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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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Prinsendam 2005, March 6, Day 51


Another lazy day at sea... cruising through smooth waters in the Java Sea, about 80NM north of Surabaja. Temperature is in the low 80's, overcast and threatening rain... Perfect for getting caught up on messages...


Yesterday, the Prinsendam anchored in Padang Bay, Bali, and began preparations to tender to the dock at Padang. The "scouting party" went out to check out the facilities and set up the tender operations. Apparently they were concerned that conditions for unloading the tender weren't too safe, but could be improved without too much difficulty. The call came back to the ship to send another tender with plywood, 2 by 4's, hammer, nails, handsaw, etc... Disembarkstion was delayed for close to an hour for many of the passengers, but when they did arrive at the dock, they were able to step from the tender onto a sheet of plywood and then continue up the dry concrete steps that are cast into the side of the wharf. The steps below the plywood were wet and moss covered, very narrow, and would have been difficult for many passengers to manage... Kudos to the Prinsendam crew for their ingenuity in quickly making a bad situation much better.


Slinkie and Grumpy went ashore with a group of about 60 for a tour of the island. Stepping off the tender, they were immediately surrounded by natives selling postcards, pencils, scarves, carvings... youi name it... They weren't too aggressive, and did not present any problem as they made their way to two buses for the tour. After boarding was completed, the bus drivers, with help from the local police were able to slowly make their way out of the port area. There were hundreds of trucks trying to get into the port and were jockeying for positions to get on the ferry boats. There were also hundreds of people that were friends and family of Prinsendam's wonderful Indonesian employees waiting for a chance to see their loved ones. Several truck drivers seemed to think the lane being cleared for the buses was their ticket into the port and then would have to back up again so the bus could move forward a few more yards. Even with all of the chaos, everyone seemed to accept it as a normal situation... no leaning on the horns, no yelling and swearing, no one-fingered salutes... and then finally the bus was clear of the port. Be advised... for the faint of heart... you don't want to look forward when the bus is making it's way along the roads. Grumpy hasn't yet figured out how right of way is determined... but there were many times that the bus passed other traffic when there clearly wasn't enough space ahead and headon collisions appeared imminent... somehow, there was always a place to get back in line... well, a place was made to get back in line... often at the expense of a motorscooter or two that would have to move to the sidewalk or berm... again, no anger expressed... that's just the way it is...


The tour wound through several villages and some open countryside, across bridges high above picturesque rivers and streams... absolutely breathtaking views. The contrasts in ways of living are stark. One property will be an ornate compound with walls and fences, beautifully carved and painted, well kept buildings inside... the next will be a collection of sheds and tents... but everywhere, there will be an alter where the daily offering to their diety is placed. Everyone seemed to be busy. Some new construction, a lot of rennovation, many working on their crafts, farmers working in fields, women carrying huge baskets on top of their heads, and some just sweeping their front stoops, but virtually no one that was just sitting around doing nothing.


The bus continued up to Kintamani wich has magnificent views of Mt. Batur and all of the surrounding area. There was a lunch stop at a retaurant with an open verandah overlooking the volcano. The tour guide had warned that it was often too overcast to see the volcano, or much of anything, but it was clear enough that the view was pretty good. Although it was threatening rain, it stayed dry and Grumpy was able to get some good pictures looking out over the valley. Lunch was a buffet of Indonesian dishes. Grumpy isn't sure what all he ate, but it was very good.


Hawkers to the right of us, Hawkers to the left of us


The vendors barter and holler


Do you want this beautiful carving?


It's yours for eighty dollar


The vendors were much more agressive there than they had been at the dock. a polite "No, thank you" was interpreted as "let's haggle, you know you want to buy". Slinkie wanted to look at some of the shop displays, but it was just impossible to get away from the peddlers. There was a carved elephant that Grumpy looked at...it was OK, but not really nice... very light weight wood which would probably start splitting when it gets into a dry atmosphere... $80... No, thanks... $50... No, Im not interested... How much you want to pay?... I'm not interested... $30... Grumpy walked away to get on the bus and was surrounded by little children with their post cards and pencils, and the guy with the elephant was still on his heels. Slinkie cannot stand that kind of situation and got back on the bus as quickly as she could. Even after they were on the bus, elephant man was right outside the window trying to negotiate a sale. It's really a shame, because the Balinese are such a good people, that they have to be so insistant, which many people find very offensive. They would probably sell more if business could be conducted in a more relaxed atmosphere.


