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Luckyprincess' Freedom of the Seas Review

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Hi again everyone! We're back to the cold New Jersey air from our Freedom cruise to the Eastern Caribbean! It was about 58 degrees out of Port Canaveral, 70 in Cococay (the only amazing weather on a port day), 78, storm clouds, rain and overcast in St. Thomas, 80, sunny beautiful morning in St. Maarten when I was zip lining under trees in the shade - then storms and rain and overcast when I was actually ready to go to a beach :rolleyes:, and a balmy 40 or so in Port Canaveral upon our return! There was one really nice sea day where I got a hint of sun and besides that I came back with a slight shade darker of my normal Irish pallor - oh well, can't control the weather, I guess! But it was a bit disappointing how cool and rainy it was on the trip since our last was peeerrrfect!

Anyway, it's going to be a long one, and it isn't all perfect, I'm afraid so grab a coffee, tea, martini, whatever

I have to preface this review by saying that I am an eternal optimist, happy when I wake up til I go to bed and very laid back. However, we just couldn't help comparing this cruise to our Radiance cruise two years ago the whole time - I guess that's human nature. I will say just to let you all know, our Radiance cruise was so near perfect that it's scary. There were only a few points to mention in a negative light and they didn't impact our cruise much at all. So I know, don't compare old flames to new and old vacations to the present ones - but I couldn't help it. Okay? Shoot me!:p But I am well aware that preferences are personal and that on my perfect Radiance cruise someone else probably had a miserable time and it's probably perfectly valid for them. A review is just a really long opinion with pretty pictures so try not to rake me over the coals too much, kay? Thx!


We left on Saturday, January 2nd from Newark airport to Orlando via Jetblue. I love this airline. I got my airfare for $420 total including taxes for us both and you get legroom, comfy seats, free one bag checked each, tv with Direct tv at every seat, free snacks and free beverages. Great deal, fun friendly staff and safe pilots = happy Melody.


So, we arrive at the MCO and I have a Budget car rented. Let me interject here - I am practically a Budget Fastbreak spokesperson. It's a free frequent renter program that let me bypass the 3 people deep line to just go across the street to the kiosk in the garage where no one was waiting, hand them my id, cc and fastbreak card and within 5 minutes I had my keys and was walking to the car. This has been my exact experience with this program everywhere at Budget. So great. So we fire up the GPS, put our luggage in and head out on a 35 - 40 minute drive to the Marriot Residence Inn in Cape Canaveral.


I've actually never used Marriot and I will be sure to from now on. For the same price for a regular room at the other local places we got a two room King Suite with kitchen (bigger than our first apartment in Brooklyn!) and a great, varied buffet breakfast. The woman at the front desk was an absolute jewel to the service industry. I realized I forgot black sparkly shoes (insert gasp of horror here, ladies) so I called the front desk to see if there was a target or walmart or something cheap around. Not only did she take time to let me know about the Target, but she printed directions without me asking and brought them to our room. Check out was smooth, didn't need to go to the desk at all as they left my correct bill under the door that night and all was right. I've emailed the President and filled out a survey. Awesome place! Here are some pics of our room:






The next morning we got up at 9:30, had the included buffet around 10, returned the car to Budget, right down the road, and were on the free Budget shuttle to the Port by 10:30. We got in, tipped the porter because he actually was sweet, funny and nice and complimented my hair (yes, it's that easy)_and went through the various checkpoints. Just to let others know, we had bought a soft sided 6 pack cooler with us, bought some sodas (we don't drink many) and put them in the cooler, smacked a luggage tag on it and checked it. It arrived along with all our other stuff just fine. We sat at the comfy waiting area and were on board by 11:20 or so....

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Wow! This ship is huge! And very pretty. The colors are great and I really like how each room is just really different. We got on board and started exploring, so I'll share the pics we snapped here:

This is Vintages Wine Bar at the Royal Promenade - great deals here on wines that could easily cost a fortune if bought by bottle. I have two Sommelier certificates and I was seriously impressed by what they had available by the glass here:


Here is the Champagne bar - we actually never used it but it is so beautiful!


Here we have the Olive or Twist lounge - we went for the Poker crawl during the day on Tuesday, I think and also went for a drink one other night. Unfortunately, the whole thing vibrates constantly at all the seats by the windows I tried out. This whole cruise, the ship rocked ALL THE TIME. I mean, we heard our hangers clanging together the whole trip, we had taken the Pellegrino out of the minifridge (which was always really cold) and put it in a drawer and had to move it because it was always hitting together from the motion. The Captain also mentioned the 'motion of ocean' in his announcements. For someone that gets seasick easily, like me, this has been a big wake up call for us to probably not cruise again for some years. I realize now that this can happen for an entire cruise, like it did on Freedom and it's kind of a big inconveinence for me as I'm constantly monitoring myself even pumped full of motion sickness drugs. But that isn't really a fault of the cruise line - just something that apparently can happen for the duration of a cruise.


