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Flying in on the day of the cruise...Have I got a story for you


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I have worked as cruise rep at airport handling guests on 4 different cruise lines. This story is more of an exception. I have seen many folks miss there cruise due to late flights and other circumstances. It happens a lot that yes they make the cruise but without luggage. When flying there is too many things that can delay a trip. If you are going to wait until the day of the cruise, at least book your ground transportation with the cruise line. You will then have the cruise line trying to rebook flights for you and most of the time some type of transportation to the ship will be waiting for you. Just from my experience and what I saw.

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I am still wondering if anyone has any idea how Carnival got around the Homeland Security rule that all the people must be onboard one hour prior to sailing??


My guess would be that the Carnival agent Lynda took care of checking them in when they called from the airport.

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I felt like I was with you!! What a story. I'm glad all turned out well for you two. Atlanta airport is horrible, but the fact is, any airport can be He** these days. And I have had the priviledge of experiencing Delta's sorry customer service too many times. On my last Delta flight, the attendant said twice, 'and our beverage service will be coming around shortly with iced water'. She was too lazy to even make coffee. This flight had always had full beverage service prior. My last two flights to cruise ports have been on Jet blue - - I can't praise them enough. They're actually happy to see you!!


We never experienced the extreme drama you did, but we learned to fly in the day prior after too many 'mechanical delays'.


Thanks for sharing your story.

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Wow, you went thru Hell !


I'll check weather forecasts too when I fly.

Typically, we do not arrive at a departure port the day of a cruise. We like to make sure there are no hassles. We have flown in on cruise day, most recently NYC in '06, with no problems. Now here's our story....


When we booked the 9/20 Legend cruise in April, we looked at airfare, schedules and such and decided to fly in on cruise day. Booked Delta through Atlanta with an arrival in Tampa a little after 12 noon. The Legend is scheduled to sail at 4 p.m.. Shouldn't be a problem we thought. Curiously, around the first of September I started to have these feelings that things wouldn't go well. I told Jennifer and she said to just stop that I was just trying to jinx us. Flash forward to the morning of 9/20.


Things are good when we board our flight from Oklahoma City to Atlanta. But then something seems kinda wrong. It's stuffy on the plane. No AC. As departure time arrives and passes, the captain tells us that he can't start the plane's engines and he'd get back to us. A few minutes later the problem looks to be that the compressors that supply oxygen to the jet engines (necessary for starting) have a valve stuck. So it's everyone off the plane while we wait for a mechanic. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes later, things look good and we're told to reboard. We're told to please find our seats as we had a limited time to get airborne and still have our slot in Atlanta. Soon the engines are started and things are looking good. Only about 45 minutes late but still plenty of time to make our connection in Atlanta. Thing is, we're not backing away from the gate. We sit and sit and sit... "We're not going anywhere" I tell Jennifer. Soon the captain comes on the PA system.


Seems that while we were waiting for repairs in OKC, fog and rain rolled into Atlanta. There is now a ground hold on all flights to Atlanta. The captain tells us he'll get back to us in around 45 minutes. Okay, so now things are a little tight but we'll see. Sure enough, right at 45 minutes later, the captain says we're good to go and we push back from the gate and begin taxiing.


We approach the runway, number two for takeoff, when we just sit. By now it's daylight and I see the problem. Yeah, fog in OKC has reduced our minimum visiblity to the point nothing is leaving. "We're screwed" I tell Jennifer. Finally, after another agonizing wait (and three hours late) we're airborne. I'm thinking maybe the ground hold on Atlanta traffic would put enough flights late for us to make our original connection...or maybe not.


We make Atlanta, deplane and check the monitors in the terminal. We've missed our original connection by about 22 minutes. Closer than I thought but now we have to scramble. At this point, all I can say is that Delta's personnel in Atlanta are waaaay less than helpful. As a matter of fact, they suck. But that's another post at another place. The best we can come up with is another Delta flight arriving in Tampa at 3:12 p.m.. This is not good. The only positive is that I'm able to talk us into row 20 on the 757 which is the row next to the door. Good for a quick exit.