On the way from Kintamani to Tampak Siring, the location of the water temple, the rain finally caught up with the tour. By the time the buses arrived at the temple, it was pouring! About a third of the passengers had brought their compact umbrellas. The ones that the ship provided recently are the standard 32" long, always in the way variety and, of course, no one took them ashore. Not to worry, there were dozens of children just waiting to rent out umbrellas as soon as you got off the bus. The tour guide apparently negotiated a bulk rate and everyone had umbrellas at no extra charge. While walking through the temple grounds, lightning flashing, thunder rolling, water puddles everywhere, the thought did occur to Grumpy that walking around in those conditions while holding a lightning rod three feet above his head might just qualify him for the infamous Darwin award... but apparently the offerings that had been left for the gods was enough to keep from incurring their wrath and everyone made it through OK. Even though it was pouring rain, Slinkie and Grumpy enjoyed seeing the ornate temple and the beautiful shrines and managed to get some good pictures.


Now Grumpy has now learned that their is a definite disadvantage to being tall when in a crowd with other people carrying umbrellas. Short Slinkie walked around with her umbrella over her head, staying mostly dry. Grumpy walked around with an umbrella over his head, but Slinkie and all of the other shorties kept walking close to Grumpy. Their umbrellas slipped nicely under Grumpy's and of course shed the water right onto Grumpy's shoulders. He got soaked about as much as he would have with no umbrella... but it was a very warm rain and no harm was done...


From the temple, the tour went to the town of Ubud, which is mostly an artists' enclave. The bus drove past dozens of places displaying beautiful carvings and stopped at a gallery where local artists have their paintings for sale. There were a few that Slinkie would have liked and they were reasonably priced... well, they were overpriced at the marked price (which was in $US) but the prices were very negotiable... but Grumpy wasn't sure about trying to manage getting a painting back to the ship in the pouring rain. Another time, perhaps...


Next stop was the woodcarvers gallery. After looking around at all of the exquisite carvings, Slinkie settled on three very graceful figurines. They were priced at about $15 to $20 each (again marked in $US), it was generally understood that everything was 50% off of the marked price, but Grumpy's $55 purchase went out the door, carefully wrapped, for $20 total. Watching the woodcarvers at work was fascinating. There was one artist that was working on a tree stump that was about two feet in diameter by 4 ft tall. It was being transformed into a shrub with birds sitting on the branches, lacy leaves and flowers... everything very intricate and open, just as it would be if it were in your garden. How he could possibly carve the interior without breaking the exterior portions is beyond belief. Grumpy was back on the bus before he realized he had not taken a picture of such a beautiful work in progress...


The final stop was a shop with hand woven fabrics and clothing items. Everything there was priced in Rupiahs (about 9000 to the dollar). They were offering a flat 15% discount and holding to that, except that people that bought several items were able to negotiate a little better price. Slinkie didn't add to her wardrobe, but Grumpy has another shirt...


Back at the dock, Slinkie and Grumpy had plans to get off of the bus and walk back a block to the line of shops they had passed coming in. They were mobbed by the vendors immediately. Grumpy tried to be polite, said "No, thank you" about two hundred times and tried to move away. The crowd of vendors, apparently aware that there wasn't much time left to sell their wares and getting desparate, just surrounded them to the point of hardly being able to move. Slinkie and Grumpy abandoned their plan to do more shopping and with the help of one of the ships officers managed to get back aboard the tender.


Grumpy understands that the Bali bombing really put a damper on the tourist trade and the people desparately need the tourism dollars, but Slinkie's impression right now is that she doesn't care if she never comes back... and that is a real shame. The country and most of the people are wonderful, but the chaos at the dock and at the tourist attractions has to improve. For those that have been to the Caribbean ports and the Mexican ports and think you are familiar with that kind of activity around the port... think again. Bali is 10 times as bad as anything encountered before. Even Cartagena was tame compared to Bali.