Here is the dining room - so pretty! We were MTD, deck 5, Galileo dining room. For us, the food was a huge step down in quality, presentation and skill of cooking from two years ago on Radiance. Yes, we are in the industry, yes he is a very talented fine dining chef so we may have higher expectation in general, but we both liked Radiance and that's what we compared it to, not a land restaurant. Anyway:


This is the Crypt. It was such a cool place and we couldn't believe how well it was designed and all of the thought put into the details and yet there was never a good crowd in there hanging out or dancing. Each night we checked there was a max of about 5 people dancing and two at a table/bar. Maybe we missed a big night in there?:



This night we had a really disappointing dinner and figured it was a 'warm up' or something. We then went to the casino and won a bit on blackjack, walked around the decks, played in the hot tub for a bit (we only like to have it to ourselves and if you are the same way go after 9:00 pm!) We hate production shows so we found we had it to ourselves between the last seating and production show each night.

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So today was the day that I had mistakingly booked a kayak rental at 7 am, as some may recall. I also had rented a locker and snorkel gear for us both. Well, we ended up not doing any of that! It was only about 70 degrees and for us just not great weather for any of those activites. However, I will say the water was warmer than the air which was nice. So we just got there, figured oh well, better to plan ahead and lose a little money then not have had it booked at all (yay promotion! lol) and instead, we did the nature trail. It was 3 miles, I believe, from start and back again and WOW! THIS is the kind of thing we enjoy - really enjoy. The weather was not great for us to snorkel but it was PERFECT for what we did do. We had gotten off an early tender and walked out past the initial beaches. We were so suprised on this cruise to see how many people just stop at the first available 'thing'. Even the bbq buffet on the island had two stations and everyone lined up at the first but the second, just a short walk away, was nearly empty. Everyone sat in loungers directly off the tender and the outer beaches were totally empty. Crazy but great for us!

The trail was incredible. As soon as you enter, there is a rocky climb upwards, which made people turn around that fast! We live for this kind of thing so we went straight up and it was so pretty. After a while, we realized we were totally by ourselves! There are little used paths that break away from the main path, and if you follow them all the way out, they lead to these little private spots that are so special and pretty:




We got back, napped, played in the casino and got ready for formal night. The food tonight was very good! However, I will say I didn't think desserts were ever good on board. The ones I mostly wanted were the sugar free ones usually! I can't even cheat good on a cruise, lol!


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Some pictures of our room - deck 9 room 9340 mid hump - and our balcony. Our room was plenty big enough for us and our balcony was much larger than even the Radiance hump. We felt FOS won big marks in these departments. Unlike lots of other people, we spend lots of time in our cabin, which is why we're always sure to get a balcony hump cabin. We stayed in one night and rented Angels and Demons, got some room service and relaxed - such a great evening!




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Thanks ladies and sorry for the abrupt end, lol! I was passing out from my first actual day back at work....


Today was the day for our CC Meet and Mingle and also the day we scheduled our Poker Cabin Crawl, which was just so much fun! This was also a day at sea, so we slept til 9 or so and got up, excersized, ate breakfast on the balcony and got ready to go. My bf is a little bit shy, so I went to the Meet n Mingle (got there late - oops!) and we set up the details for the cabin crawl. I got back to the room and made sure it was clean, lol and then we went for a stroll around, looked at pictures, bought some watches and then my bf went to play DodgeBall and I met up with my fellow CC'ers. I have to say thank you so much to everyone that participated in the crawl - it was the first time I did a meet up and everyone seemed to really get a long well. Also, it was great to see other cabin categories - the Aft view is gorgeous! Thanks to all that opened their cabins and to all that visited mine!

I ran up to the sports deck to check on my bf and found out he was in the finals so I stayed to watch him. Alas he only won a silver metal but sure had lots of fun!


So, back to the room to nap and relax a little......


Lol, I loved this thing and kudos to the creator! My steward, Roxroy (who was awesome!!) got such a kick out of it! Too funny!