As we sit in Atlanta, the phone calls start. Jennifer calls the Carnival customer service number on our docs and they offer as much help as the can. They provide us the number to the port and suggest we call. Busy signal. Next phone call goes to travel insurance. They tell us we have to make the cruise at one of our ports of call to be able to claim unused portions of the trip. Okay, Jenn, start using that IPhone to check airfare from Tampa to Cayman. Way too expensive. Then I realize I brought my phone with me. (I hate cell phones and rarely use mine.)


While Jenn is Googling potential travel to Cozumel to catch the ship, I call the port. This is where things start to go a little better. I reach a Carnival port agent by the name of Linda. She was an angel. A very calming voice in a hectic early afternoon. As I explained to her our situation, she took our information (name, cabin number, etc.). She asked when we'd arrive and I told her 3:12 was our scheduled arrival. "You should be okay", she said. She explained to call her immediately upon touch down in Tampa. Look for the Carnival reps at baggage claim she said. Linda says "Now one thing, you may not have time to wait for your luggage. You may have to go without. Talk to our people in baggage claim and they'll get your luggage to you in Grand Cayman." I'm thinking no problem, we'll buy a few necessities in the gift shop and skip first formal night but if we make the cruise, so be it.


In the meantime, Jennifer has called a cab company in Tampa to arrange to have a taxi waiting for us at baggage claim. Good move. I call Linda one last time as we're boarding the plane and tell her I'll talk to her soon. As we taxied in Atlanta, all I'm thinking is that I don't want the pilot to come on the inercom and say that we're number 20 for takeoff and to just sit back and relax. To my relief, things go better than I anticipated and we're off the ground only around 15 minutes late. Things aren't looking great and Jennifer and I say nothing during the flight. Arrival in Tampa at 3:19, the pilot made up some time. Fortunately, first ones off the plane and now it starts to look like an episode of the "Amazing Race".


Jennifer and I are sprinting (literally) up the jetway and through the terminal to the shuttles to baggage claim. She starts to lag and I'm yelling at her, "You gotta dig!! Go Go Go!!" It was ugly and she was a trooper. We make it to baggage claim. No Carnival reps. Crap. I'm on the phone, trying to breathe and dial Linda at the same time. Now we're just looking for a cab to get us to the pier. Then right before us are our bags. They made the earlier flight we couldn't. Now, I'm thinking just grab any taxi and go. Not so fast in Tampa. There were no taxis lined up at baggage claim like at most other airports. There is a taxi stand and we ask for a big taxi as we have four max size bags weighing right at 50 lbs. each. This guy was a moron. No help and now we're waiting. In the meantime, Jennifer is contacting the cab company she called from Atlanta. The driver is waiting for us on the top floor of the parking garage. GO! GO!


We make it up, find him, load up and ask him to haul ass to the pier and we'll make it worth his while. Once we clear the airport, the drive seems to take forever but I'm looking at his speedometer and he's like 20 over the speed limit. We wind through the streets of downtown Tampa and finally see the pier. The Legend is still there. We might make this after all. We pull up to the pier when we hear "Uh oh" from the driver. "What, what?" we're saying. The big gate at the pier is rolled down. Not good. So this is how it ends? We're standing at the pier as the Legend pushes away. Crap. Then we see a door to our right. The workers are frantically motioning us over. I'm grabbing bags, Jennifer's giving our driver double the fare. A young female security guard takes our bags from us and rushes away.


Carnival's pier personnel are there. We're running toward registration. And then there's Linda. "You're okay", she says. Security, registration, sign and sail cards, the familiar "ding" of the security picture were all a blur. We were still trying to run up the gangway when Carnival's personnel were reassuring us "You're okay. You're going to make it.".


We pass from the gangway to the ship's atrium at 3:54 p.m.. We did, in fact, make it. We tried hard to catch our breath as we headed toward our aft balcony. The Legend pushes away from the pier at 4:10 p.m. as the rain begins to fall. We can't believe what we've just gone through.


Our luggage arrived to our cabin by 4:45 and we were off on a great cruise. Needless to say that evening included several cocktails and a vow to never, ever fly in on the day of the cruise.