Grumpy wants to thank all of you that commented about the Pinnacle... there was a time before he retired that Grumpy would have devoured the largest steak they have, complete with a baked potato and all the trimmings and proclaimed it to be a fabulous place to eat... Wouldn't have gained an ounce, either. That, coupled with his current assessment since he wants to maintain some semblence of his svelte self in retirement, seems representative of the views here. Steak house... great!.. otherwise... there are better choices...


The asparagus definitely was NOT white asparagus. It was more like the stuff that has been in the store too long and is drying out. The deep green turns to a greenish grey and the stalks start showing their fibres as the pulp dries out. It might have been OK smothered in Hollandaise, but....


Ziggy7, Slinkie say's the RedHatter's will forgive you this time... most of them would consider themselves to be young at heart, approaching middle age, ladies... definitely not old ladies...


Mommy I, Slinkie gave Johhny a big hug and told him it was from Mommy... he seemed to appreciate it... but then he appreciates any hugs he gets from beautiful young women like our Slinkie Girl, doesn't he?


sjs79, Liz told Slinkie and Grumpy about the whole Gibralter experience with the monkeys...That had to be a Kodak moment if there ever was one... and about the large supply of Twix bars she received from people that learned about it... hmmm, Grumpy has to check the gift shop and see if they have any Twix bars... There is a monkey park on Bali where the monkeys expect to be fed peanuts and might get a little aggressive if they think you're holding out on them... Liz would probably enjoy visiting there...NOT!.. Grumpy suspects she never wants to see another monkey that isn't separated from her by a substantial fence...


Well, apparently HAL has decided not to throw Grumpy and Slinkie off the ship... they now have their 100 day medals, pins and an invitation to the Mariner's party tonight even though they will have to be aboard for another 49 days to officially pass that milestone. The group photo, which was scheduled for the Lido this evening has been rescheduled for a "later date" due to the rain today... Now, how many more cruises before the Platinum level?...


OK, what to do in Brunei... there are three tours offered. The first, at 7 hours, would use up almost the entire 8 hour stay. There's a visit to the museum, cruise to the water village on a riverboat, walking visit of the town core, chinese lunch, drive by the palace, the mosque and visit the Royal Regalia building. Enroute back..VIEW... an open air market...read that, no shopping time...


Second is 3 1/2 hours and sounds like it will be a driveby of the palace, the museum, the Royal Regalia, and a vist inside the mosque with it's 29 gold domes.


Third is the Longhouse cultural experience. At five hours, it's probably an hour or more bus ride, a couple of hours of native dance and history and a nother long ride back.. Anyone been there and have suggestions? The first two seem like mostly a display of the Sultan's incredible wealth... ho hum... the third sounds like it might be interesting from a historic and cultural point of view... Slinkie wants to know... is the shopping any good?


BTW, the Hong Kong tailors (Princeton Custom Tailors) are on board to take measurements and process orders for clothing to be picked up in Hong Kong. Somehow you experienced cruisers knew they would be here, didn't you...


There haven't been any blockbuster celebrities onboard... other than Slinkie and Grumpy... unless they're travelling incognito... but there have been great entertainers that are fairly well known in their own country, such as Austrailian violinist Ian Cooper and pianist Bernard Waltz, that haven't made it to the big time on the world stage.


Guess it's time to post again and see what else has been added.


Grumpy and Slinkie


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Grumpy and Slinkie:


What a wonderful, descriptive account of Bali. I am sure, everyone like me, feels they are there. The description of the dock, the bus, the traffic at the port, the hustle and bustle, the rain - could even feel myself under the umbrella.


The vendors/peddlers must have been quite an eye opener. I feel it is bad in the Caribbean, Cartagena and Central America etc. but they sound pretty tame compared to your experience. A lot of the time I like to "look". But that is not in their vocabulary. I don't believe in bartering unless I plan to buy. That's not fair to them.


Again, thanks for sharing your trip.:)

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Grumpy/Slinkie.......... absolutely a wonderful review of Bali!! I could almost feel the RAIN as I walked along with you. Grumpy I'm taller and would have been just as wet as you!

Sorry the vendors were so aggressive. It's ashame things aren't a little more controlled so the tourist would feel more comfortable buying their hand made goods. I'm sure they would all benefit from some organization. It seems at places like that the word "NO" means "YES" to them!