So this was our anniversary and to mark it we had a reservation to dine at Chops. Chops was our favorite dining memory from Radiance and we really enjoyed the food and service there. We had checked out the room on the first day and requested a table by the window, which was granted. Sadly, this was a pretty awful experience. It kills me to say it since we were soooo looking forward to it. The only thing I will say is that it was actually so bad that we were laughing over the ridiculousness of the whole situation. First, we had reservations for 7:30 and ended up standing in a big line outside of the Chops front podium for about 30 minutes with everyone else that had a reservation. What was the problem? They have the manager/host walking people to their tables and giving the whole 'how Chops works, describe the menu' shpeal to each table he seats! We both work in hospitality and that is the worst use of a manager/host we have ever seen. Obviously, the result is that by using the same person to do two people's jobs you make every single table late for their reservation. Is this the result of cut backs on staff? You should have one person seating, and then the server or ass't server greeting each table, explaining the menu, explaining the way the ordering works, etc. Unbelievable. The worst part is that the place was not at all crowded and they had only two main servers as far as we could see....

Next, we finally get seated and tell the manager to go ahead and seat his other tables since we know how the menu works. So, our ass't server comes to the table and asks if we would like something to drink. We let him know that we had purchased wines from Gift and Gear for dining room delivery and that we would like our red wine. He looks at me and says 'what do you mean you pre purchased it? - where is it'. I explained again that it was purchased to be served in any of the dining rooms - just the same as we had on the Radiance (the Chops in Radiance grabbed it from the dining room when we requested it without any problem. As a matter of fact, on the Radiance the first day we sat in the MDR our server said 'I see you have two wines, would you like one of them?') and he again stated he "has no idea what you are talking about". He then asked if I left them in my stateroom - then said "You don't know where it is?". My boyfriend let him know that they should know where it is, probably in the MDR in a holding area and the server got a HUGE attitude and said "I should know where it is?" and I asked him to get his manager so we can explain it to him. Then, the main server for our table came over and said "you left some wine in the main dining room?". I just stared at my bf and couldn't believe it. It was like a bad comedy sketch! So he again nicely told her what we wanted, just the red, as we said several times. She then told us 'well, it will take a while because now I have to go all the way downstairs to the MDR'. Outrageous way to talk to a guest, especially one that hasn't raised their voice or been rude when faced with massive incompetence. About 15 minutes later our head waiter came back with both bottles and put them on the table and said 'which one do you want?'. THE RED!!:p Auuuuggghhh!!

When we finally ordered, they did something we noticed happening in the MDR at the tables we sat at - they took ours and the two top next to us' orders at the same time and served them at the same time, as though they were one big table. We saw them taking the orders together and entering the orders together - what it did was made us wait until the other table was done with their apps (even though we finished much earlier with ours) until they would serve both of our main courses at the same time, as though we were all guests at the same table. Weird.

My caesar salad was two heads of Romaine Hearts with a glob of dressing and five croutons - so weird and hard to cut and eat. My bf's steak was raw, not rare (yes, he is a talented fine dining chef and knows the difference) and was unseasoned. They didn't come by (nor could we find them) until he was halfway done to offer any of the sauces. The mashed potatoes had a pound of nutmeg in them but that's more of a personal taste thing, IMHO. The desserts were the exact same we had two years ago but my cheesecake was good. Either way, it was a disappointing and pretty flat out bad experience, especially since our last one in Chops on Radiance was so good. We didn't even get coffee because we didn't want to prolong the experience....For us, just not having to cook the meal or clean up after it is not enough of a bonus to look past major mistakes, as I know it is for some people. We barely eat dinner ever at home together since we both work in restaurants so we look a bit further into the experience than some maybe, but faced with the issues we were most normal adults would probably get annoyed, I think.

The really frustrating thing is the next night we went to the MDR to get our white wine and they were also running around looking for it and came back and told us they don't know where it is. They then said our red must still be in Chops. They gave us a white, though. We went back to our room after having a glass and I happened to have my Gifts and Gear reciept with me and it was the wrong white. We went to the Guest Services (who were AWESOME) and told them the problem. They called up to Chops where Lily at Guest services had to again explain the program and they said they don't know where our wine is but we would have it the next night in the MDR. When we got to the MDR, you guessed it - no one could find our wine. We explained the whole thing for the fourth time to someone else and then the Maitre' d came over and asked "You ate at Portofino's?" and that was when my bf, who had been in agony watching all this as he is the Exec. Sous and has the task of making sure stuff gets done the way its supposed to just said, "Can we please talk over there?" and walked the Maitre'd to the side to explain just how unacceptable this entire issue was. They found a wine that was not what we had drank but was also uncorked and apologized and insisted it must be ours. Crazy. The MDR server apologized and we told him its not at all his fault and we were very happy with his service. If either my bf or I ran our respective restaurants/clubs this way we would be fired. We mentioned the problem to get it fixed in several capacities and it never happened. We did mention it in detail on our survey and I intend to write to the head of the Gifts and Gear department to let him know that FOS clearly needs more training in this issue.

