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Good Morning from the PACIFIC PRINCESS


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I really enjoyed following your thread. I have never been to Hawaii or Tahiti, and now I have put this trip to the top of my cruises to plan. Only problem is, I have to figure out how I can splurge and get the OS category. After reading your descriptions and seeing your photos, I won't be happy with anything else. I've done many cruises on Princess, but never on the smaller ships. I guess I'll see how I like it in June, when I am going on the Ocean Princess for 18 days on the "Land of the Midnight Sun" cruise. Perhaps I should start thinking about Tahiti now for 2011 if I want to snag an Owners Suite. Ideally, I'd love to do the B2B like you did.



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Toto - do you remember how many formal nights there were on the Pacific Princess? Just thought I would ask. Would you recomend late seating for dinner as the ship seems to stay in port pretty late?


Thanks for any info



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Toto - do you remember how many formal nights there were on the Pacific Princess? Just thought I would ask. Would you recomend late seating for dinner as the ship seems to stay in port pretty late?


Thanks for any info




Helen, there were two formal nights on each leg of the cruise.


We had early seating, and there were a few reasons for it. One, because we knew if we didn't want to go to the dining room, we had two other options (and we chose a table for two in the dining room because of this), the buffet or ordering in to our suite from the full menu (we did a combination of both). Also, we tend to gain a ton of weight if we dine that late in the evening for that long of a cruise. Early was a bit early for us though, therefore we only made it to the dining room about 3 or 4 times on each leg. BUT, late was very late when we had early morning port calls on the second leg where we needed to turn in early. But late would probably be preferrable, especially on the Hawaii to Tahiti leg as there are 5 sea days involved.


I have to admit, the buffet being open in the evening sure did simplify this process. Last time we cruised on the Tahitian Princess, there was not this choice and we were so happy that Princess opened the buffet in the evenings for those late days in port where you just didn't feel like dressing to go to the regular dining room. We often went to the buffet for dessert after dinner when we needed a break between our meal and dessert.

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We're in Bora Bora will fly to Papeete tomorrow to board the ship--in town to use internet--difficult with the European keyboard--looks like you took ,most of the good weather with you !!


We saw some people off the ship--they said this was their first bad day.


WIFI and regular hook up not working well! if at all at the IC



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We're in Bora Bora will fly to Papeete tomorrow to board the ship--in town to use internet--difficult with the European keyboard--looks like you took ,most of the good weather with you !!


We saw some people off the ship--they said this was their first bad day.


WIFI and regular hook up not working well! if at all at the IC




Nancy, I have been watching the date, and looking forward to you reporting from the ship after you board (keeping my fingers crossed) tomorrow. Yes, I have used those keyboards before in Tahiti, aren't they difficult though? I never can find out what letter is where as there are so many in different places, very hard when you are used to touch typing.


Sorry to hear the weather is icky today, hopefully tomorrow will bring a blue sky and warm breezes for your boarding of the Pacific Princess. Enjoy your last day on land, as tomorrow will be a wonderful day for you! :)

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We're in Bora Bora will fly to Papeete tomorrow to board the ship--in town to use internet--difficult with the European keyboard--looks like you took ,most of the good weather with you !!


We saw some people off the ship--they said this was their first bad day.


WIFI and regular hook up not working well! if at all at the IC




HI Nancy:D I hope you have a great cruise.

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Toto - I have a question. I am booked on the Royal Princess in a forward facing balcony 6000. I am concerned if we will be able to use the balcony during the days at sea. Was the "ride" between Tahiti and Hawaii smooth or rough? Did you happen to meet anyone in a forward facing cabin or suite? Did they say if there was any sort of "wind guard"?


I know you may not have any of this info, but I thought I would ask. I have posted questions like this and no one seems to know. I even called Princess, but no luck. I booked this balcony as it is the only forward or aft that we could have for both legs of our cruise, otherwise we will need to change cabins mid way.


Thanks for any info you may have



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Toto - I have a question. I am booked on the Royal Princess in a forward facing balcony 6000. I am concerned if we will be able to use the balcony during the days at sea. Was the "ride" between Tahiti and Hawaii smooth or rough? Did you happen to meet anyone in a forward facing cabin or suite? Did they say if there was any sort of "wind guard"?


I know you may not have any of this info, but I thought I would ask. I have posted questions like this and no one seems to know. I even called Princess, but no luck. I booked this balcony as it is the only forward or aft that we could have for both legs of our cruise, otherwise we will need to change cabins mid way.