Grumpy, thanks for telling us the temps and how the seas are doing. I really think you should be print these posts and sell them to Travel Agents to pass onto prospective WORLD cruisers.

Congrats on getting your Pins and metals early. Maybe they have the celebration this early in the cruise because they're afraid they might run out of the REALLY GOOD FOOD by the end of the cruise!!

I wonder where they RESTOCK the Freezer and Refrigerator along the way???


Grumpy did you order a suit or two??? If Slinkie isn't getting a suit she should really think about some nice Slacks for Winter and Summer. Bet you can't match the price here in the states.


Okay, I'm sorry this was so long and I'll stop now so you can keep reading what others have posted. Take care and tell Slinkie good luck with her 15_8_8.gif shopping quests!

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Wow! What a wonderful experience in Bali. You have such a way with words, I felt as if I were experiencing it with you both! Liz did a private tour, but it seems that she went to many of the same places you did, but her 7 line email was not nearly as descriptive as yours, so thank you so much for really describing it!


I'm glad Liz told you about the monkeys... I emailed her and admitted it was me who told you about it, so I'm glad you heard the whole story! As for kodak moment, she actually has a picture of the monkey eating the twix bar, and it is a classic!!!


Thanks again for the wonderful post!!!! I wake up each morning and look forward to hearing about your latest adventures!!!!

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Hi Liz's sister,


I got a long email from Jen about the tour she, Liz, Justin, and Johnny took. They found an air conditioned cab with an English speaking driver, and had a wonderful day. Since Liz was so stingy with her descriptions, send me your email address and I'll forward Jen's description, complete with pictures.




Jen's Mum

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Your experiences with the vendors reminded me of our stop in Tangiers. Or what it would have been like if there weren't two "bouncers" with our tour group who created enough menace to keep the most agressive vendors back a foot or two! (Didn't stop one of them from pickpocketing my tobacco pouch, though!)

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I am soooooo glad that at least you loved the Chocolate Volcano Cake!!! My personal favorite ... but then almost any dark chocolate yummie is my personal favorite.


There goes my image of Bali up in smoke:( .


Ziggy, about Red Hats (and not to anger Slinkie!!!). Red Hat ladies do have to be over 50. If you're under that you can join, but you have to wear pink (or is it lavender). In our development there are 3 Red Hat groups (none of which I belong to just on principle) and only one member is under 50. But beyond that they can go up to any age (and do). So you easily could have seen lil ole ladies who are Red Hatters, but not all Red Hatters are little old ladies:D .

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Think your Bali post was the best yet! Like others, really feel bad that you couldn't do more shopping:mad: because of the vendors. Looking forward to what Brunei has to offer.


Brought back memories of my trip to Israel in '87 when there were mobs of vendors everywhere in Jeruselum selling pencils, cards, etc. for "one American dollar." I was able to keep saying "no" but my roommate succumbed to many of them. She was a retired school teacher and said she would give the stuff to other teachers. In Bethlehem I did buy little olive-wood crosses for my Sunday School class (5th and 6th graders).


Am enjoying the shoot-out between Mickelson and Tiger at the Doral Open. It's exciting...they're tied at 22 under after the 10th hole. Tiger was down 2 at the beginning of the day.


Grumpy's Very Jealous Sis

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Slinkie and Grumpy,


I am so glad you saw the view from Kintamani before the rains came. It is the wet time of the year and it usually rains in the afternoons.


With regard to the people pestering you trying to sell goods, most of them are Javanese from the mainland and not the Balinese. This has been the trouble for many years now, as the Javanese have taken over the island with regards to peddling, crime etc. and they were the ones responsible for the Bali Bombing which affected so many of us.


The Balinese are peaceful, loving people and are very courteous.


I am sorry that you hated the experience Slinkie, but when you are not on a tour bus, full of wealthy tourists, you are not pestered at all. The peddlers could see that you were all so much wealthier than what they are and of course you all arrived at the one time so it was an opportunity not to be missed.


As I have mentioned before, Bali is a paradise and we are never pestered once we say no to the peddlers.



