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A Cruise Tip for you Gentlemen


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Dance with your ladies. No matter how much you suck at it.


I was re-reading my Conquest review from last month and I gotta tell ya, that was something that really stuck out.


I suck at dancing. My wife lives for it. I have two choices, watch her dance with a group of people that she doesn't know or join in. I choose to join in.


So, no matter what cruise you're on, there's a guy like me out there setting the bar rather low. All you have to do is go out there with a pulse and you'll be better than me. :)


We saw these three couples on our last cruise. One couple had no interest in dancing, another couple was dancing their butts off, and the third couple was split. Girl was dancing in place next to her bar stool, guy refused to take part. She was working him hard. All this guy needs to do is go out there and dance a couple of songs and I can guarantee you he's going to have the time of his life later in the cabin. But, no, he refuses, they have words, girl just leaves and he follows her out. Dummy. Big dummy.


But, hey, I guess he's too cool to dance in public.


I almost lost my life and they were going to also amputate one of my legs last January. Trust me on this... no matter how badly I suck at dancing, I'm going to enjoy these two legs.


So, gents, if your lady loves to dance, humor her a bit. Hell, drink a few beers or something before you get there. I can promise you, you'll likely reap many rewards later. You're on vacation dammit, act like it! ;)


This public service message was brought to you by a guy that now loves to dance... badly.


Well said young man!!;):D Thanks for sharing

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Dance with your ladies. No matter how much you suck at it.


I was re-reading my Conquest review from last month and I gotta tell ya, that was something that really stuck out.


I suck at dancing. My wife lives for it. I have two choices, watch her dance with a group of people that she doesn't know or join in. I choose to join in.


So, no matter what cruise you're on, there's a guy like me out there setting the bar rather low. All you have to do is go out there with a pulse and you'll be better than me. :)


We saw these three couples on our last cruise. One couple had no interest in dancing, another couple was dancing their butts off, and the third couple was split. Girl was dancing in place next to her bar stool, guy refused to take part. She was working him hard. All this guy needs to do is go out there and dance a couple of songs and I can guarantee you he's going to have the time of his life later in the cabin. But, no, he refuses, they have words, girl just leaves and he follows her out. Dummy. Big dummy.


But, hey, I guess he's too cool to dance in public.


I almost lost my life and they were going to also amputate one of my legs last January. Trust me on this... no matter how badly I suck at dancing, I'm going to enjoy these two legs.


So, gents, if your lady loves to dance, humor her a bit. Hell, drink a few beers or something before you get there. I can promise you, you'll likely reap many rewards later. You're on vacation dammit, act like it! ;)


This public service message was brought to you by a guy that now loves to dance... badly.


Great message, and thanks so much for sharing!!! I'm glad you have figured out that it's not about HOW you dance that your lady cares about. My DH has recently taken up C&W dancing with me and now I can't keep him off the dance floor no matter WHAT is playing! He's having fun and that's all that counts. I'm glad you see it that way too. :D

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This public service message was brought to you by a guy that now loves to dance... badly.


Scott; Wise words of wisdom you speak.

A few weeks ago DW and I were on a dinner cruise on one of the boats here at Lake Tahoe, I am also one of the guys who really does not like to dance very much, but I get up and dance with the wife and It makes her happy so I do it.


My wife goes fishing with me and I know she is not crazy about fishing but she knows it is important to me.

I also am going to go to a Opera sometimes soon (I hate opera) because she wants to go.


Life is to short not to do things that make your partner happy. Its a two way street and it works well that way!

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I learned many, many, years ago, and I do mean many, I think I was in Jr. High, that the guys that learned how to dance, got all the girls.:D Now that is a fact.



Not to hi-jack, but here's another little tip. If you are with a group of 2 or more couples, "Do Not Allow Spouses To Set Next To Each Other". It adds so much more to the conversation.:D

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Great post, thank you.......Life is so short and we just never know what the next moment will bring. I was recently diagnosed with a difficult illness that will at the very least, make life extremely difficult. We are cruising with our children in January and I have already decided that I will definitely be out of my shell a little on this cruise, it is important that my husband and children have great, fun and even silly memories of me. :D I count myself fortunate, I have been given the gift of intentionally making sure each day counts. Thank you so much for the reminder......priceless.