Thanks for any info you may have




Helen, First to answer your question about the sea conditions. It was quite rough for a couple of days between Hawaii and Tahiti, we actually loved the ride. And we have done this itineary in the past, and found it the same way three other times previously. It seems to even out more once we get closer to Tahiti, but sailing even from Honolulu it always has been rough both between the islands in Hawaii, and the first couple of days after leaving Hilo. There were many passengers disappearing from dinner the first couple of nights, with hands over mouths, trying to make it to the nearest restroom. :eek:


As to the forward staterooms. I did talk with someone in a PH suite (all the way forward). She told me that they usually had to sit in their lounges to avoid the wind. She mentioned also that the solid balcony half way up was the only wind break on the Pacific. But yes, it was very windy if they attempted to sit at their table, or stand at their railing. So, they just sat lower in the lounge chairs to avoid it. Without the plexiglass wall, the lounge chairs didn't give them much of a view while out at sea.

Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is what I was told by the passenger staying in the forward PH suite. ;)

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Helen, First to answer your question about the sea conditions. It was quite rough for a couple of days between Hawaii and Tahiti, we actually loved the ride. And we have done this itineary in the past, and found it the same way three other times previously. It seems to even out more once we get closer to Tahiti, but sailing even from Honolulu it always has been rough both between the islands in Hawaii, and the first couple of days after leaving Hilo. There were many passengers disappearing from dinner the first couple of nights, with hands over mouths, trying to make it to the nearest restroom. :eek:


As to the forward staterooms. I did talk with someone in a PH suite (all the way forward). She told me that they usually had to sit in their lounges to avoid the wind. She mentioned also that the solid balcony half way up was the only wind break on the Pacific. But yes, it was very windy if they attempted to sit at their table, or stand at their railing. So, they just sat lower in the lounge chairs to avoid it. Without the plexiglass wall, the lounge chairs didn't give them much of a view while out at sea.

Probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is what I was told by the passenger staying in the forward PH suite. ;)


Toto - thank you very much. This is exactly the info I was looking for. Having a view would be nice, but if I don't have a view asleast I will be able to sit outside. Since our cabin is on the 6th floor I am hoping that we may even be shielded somewhat by the bow of the ship. Now I feel much better that I am making the right decision.


Again thanks Toto



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I now understand what you had mentioned about Cruise Critic Internet--


I've been pretty un-successful in posting to Cruise Critic.--Actually very unsuccessful.


Anyway I'm in the Internet Cafe now--let's hope that it works

We have a beautiful day today--the water looked a bit rough--and I didn't really want to go to Rangigora (sp)--been out by the pool--going back to the room soon--hair washing etc--sound exciting--we're having CC members coming over for sailaway cocktails about 4:30 pm this afternoon.

I invited the CD to join us--probably not likely he will.


We are having the itenerary changed because of the canoe races-her and cruise to Bora Bora--I guess to miss the canoes we'll be going to Bora Bora next then to Raitara--email to Bruno and we will be with him on the 6th I think--


I'm going to close now and try to post



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Nancy, I found that I had to copy each post before the attempt when posting from my netbook. Usually, it took two or three attempts to go through from our balcony. Yes, it did get a bit frustrating at times when I forgot to copy it and had to retype.


I did find that I had an excellent connection at Sabatinis though (took the netbook there to show some of the staff that weren't able to go ashore the pictures they requested I take). The library would probably be a lot more productive with the connection, you might give that a try if you packed your netbook/laptop.


Hopefully you will get to see some of the canoe race, they were all practicing while we were there. Love the way they rode the wake of the tenders in while visiting Bora Bora.


Are the sprinklers on your balcony still dry????????? ;)


Thanks for checking in, hopefully the connection will get better for you. ;)

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Toto - thank you so much for the wonderful postings. It sounds like you had an amazing trip. We thoroughly enjoyed following your adventure and viewing your pictures. Your comments will definitely help us with our planning for next year.


We are in an aft balcony but I am trying to figure out a way to convince the hubby to upgrade to one of the suites based on your postings. :o Wish me luck (as he has already said no when we first booked :cool:).


We're in Bora Bora will fly to Papeete tomorrow to board the ship--in town to use internet--difficult with the European keyboard--looks like you took ,most of the good weather with you !!


We saw some people off the ship--they said this was their first bad day.


WIFI and regular hook up not working well! if at all at the IC




Nancy - it looks like you are doing the same trip this year as we will next year at this time. Three nights pre-cruise in Bora Bora and then boarding the Royal Princess on October 26th. We look forward to reading about your trip as well. We hope you don't experience the rain that Toto did on her previous visit.


Enjoy your vacation.