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Thank You Slinkie and Red Hatters ! I have since done my homework and there are millions of Red Hatters everywhere! All shapes and sizes too! And the best part is that any adult female that would like to join and participate can! Just join your local charter and your in! Whew, I am glad to be forgiven, they are everywhere too, all over the world! I wouldn't of had anywhere to hide! eeeks! :)


P.S. Grumpy, we are really enjoying reading about your world cruise, we sure hope you will post pictures of it once you return, it would be great to see some of the places you have described, of course that is if you are taking pictures ??? Are you ???

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Thank you for all your wonderful postings, especially Bali. When you write, I feel as if I am there. I loved the umbrella story. I used to be one of the tall people, now I am shorter and can really see and feel the difference. I have dropped two inches that I know of and am sure that it is a lot more by now as I no longer can reach over the refrigerator.


Bali was beautiful through your eyes as were all the other places. The vendors lack of courteousy is a shame, I agree, people are more apt to buy if not acosted.


Again thank you for your postings. I look for them every day.


Curising Granny

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Having recently returned from the Honolulu to Sydney segment ot the 2005 world cruise , I find myself much in agreement with Grumpy , especially concerning the Pinnacle restaurant . Indeed I saw two older ladies trying to give away their vouchers ... with no takers !


We have previously taken Pacific cruises with Crystal and Princess and , thus , are able to offer a comparison . The passengers were similar in age on all three , but perhaps more elegant on Crystal . Food was excellent on all but the Lido on the Prinsendam was by far the best .


We had similar cabin categories on all three ships and feel that our cabin on the Prinsendam was the most comfortable and had the best service . Breakfast room service was always right on time .


In my opinion , the Prinsendam was the weakest in terms of entertainment which had a real " low budget " flavor .

This is not to say that some of the performers were not enjoyable , they just did not compare with the other cruises .


Overall , we enjoyed the experience and felt that we received reasonable value for our money .


Aloha !

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Hi Grumpy and Slinkie,


We just returned from a three day Travel Agent "Dam Fam" weekend and people from the HAL Corporate Office are indeed following your WC thread. During one of the presentations before we visited the Oosterdam, Statendam and Ryndam and had two great lunches onboard, they made an announcement that out of 800 passengers on the 2005 World Cruise, 712 have booked the World Cruise for 2006. That is an amazing number so it must be a fabulous experience!


We made special note to see all of Stephen Card's wonderful artwork while we visited all three ships and were certainly not disappointed. Hope you are still having a great time. Anxiously awaiting you next episode with the latest adventures of G & S.

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I thoroughly enjoyed your tour of Bali. I would like to know, though, was all that shopping included in the tour discription before you signed up? :confused:

If you knew about it and took the tour with the understanding that there would be ample opportunity to shop I'll bet Slinky helped in the choice. :)

But if it wasn't in the tour discription in the first place, I'll bet Slinky was pleasantly surprised! ;)

(personally, I hate the mandatory "shop-stop"---especially when I don't know about it in advance.)

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Dear Grumpy & Slinkie


Thank you for your ongoing review of your world cruise.

I dream of being on a cruie ship for a world tour.

Unfortunately we still have to work. I have visited many of your ports of call and am reliving my experiences thru your comments. I am sorry you did not enjoy Bali - we really loved our time there even with the pushy vendors.


Yes I agree you really do need to do your homework on each port of call before the start of your cruise. I generally spend months doing that! I find the planning of the cruise almost as much fun as the cruise. Plus I enjoy the challenge!


Keep the commentary coming!


Thanks again

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Prinsendam 2005, March 7, Day 53


After his previous post, Grumpy realized that he had left out a very memorable part of the Bali tour... The Barong Dance!... This traditional dance, dating back to the 10th century or so, was performed on the steps of a temple and had a covered seating area. The dancers enter through a pair of doors that are about 20 ft tall, very ornate, and descend a wide stone staircase of 24 steps. The staircase is flanked on both sides by terraces with rows of stone figures on each terrace level. The "stage" at the foot of the stairs is a wide grassy area on a terrace about 4 feet above the seating area. The barong dance is a classic depiction of the battle between good and evil... Grumpy will make no judgement as to why Evil is a female form and Good is male... that's just the way it is... It's a very beautiful pagent, but does tend to be a little long. If one understands the Balinese language it would probably not seem so long as you could follow the story being told. The tour guide had told the story on the bus ride to the temple, so Slinkie and Grumpy had a little bit of an idea what it was all about. On the second bus, the guide did not tell the story until after the performance and some passengers commented that they had no clue what the story was during the performance. Narration during the performance would have been nice... but it was still a very memorable experience.