I can say that the Carnival representatives at the Tampa pier were amazing. Linda was a calming voice who helped us beyond belief. It was nice just to hear someone trying to talk us through. We've contacted her superiors in Tampa to heap praise upon her.


Bottom line to a long story, well I think you get it.....

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Sorry about the typos in my original post. I just re-read it and should have proof read one more time.


We realize that we were very lucky with the outcome of that day. One small glitch from Atlanta onward and we're done.


For those who've asked, we did book our own air. Cheaper and we were staying a couple of nights post-cruise in Tampa and didn't want to pay Carnival's rates for extensions.


Three weeks later we can look at our experience, laugh and thank our lucky stars that things worked out. As far as team building, Jenn and I don't really need that as we're pretty darned solid already. LOL. For trying out for the Amazing Race. Not a chance. WAAY to out of shape. LOL.

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Well, I knew it was going to be bad the moment I read that it was a Delta flight:eek: I don't think I recall ever reading anything positive about them on these boards.


I fly Delta because that is the local line, but when there is a glitch in your plans it turns into huge unpleasant experience. They'll lie outright to you about your situation just to get you to go away. The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing (or saying).. But thankfully I've only had bad things happen twice.


After my last Delta disaster someone in Atlanta told me-

DELTA= Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport



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Your post reminded me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry and Elaine are running through the airport, and jerry is screaming at Elaine "Lift those knees,lift those knees!!!":D Glad you made it!!! We are flying the day before and I am still nervous about something bad happening.:eek:

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Wow!!! I was literally holding my breath rooting for you and Linda the entire time. You are a great story teller. So glad you guys made it. I recently changed our flight to the day before because did not want to risk it. You made me breath a sig of relief!

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Well thanks for the story, we had just yesterday booked our flights to arrive in Barbados 2 hours before the ships February 10th departure time. Since February in Canada can mean delayed take offs due to line ups at de-icing, we have just changed our flights to arrive a couple of days beforehand. Now we are looking forward to a couple of days in the Barbados prior to our departure date.

Thanks again


Pat and Jim

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Great story!


We had a similar experience six years ago sailing on the Destiny out of San Juan. Our flight was overbooked and my (now-ex) husband decided to take the free tickets to catch a later flight. BIG MISTAKE!!


The weather was cold and snowy in Pittsburgh and we taxied so long all the passengers were joking that we were driving to Florida! We missed our connecting flight in Miami and arrived in San Juan at about the same time the ship was supposed to sail. We ended up leaving our luggage at the airport because it had been put in a holding room that we couldn't find. We were 15 minutes late boarding.


At least I had a bathing suit and change of clothes in my carry on. I don't remember what my ex packed in his but I know it wasn't clothes. He was wearing slacks and a winter sweater when we got off the ship in St Thomas. Our luggage was waiting for us when we got back.


I always end up booking our flight the day of departure because of time-off restrictions at work. Last February's flight was perfect and we were on the ship with drink in hand by 1:30. I hope next year's will go as smoothly, but you never know with Pittsburgh weather in February.

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Jennifer and I are sprinting (literally) up the jetway and through the terminal to the shuttles to baggage claim. She starts to lag and I'm yelling at her, "You gotta dig!! Go Go Go!!" It was ugly and she was a trooper. We make it to baggage claim. No Carnival reps. Crap. I'm on the phone, trying to breathe and dial Linda at the same time. Now we're just looking for a cab to get us to the pier. Then right before us are our bags. They made the earlier flight we couldn't. Now, I'm thinking just grab any taxi and go. Not so fast in Tampa. There were no taxis lined up at baggage claim like at most other airports. There is a taxi stand and we ask for a big taxi as we have four max size bags weighing right at 50 lbs. each. This guy was a moron. No help and now we're waiting. In the meantime, Jennifer is contacting the cab company she called from Atlanta. The driver is waiting for us on the top floor of the parking garage. GO! GO![/quote]



Whoa!!! This is BETTER than the Amazing Race. Please apply!!! I need to see this in live action! :)

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Six pages of replies, and several "Bash Delta" posts, BUT let's give credit to Delta for their luggage being at TPA, waiting for them, when they arrived. That was great service with the connecting baggage at ATL.