The shame is that it was all so perfect on Radiance and this was a frustrating thing almost every night of our cruise. It really soured our experience, to be honest, in that every night after that that we wanted our wine it was a huge mess and it needn't be. They did, however, bring us a second dessert and sing to us for our anniversary, which was very sweet and we thanked them for that.

So, after that debacle, we went to the room changed and headed up to find an empty hot tub. We got one and just laid out there for an hour or so, talking and looking up at the sky. So relaxing. We then went out to the casino and won more money on BlackJack. All told, our winnings during the whole cruise paid for our on board account (which was only $180 after our $200 OBC) and still put $700 in our wallets so that alone makes this a successful trip, lol!


Afterwards, went to bed in anticipation of St. Thomas the next day! Fingers and toes were crossed for good weather!

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Well, today started out looking gorgeous!! We were so excited at how sunny it looked and it was surely warmer than Cococay. Here is the view we were granted from our balcony:


We hurried off the ship and headed out to Paradise Point to ride the tram up to the top. Well, of COURSE it magically turned to this, lol:


by the time we got up there and it poured for a few minutes as we ran through the nature trail at the top. We did find some good spots for pictures and the view was really pretty even though we were soaked:


Oh - be careful up there at Paradise Point! We were holding on to the wooden handrails at the nature trail when I brushed up against this guy - who was surely 4 or 5 inches long! They are all over up there and really are a fascinating animal.


After this, we went back down and got an open air taxi to Magens Bay, since we had heard so much about it. The best part of this was the ride up there - NYC taxi drivers have NOTHING on these guys, lol! What a wild ride up curvy, steep hills - it was seriously fun like a roller coaster! Sadly, the sky was completely overcast and we were actually cold in the water. We never even laid on the beach (no sun) but at least we went. Even the water was really murky and you couldn't see your feet. We felt like the pretty little beach we lived near in Miami Beach was nicer than this, but I think that it is just due to the bad weahter. I've seen pics of it looking amazing so guess we just missed out. Oh well.

As I mentioned before, tonight we went to get our white wine from the dining room and dealt with that craziness, ending up at Guest Services and then heading back up to our room to watch sail away. Then, we did something we haven't yet - we ate dinner in the WJ. Wow - it was pretty good and had the exact items as the MDR. We were happy with this low key night and I'm glad we did it. Then it was off to the hot tubs, casino and some more wandering about. We headed up to the Olive or Twist lounge and grabbed a drink and decided to turn in early tonight for our Tree Top Zip Lining in St. Maarten.


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Thanks everyone! I screwed up and didn't load all of my pics to my Flickr account so looks like I can't continue til I get home tonight! Sorry :o

I'll leave you with this cool pic we took from the sports deck over the ocean with the storm rolling in. Cool picture but that night the the water in the pools and H2O zone was just sloshing from side to side. It would rise up and over and splash out onto the deck on one side, then the boat would rock to the other side and it would rise up and over and splash out onto the deck from the other side and just over and over. It was so cool to sit out in the hot tub and watch it, my hair whipping around, water spraying in the wind - so surreal! Although, I did have scenes from 'the day after tomorrow' and '2012' going through my head!:eek: And double doses of dramamine and ginger pumping through my veins!:p


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Hey LP, loving the review. And that was some fiasco with the wine...but why am I not surprised?


Where do you and your BF work? Are you a waitress? Hostess? Cook? Do you work in Manhattan or NJ? I'm just curious and I'm so completely fascinated by chefs and food.


If you don't want to say the names of the joints, email me at amybeth4@aol.com. Again, I'm just curious...not gonna stalk you, haha.