Aussie Gal, thanks for the information about the Javanese vs the Balinese... that certainly helps explain the mob around the tour buses. Grumpy had observed that the vendors in the arts markets were not pushy at all... eager to help, but not "in your face" like the ones near the port and the restaurant stop.


Today was lifeboat drill day... 10:30am... lazy Grumpy couldn't sleep in 'til noon... well, he'd been up for a couple of hours by that time, plotting the ships course, figuring out when the Prinsendam will make the next equator crossing, etc... It should be about 4:45 pm according to Grumpy's GPS. The cruise calendar says "Crossing the Equator" on March 8. Grumpy figures that means another "kiss the fish" ceremony tomorrow... since there are new crew members and possibly some new passengers that have not previously crossed the equator...


Last night was the recognition ceremonies for the Mariner club. Virtually everyone on board is now (or will be by the end of the cruise) a Mariner Club member, so the Captain's reception was held in two sessions. Grumpy should have made notes of the numbers, but his recollection is that there were over 20 on board that are at President's Club level (at least 1400 days on HAL ships), several that qualified on this cruise for Platinum (700 days) along with many that were recognized for already being at that level. All of the members at Silver and above were recognized by name, but there are just too many newbies in the club so all of those were just asked to stand and be recognized. Grumpy told the captain on the way out that he's looking forward to many more of his parties...


Grumpy went up to the Lido deck


The deck was covered with soot


And everywhere that Grumpy went


His sooty foot he put.


Some time after leaving Bali, one of the smokestacks must have "belched" and put large quantities of soot on the sloped roof of the Lido. It then sifted down and was all over the aft deck when Slinkie and Grumpy went to breakfast yesterday morning. There had been some attempt to sweep it up, but there were still patches on the deck and more that was still coming down the roof and landing by the windows and doors. Grumpy would have closed that area for cleaning if he were in charge, but no one did and now there has been a lot of soot tracked into other areas... As though the housekeeping staff didn't have enough to do already...


Kupuna, it's nice to see you back on the board. Slinkie and Grumpy had hoped to meet you on board... they thank you for the note that you dropped off... and hope that someday you finally make it to Tonga. They also thank you for confirming most of their Pinnacle comments. Slinkie hasn't had much opportunity to compare Lido's on other cruise lines, but she doesn't see how anyone could do a better job than the Prinsendam... Today there were poached salmon medallions that she and others were raving about... and that wasn't even an entree... just a tray among many trays of salads and assorted tempting morsels. As far as the entertainment, it's been better since Sydney... the segment between Honolulu and Sydney was probably the weakest. There have been several very good entertainers that boarded in Australia. Irish flautist Gary Arbuthnot came aboard in Bali and entertained last night. Very, very good, indeed... not only on the flute, but he can really do wonders with the "pennywhistle".


Karen and Bob, it sounds like the "dam fam" tour was interesting. Slinkie and Grumpy aren't among those that have booked for 2006. They have other things that they want to do before doing another world tour. With the early booking incentives that were offered, it's not surprising that many signed up. After all, it doesn't cost much to book and hold a cabin... final decision can be made several months from now.


KathieKata, Slinkie talked to one woman that checked out the tailor on board... she thought that the prices were much too high... and Grumpy was hoping to get an Armani duplicate for no more than $100... yeah, sure... but Grumpy is sure that Slinkie will find something she likes in Hong Kong...


Ziggy7...Pictures?.. You think Grumpy should take some pictures?.. The camera registers 600 taken since the start of the cruise... there should be about a half dozen good ones in there somewhere...


Traveller1... what are you going to do for entertainment after this thread comes to an end?.. Easy... just buy Grumpy and Slinkie more cruises... they'll be glad to report from anywhere in the world...


Temperature this afternoon is in the mid 80's... seas are getting a little rougher, but still riding pretty smooth... Slinkie and Grumpy have just returned from Frank's port lecture and have decided to take the shuttle from the port, see what there is to see on the 30 to 40 minute ride into BSB and wander the town on their own. There probably won't be any real bargains, as the level of income in the area is pretty high and they don't rely on tourist trade, but it will be interesting to see what sort of goods are in the downtown stores.