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Dance with your ladies. No matter how much you suck at it.


I was re-reading my Conquest review from last month and I gotta tell ya, that was something that really stuck out.


I suck at dancing. My wife lives for it. I have two choices, watch her dance with a group of people that she doesn't know or join in. I choose to join in.


So, no matter what cruise you're on, there's a guy like me out there setting the bar rather low. All you have to do is go out there with a pulse and you'll be better than me. :)


We saw these three couples on our last cruise. One couple had no interest in dancing, another couple was dancing their butts off, and the third couple was split. Girl was dancing in place next to her bar stool, guy refused to take part. She was working him hard. All this guy needs to do is go out there and dance a couple of songs and I can guarantee you he's going to have the time of his life later in the cabin. But, no, he refuses, they have words, girl just leaves and he follows her out. Dummy. Big dummy.


But, hey, I guess he's too cool to dance in public.


I almost lost my life and they were going to also amputate one of my legs last January. Trust me on this... no matter how badly I suck at dancing, I'm going to enjoy these two legs.


So, gents, if your lady loves to dance, humor her a bit. Hell, drink a few beers or something before you get there. I can promise you, you'll likely reap many rewards later. You're on vacation dammit, act like it! ;)


This public service message was brought to you by a guy that now loves to dance... badly.

Hey! Scott that is awesome I love to dance my DH loves music but at dancing he is so bad he really enjoy dancing with me and don't care what the people think.

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Bless you, MomofC&C, I hope every single day is a memory maker and a smile maker for all of you.






Great post, thank you.......Life is so short and we just never know what the next moment will bring. I was recently diagnosed with a difficult illness that will at the very least, make life extremely difficult. We are cruising with our children in January and I have already decided that I will definitely be out of my shell a little on this cruise, it is important that my husband and children have great, fun and even silly memories of me. :D I count myself fortunate, I have been given the gift of intentionally making sure each day counts. Thank you so much for the reminder......priceless.



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Great post, thank you.......Life is so short and we just never know what the next moment will bring. I was recently diagnosed with a difficult illness that will at the very least, make life extremely difficult. We are cruising with our children in January and I have already decided that I will definitely be out of my shell a little on this cruise, it is important that my husband and children have great, fun and even silly memories of me. :D I count myself fortunate, I have been given the gift of intentionally making sure each day counts. Thank you so much for the reminder......priceless.






I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis but what a wonderful attitude. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, there are no guarantees in life. We should all live each day like it's our last. And never say good bye to someone w/o telling them you love them. Do what makes your partner happy, even if its something silly or you think you will be embarrassed. Who cares???? Life is too short not to have fun. Ya know, there were a lot of things we didn't do on our previous cruises just because! I want to make a vow that we will step outside of our normal box and do some crazy things.


This is really a great thread!!!

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I can get kicked out of the club for revealing this.


When a guy is about 10, we all go away to this camp and are molded to become men by nonstop propaganda


Here is a video that explains alot.






OMG:eek: That was hilarious!!! I think that man is in my DH's head, but he LISTENS to him... Not next year, he has PROMISED to dance w/ me everynite. Well, not sure if he said everynite but he's gonna have so much fun (and rewards) that he will WANT to everynite. WOOOHOOO

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Nice post. It is reversed in our situation...I have no confidence when it comes to dancing and get a little embarrassed when I try. No more though Scott....I lost my brother (only 56) last week, and not once during his illness did I hear him complain, even after having a toe amputated....I will think of you both when I hit the dance floor on my two "good" feet, on our next cruise!

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The wife and I have taken Ballroom dance classes. We have always been envious of other's dancing ablities. It is alot of fun to be able to march up on the dance floor and "try" to put on a good show.


The rewards, guys, are great;).


My son and I have done martial arts. Is it more manly to roll around on the ground with another man or dancing with the woman you love? :rolleyes:


I don't have any problems with my masculinity:D

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But it won't get me to dance! I hate it. I have danced with my husband 3 times - once the month before our wedding - as a test - the other two times were at our wedding. He promised me I never have to do it again. But it works great for us - he loves to dance so whenever we go someplace that has dancing - he finds the girl who wants to dance but is with a guy who won't. He dances with her while her husband and I share a beer and watch them. Each of us thanking the other for loaning out their spouse. Everyone has a great time. And its not that i can't dance - I took dance lessons from the age of 4 thru 18 - I just do not enjoy it - not even a little bit.