Glad you made the ship (with baggage!!)



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Wow, what a story. All I can say is... what were you thinking? Booking a flight with a CONNECTION that gets in 4 hours prior to departure?


That's just not smart. I don't care how much money you save in airfare and hotel.


Either book a nonstop early in the AM, or go the day ahead. No other options will do!

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I fly Delta because that is the local line, but when there is a glitch in your plans it turns into huge unpleasant experience. They'll lie outright to you about your situation just to get you to go away. The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing (or saying).. But thankfully I've only had bad things happen twice.


After my last Delta disaster someone in Atlanta told me-

DELTA= Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport




I hear ya! I've flown out of ATL for years, but abandoned Delta a loooong time ago! I use AirTran, AA, or Spirit when flying to south FL, and have always had great luck. Even though I do fly in the day before a cruise, those flights were always on time. Each way. When flying west, I've started using Southwest out of BHM. Much cheaper than Delta...if you don't mind a few stops to the West Coast. I'm halfway between both airports. BHM is definitely easier. ATL is the largest international airport in the world. And Delta's main hub.

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We have flown in the day of the cruise before, and in some cases it may be a good gamble.


Our very first cruise ever was almost de-railed by the tragedy on 9/11/2001, when all air traffic in the nation ceased. Fortunately for us the stoppage did not last long and we were able to make our flight from CLT-SJU, It was delayed a little, much to the delight of one of the people in our party, who got to the gate and realized he left his passport at home. Oops! He was able to scramble back home and get it, and got back late but the plane had not started to board.


The delay did not matter since the plane was a non-stop... well the stop in St. Thomas did not count because we were only there 5 minutes, I kid you not... and we got to San Juan in the early afternoon. The ship left at 10 PM, so plenty of time. We had another flight a few years later with similar success.


When flying to Miami, we get the earliest possible departure. Once we got to the port of Miami around 9:30 am, because what else are you going to do with all those bags?


Whenever there is a connection, there is always the chance of some sort of delay. Planes can be held for numerous reasons. The little stop in St. Thomas I mentioned earlier did not count because no plane is going to get parked in podunk where there is no maintenance, unless it is a dire emergency. The shut off the engines, rolled up a stairway, a few got off and on, they shut the door, and removed the stairs and off we went. This was a pretty big 737 too.


We are lucky we live in a hub (well, not so lucky because we have some of the highest airfares) but at least we are not making connections. We even have nonstops to Hawaii booked for our 2010 cruise - and are still coming in a day early.

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Our next cruise is booked through Carnival, partly because they use ports that are within easy driving distance of my home, and we are STILL driving in the day before. That experience scared me, BAD. I will echo the OP's sentiment that it is just too risky to try traveling the "day of", and the stress, crying, screaming, gnashing of teeth, and Georgia State Troopers (the one that pulled us over had a heart. Thank you, Mr. Trooper.) is just not worth saving a few dollars on a hotel for the night before.


The "gnashing of teeth" is priceless LOL!

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Oh boy!! Now I'm nervous. I earned a trip through my work to take a the CB from San Juan. I haven't received my flight schedule yet but it is about a 14-16 hour flight from our home town to San Juan. I don't have any control over the flights since they usually have a tavel agent get everything done so other people from other states who also earned this trip end up taking the same flight out the the country (probably for a better rates). I just hope we fly in the evening before with PLENTY of time to spare just in case we go through what you did.

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Oh boy!! Now I'm nervous. I earned a trip through my work to take a the CB from San Juan. I haven't received my flight schedule yet but it is about a 14-16 hour flight from our home town to San Juan. I don't have any control over the flights since they usually have a tavel agent get everything done so other people from other states who also earned this trip end up taking the same flight out the the country (probably for a better rates). I just hope we fly in the evening before with PLENTY of time to spare just in case we go through what you did.



Even if you don't have any real control, I bet s/he'd let you make a suggestion or two--maybe you could just say that you're nervous and you'd really like to travel in the day before. If you're picking up the hotel they shouldn't have a reason to complain.

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