Grumpy and Slinkie


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I am soooooo glad that at least you loved the Chocolate Volcano Cake!!! My personal favorite ... but then almost any dark chocolate yummie is my personal favorite.


There goes my image of Bali up in smoke:( .


Ziggy, about Red Hats (and not to anger Slinkie!!!). Red Hat ladies do have to be over 50. If you're under that you can join, but you have to wear pink (or is it lavender). In our development there are 3 Red Hat groups (none of which I belong to just on principle) and only one member is under 50. But beyond that they can go up to any age (and do). So you easily could have seen lil ole ladies who are Red Hatters, but not all Red Hatters are little old ladies:D .

Thanks Heather, cause I'm getting so confused about Red Hatters, it seems everyone I talk to about them says something different! eeeeks and half of them are claiming to be Red Hatters. I think I'm going to slowly walk away from this subject and never go there again hehehe :)
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Grumpy and Slinkie, Just to let you know that there are many of us who are reading your "SAGA" and enjoying it so much. Know I will never to a world cruise, but it sure sounds wonderful. You really should put it down in book for along with photo's when you return. Have a wonderful rest of your cruise.


The day after you get home, we will be on the Serenade of the Seas heading for Hawaii. I can't wait.


Re: Pictures, you have taken 600??? Our cruise to the British Isles and Norwegian Fjords (2 weeks), I took over 2000......... My sister calls me the MAD SNAPPER......

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Grumpy and Slinkie,


Keep up this excellent and most interesting commentary.



The Water Village in Brunei was a highlight for us. We walked around town on our own, then hired a guide who arranged for a private boat to take us around the Water Village. Very Interesting. We also got a glimpse of the massive Royal Palace from the water.


There were four of us and the price for the guide and boat trip was very reasonable. It was quite warm and humid, as I recall.

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Aloha Slinkie and Grumpy1!


It's great to hear about all of your adventures, both good and no so good. As you both found in Bali, even paradise has pushy vendors and traffic!!:eek:

I have to admit, that I know very little about Brunei, other than it's a wealthy country somewhere in Asia.... (okay my California education is showing.......:rolleyes: ) Looking forward to your posting about your day there to enlighten me.

It sure seems that you and Slinkie have truly become seasoned travelers, as you have circumvented approximately 1/2 of the world to date (give or take a few thousand miles....;) ) I await your future reports as they always make my morning coffee sooooo much brighter!! Localady and family take off for Easter on the Zaandam in about 10 days and I will have to catch up on your adventures after we return.

As always, calm seas and blue skies to you both!!

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Hi Grumpy and Slinky


I have been following your adventure with jealousy and fond memories. Al and I did the world in '99 on the Rotterdam. At the end of the cruise they had to forcefully pry my fingers from the railing to make me disembark and they searched my luggage for the room steward that I wanted to take home with me.

Please say hello to Howard and Hilda Regan for us. If you haven't already met them, you're in for a treat. He is very tall and thin with white hair. She is teeny tiny, Filipino and drop-dead gorgeous. They are on second seating and love to dance in the Ocean bar before dinner. They also love to play trivia, but may have given up because there is a killer trivia team on board and Howard and Hilda don"t have Al and I to help them.

Continue having a wonderful time. Each day will only get better.


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Prinsendam 2005, March 7, Day 53




The deck was covered with soot


And everywhere that Grumpy went


His sooty foot he put.





Me thinks Grumpy has not paid his bar bill and they have assigned him to shoveling coal in the boiler room....:D:D

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Hi Grumpy and Slinky,


Very appreciative of your saga. We will be sailing this summer to Ireland and Iceland on the Prinsendam. I thought that I had read somewhere that there is a group of people who meet in one of the public rooms to knit caps for a charity. HAL provides the yarn and passengers the time. I would love to join in and bring my teenagers with me. Do you know if they are doing this on the Prinsendam?


We have sailed on two of the Rotterdam ships in the past. The new Rotterdam had a wonderful sandwich bar. The girls loved getting a sandwich made and then packing it up for the port stops. Does the Prinsendam have the sandwich bar too?


Thanks and looking forward to your next installment.



aka Crusin_Gator's dw

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