I absolutely cannot dance and loathe making a fool of myself in private, let alone in public by trying. It is not that I have never had lessons; I dreaded four years of dancing classes. I become a wooden, spastic marionette as soon as the music starts. No, I won't dance, don't ask me; you'll never ask a second time if you do.



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Dance with your ladies. No matter how much you suck at it.


I was re-reading my Conquest review from last month and I gotta tell ya, that was something that really stuck out.


I suck at dancing. My wife lives for it. I have two choices, watch her dance with a group of people that she doesn't know or join in. I choose to join in.


So, no matter what cruise you're on, there's a guy like me out there setting the bar rather low. All you have to do is go out there with a pulse and you'll be better than me. :)


We saw these three couples on our last cruise. One couple had no interest in dancing, another couple was dancing their butts off, and the third couple was split. Girl was dancing in place next to her bar stool, guy refused to take part. She was working him hard. All this guy needs to do is go out there and dance a couple of songs and I can guarantee you he's going to have the time of his life later in the cabin. But, no, he refuses, they have words, girl just leaves and he follows her out. Dummy. Big dummy.


But, hey, I guess he's too cool to dance in public.


I almost lost my life and they were going to also amputate one of my legs last January. Trust me on this... no matter how badly I suck at dancing, I'm going to enjoy these two legs.


So, gents, if your lady loves to dance, humor her a bit. Hell, drink a few beers or something before you get there. I can promise you, you'll likely reap many rewards later. You're on vacation dammit, act like it! ;)


This public service message was brought to you by a guy that now loves to dance... badly.


Well said. I had a heart attack in June. I can't wait till our next cruise, in 22 days.:D You better believe I will be dancing. Probably as poorly as you Scott.;) But hey, we will have some fun.

The funny thing about these guys that don't dance on a cruise is No one knows them so the heck with what anyone thinks.:D Go for it.

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Wow, funny responses... and prayers to the lady that has the illness...


In june we were on another cruise with my kids and spouse and friend, 19,25.25 and 33.


All six of us out there dancing away and it was really funny when my wife started dancing the grind stuff the kids do these days. That's my kind of dancing... just basically stand there shuffling back and forth on my feet while my wife rubs her backside on me. Sweetness.


Funny, one of the only people I remember on the cruise last month was the guy that wouldn't dance with the girl that wanted to so badly. Go figger.

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Dude.... If I wanted relationship advice, I'd have asked for it.


Now let's get back to discussing important things, like smuggling booze on board.


Haha, when you clicked on the thread title, you came into my world. Glad to have you here. :)

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Too funny, but I can see your point. I have a cruise booked in jan. and I never dance. After reading your post I guess what the heck. I have been on four and never danced before and just sit there with that uncomfortable feeling. Thanks


It took being on death's door for me to figure this out at age 48. Your mileage may vary. My wife has worn me out on the two cruises this summer. Dancing every night and then some, on the dance floor, on the lido deck, by the adult pool, in the room, you name it. I like the room part best.

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You women who can get your husbands to dance are so blessed! My DH doesn't believe in dancing (his religion prohibits dancing), so I live vicariously thru others.. I have to admit that most of the time it doesn't bother me. However, cruising is something different. I have spent many moments frustrated, angry, bitter, and crying but with no luck! He just can't bring himself to get past what he has been taught all those years. So now.. I have learned to not let it affect me as much. To walk on by and be thankful for the great man that he is in so many other ways! I'm looking forward to 'dancing' with him someday in Heaven when God gives him permission! :D


Doesn't the bible talk about David dancing before the Lord? You might suggest taking dance lessons. Your husband might thing dancing is too "sexual", but perhaps if he learned "dancesport" he might view it differently. The waltz, foxtrot, tango, swing, cha cha might seem more acceptable to him. ANd lessons could help him overcome his fears of looking like he doesn't know what he is doing.:p

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