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We are in an aft balcony but I am trying to figure out a way to convince the hubby to upgrade to one of the suites based on your postings. :o Wish me luck (as he has already said no when we first booked :cool:).






Your very welcome, glad I could supply some info that will be helpful.


I know the OS suites are expensive, in fact, very expensive. But I have to say, we have sailed this itineary many times in the past, and none compared in any way with the experience this time in the OS suite. It just made it all the better, each and every single day of the cruise.


Good luck, and keep working on him. Just remember, those OS suites are usually booked up quickly, although usually some do open up right at final payment time, which might extend your 'convincing' time to upgrade. ;)

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Maybe the 3rd time is the charm--lots of movement on the sea !!--started late last night---Captain's luncheon today--made the cut once again--/someone on this cruise has almot 500--I would imagine we are at the cut-off line--not quite 200


I'm going to save this tiny message to see if saving works for me


Help---when I go to file and save--just don't know how to get it back to CC



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Nancy, Just a little FYI. CC is really moving slow for me these last few days, and they seem to still be experiencing some problems. That could be at least part of the reason you are having so much trouble posting. It takes quite sometime for me to open a post or add a response, I can only imagine how long it is taking you with the slow connections onboard.

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Toto, thank you for your review.

Do you remember what time check-in and embarkation stops (if Princess do) on the first day? Since some flight arrive Papetee very late (around 11:00 pm). Some post said they are okay with Princess airport to ship transfer. How about those people do their own transfer? :)Thank you.

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Toto, thank you for your review.

Do you remember what time check-in and embarkation stops (if Princess do) on the first day? Since some flight arrive Papetee very late (around 11:00 pm). Some post said they are okay with Princess airport to ship transfer. How about those people do their own transfer? :)Thank you.


Although we watched that night on turnaround evening, couldn't help but watch as our suite overlooked the check in area. I can't say exactly what time they stopped the check in process, sorry, I didn't pay that close of attention. I do remember it went long into the night though. And we talked to the photographer taking boarding pictures on the pier, and he was to get off duty at 9:30, so it seems that boarding photos must have stopped at that time.

But I guarantee you if you have princess transfer to the ship from the airport, there will be someone there to check you in no matter what time you arrive. Those that are arriving without transfers would be getting to the pier about the same time as those using the bus service, so I don't think that would be a problem either.

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Although we watched that night on turnaround evening, couldn't help but watch as our suite overlooked the check in area. I can't say exactly what time they stopped the check in process, sorry, I didn't pay that close of attention. I do remember it went long into the night though. And we talked to the photographer taking boarding pictures on the pier, and he was to get off duty at 9:30, so it seems that boarding photos must have stopped at that time.

But I guarantee you if you have princess transfer to the ship from the airport, there will be someone there to check you in no matter what time you arrive. Those that are arriving without transfers would be getting to the pier about the same time as those using the bus service, so I don't think that would be a problem either.


Toto, Thank you very much for the prompt reply.:)

Any idea from other folks?

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You won't believe what happened a short time ago--before dark--I noticed that the sprinkler to the right of the sliding bedroom door was starting to drip--I didn't see any others--called to report and was told a plumber would show up--hasn't happened yet--but now--it's stopped dripping--ws your problem outside of inside or both


I wasn't clear--the sprinkler was on the balcony--not in the cabin



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You won't believe what happened a short time ago--before dark--I noticed that the sprinkler to the right of the sliding bedroom door was starting to drip--I didn't see any others--called to report and was told a plumber would show up--hasn't happened yet--but now--it's stopped dripping--ws your problem outside of inside or both


I wasn't clear--the sprinkler was on the balcony--not in the cabin




OH NO! Yes, it was on the balcony that they began to drip, and that lasted about 36 hours on the balcony after we first reported it. When maintenance was trying to repair it, someone turned the valve the wrong way, and turned them on (just like there was a fire to put out). Hugh Baldwin (the chief engineer) told us it was human error that caused it to totally go off.

But it sounds like they are still having problems. My DH does this sort of work for a living, and he said that those sprinkler pipes on the balcony should not have any water in them, not unless they are leaking through. They are manually operated so the water dripping is caused from a leak through the valve. Hugh also explained it the same way, but told us that maintenance seems to be afraid to report this sort of thing to him. Keep calling to have someone show up, unless you want to get really wet. Or, don't take anything of value out on your balcony until you are sure it is repaired, again! It started out with an occasional drip, which turned into a bigger drip, that turned into a constant stream of water out of all four sprinkler heads each time the ship rocked. If maintenance tries to tell you it's normal, call the purser's desk and tell them you want to talk to Hugh Baldwin...........seriously! And good luck!

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