3rd and 4th guest are free but I was coming up with about the same price yesterday when I was getting a final quote. Today they added the pick a second package deal. Man I wish you where sailing with us to show us the ropes. I'm quite nervously excited!


CONGRATS. Tell me more about this cruise on the Jade. Where is it going and from where? Is this the San Juan location at this point? I'm thinking about booking something for Spring Break, so you are about 1 week too early for me. :D Sakari is on Spring Break from March 25-April 4th. So some time in between that I need to go. :)


I did get the email about the "pick 2" deal they have going on. I'm half tempted to move my current "dummy" booking to this deal and book something. I know it ends this Sunday. Ugh, decisions. :o


***EDIT*** Wait, you mentioned 3rd & 4th person free...but there isn't any "free" after the end of the year, so how did you get that?


Loving the review - Reading yours and Stacey's Breakaway to Bermuda reviews is my current favourite hobby. In fact I don't know what I will do once you have both finished them off....


Oh wait, actually I do: I will be on the Breakaway for the first time in two weeks time (including my first time in the US) and I can't wait!!!


(also secretly pricing up the Breakaway to Bermuda next year :D - Don't tell Mr C!)


P.s. your little girl is amazing, she always looks so happy and her drawings are brilliant :)


I'm not sure who Stacey is. Was this person on the cruise with me? Glad you have a good hobby to keep you excited before your BA cruise.


Shhh, I won't say a word to Mr C. My lips are sealed.


Thanks for the comments on Sakari. :)

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Last time I was looking for bus stops in Bermuda they had poles that looked like Barber Poles with the circles of color, but instead of being red, they were pink on one side of the road, and blue on the other.


Yep, it's still like that. :)

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We make it back to St George and the bus dropped us off at the main road. I knew exactly where I was at and we started to walk. We made it to Town Square again and I said "Hey, we could just take the HOHO bus we already paid for and head over to Tobacco Bay". Of course the first thing out of Kenny's mouth was "Does it have food?" After getting a definite "yes" from me, that was enough to satisfy him and back to the Beach Bus stop we went. We were there at 1:27pm.


Within a few minutes the same driver from this morning (the guy) pulled up. Dude...take us to Tobacco Bay! (He looked like a true surfer dude...seriously, long blonde hair, no shoes and kinda awkward). He was very funny and had a great personality. He was eating his lunch and of course offered us some. We figured we could each get a bite out of it and it would be gone so we declined. We joked all the way there and he said our group was pretty big and glad he was able to fit us all in, even though there's a sign that says "Maximum is ____" and I think it said like 6 or 8, I can't remember. Once again, we were sitting on laps, but that was ok. We knew it was a short ride there.


We arrived at Tobacco Bay at 1:39, but this time the driver went all the way down the hill right to the building at Tobacco Bay. How nice! No far walk down the hill. We could get right to the food.








The deck area with chairs, tables and umbrellas to eat at:





Our view from the deck





We decided to head down to the beach and claim our real estate for the rest of the day. For some reason, we decided not to rent chairs this time. Putting our towels and blankets down on the sun would be just fine this time.


Here's the beach area. As you can see, it's not a huge beach, but still well worth the visit. This also shows the chairs you can rent. They have the adjustable tops over them that you can move along with the sun to stay under the shade if you want. Of course it had been raining off and on all day, so...no need for that.






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CONGRATS. Tell me more about this cruise on the Jade. Where is it going and from where? Is this the San Juan location at this point? I'm thinking about booking something for Spring Break, so you are about 1 week too early for me. :D Sakari is on Spring Break from March 25-April 4th. So some time in between that I need to go. :)


I did get the email about the "pick 2" deal they have going on. I'm half tempted to move my current "dummy" booking to this deal and book something. I know it ends this Sunday. Ugh, decisions. :o


***EDIT*** Wait, you mentioned 3rd & 4th person free...but there isn't any "free" after the end of the year, so how did you get that?





It's out of Houston 3 sea days and stops in Coz, Harvest Caye - which I'm learning may or may not be complete, Roataan. We have never been to 2 of the 3. Bet you can guess which one we have been to over and over lol


I've been eyeing up many dates and ships and finally this one had a price drop yesterday. So I got the OK from the family to pull the trigger. I was going to boom today. I was about to book online and low and behold I get an email from NCL saying to call for extra special deals. So I did. We are now getting 2 packages vs one but we are paying more than I priced yesterday - the difference is the tax on the 2 package. So not sure where the value of the 3 and 4th free is? I thinks it's a ploy..lol either way it worked. I'm booked.


Your lucky to get a spring break. We don't have one. They always have a 4 day weekend over Easter if we don't have to make up snow days. They also have March 11th off this year. So i was just trying to find anything that meant he would miss 4 days vs 5. Would of been really nice to incorporate all 4 days of his long weekend but I couldn't afford the flights and cruise. Booking this late as rates through the roof. I just could not bring myself to spend that much. I'm cheap I guess.


Sorry to get off track on your awesome review. But I had to tell you!! Hope you find a spring break cruise. San Juan is fun we where looking at sailing there with CCL but found our deal and jumped

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This would be our area we claimed. You can tell the kids kinda dropped their things, threw a blanket down and ran to the concession stand.





You can rent boards there if you'd like. I don't think I have ever seen anyone in them either time I was there.




I found it odd that they had a pool table outside. I'm not sure if it stays out there all the time (I would assume it does). But would think that the weather and salt would not be too good on it.





Not many people were in the water today.










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