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Thanks for the great review. Sorry to hear about your bad weather, I can relate, happened to us on Celebrity. Where did you get that key card for the door? CUTE! We will have cabin 9342 on deck 9 April 18th, 2010..the one right next to yours..looks great! Did the shower have a door or curtain? How was the closet space? Is the Safe in the closet? Is there a fridge anywhere? Thanks

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Thanks for the great review. Sorry to hear about your bad weather, I can relate, happened to us on Celebrity. Where did you get that key card for the door? CUTE! We will have cabin 9342 on deck 9 April 18th, 2010..the one right next to yours..looks great! Did the shower have a door or curtain? How was the closet space? Is the Safe in the closet? Is there a fridge anywhere? Thanks


Because the Freedom and Liberty are identical ships, I can assure you with 99.9% accuracy that the shower will have a door, the closet space is adequate for two people (it helps that I'm not an over-packer), there'll be a safe in the closet where you enter your own 4-digit code, and there's a small fridge in one of the cabinets. To keep the fridge actually somewhat cold, you have to leave the CABINET (not the fridge) door slightly open so the coils don't overheat. Otherwise it's not much more than a crappy cooler.

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Thanks for the great review. Sorry to hear about your bad weather, I can relate, happened to us on Celebrity. Where did you get that key card for the door? CUTE! We will have cabin 9342 on deck 9 April 18th, 2010..the one right next to yours..looks great! Did the shower have a door or curtain? How was the closet space? Is the Safe in the closet? Is there a fridge anywhere? Thanks

Hi! The view is awesome from that balcony area! The shower did have a door - actually two sliding doors that meet in the middle. I overpack and the closet was still plenty of space for our stuff. The safe is on the top shelf. Our minifridge actually was really cold without even keeping the cabinet door open - which was great! We ate all of the mini snickers, peanut and plain M&Ms and the waters that were in it (not the most expensive thing I ate or drank on my cruise!) They also had salted peanuts in there and different coke products.

Have a great time!!

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Hey LP, loving the review. And that was some fiasco with the wine...but why am I not surprised?


Where do you and your BF work? Are you a waitress? Hostess? Cook? Do you work in Manhattan or NJ? I'm just curious and I'm so completely fascinated by chefs and food.


If you don't want to say the names of the joints, email me at amybeth4@aol.com. Again, I'm just curious...not gonna stalk you, haha.


Hi! Not sure if I can say the names and I'm hanging on to my membership here by a thread:D:p so I'll email them to you!! And you can totally stalk me anytime!

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So, to continue - wanted to add that on Wednesday, we we also went to the Love and Marriage Game Show, which is a favorite of ours. It was cute, funny and a bit shocking (in a good way) so we really enjoyed it. WE also checked out the Party Under the Stars which seemed nice and were going to check the Rock n Roll Hour in the Crypt but we got sidetracked. Our problem with nightlife is we don't do club music, don't line dance, enjoy karaoke for a little bit, don't dance to big band or swing or whatever (we like Punk, Ska and Metal), don't play Bingo - so it leaves a little to be desired. Hence, why we won so much money in the casino on Black Jack! lol



Today was St. Maarten and we have decided we would love to come back here to do a proper land vacay. So pretty, friendly and cultural.


We liked it much more than St. Thomas, personally. Anyhow, we booked the Loterie Farms Tree Top Adventure Zip Line through RCCL. It was so worth it and I wish we could have done the Fly Zone Extreme - now that I know I can do the zip stuff, I'll do it next time we visit! We had a wonderful guide, Donna, and her driver, Jimmy and a good group of fun people. We had a really nice scenic drive in the air conditioned charter bus and Donna pointed out interesting things and gave us a bit of a history lesson.


We got to Loterie Farms, which in my line of education (conservation) was one of the most interesting spots in all of the ports and it was so gorgeous. The sun was shining and we made plans to go to the beach that's in walking distance when we got back around noon, to make up for the dismal Magen's Bay. Arriving at Loterie Farms:


We had to put our camera away to zip and do the obstacles but let me just review this excursion really quickly. This was only second to our Parasailing excursion. What a rush! It was high energy, fun and aerobic! We did swinging rope bridges in the trees (I almost couldn't stretch my 5' frame to get across - don't know how little ones could do it), tightwires, swinging logs, zip lines and more! It was great fun, the safety people on the ground were so funny and nice and there was free punch (really good) with a bottle of rum next to it at the end. I would recommend this excursion to everyone that doesn't have a physical limitation - it was awesome! I will say that there were two women (young) that gave us girls a bad name by whining, b#@ching and crying to their bf's/DH's at the end. "I can't doooo it! It's haaard! I'm quitting!" Ugh - and I felt so bad for these poor guys that hung their heads and didn't even get to the best zip at the end because the girls were just too out of shape to lean back and zip down a wire! But I guess they picked 'em, huh?

Anyhow, we got back to the ship, changed into swimsuits, got outside and were greeted by:



So disappointing! I grabbed a few souveniers and we went back on board. We grabbed some lunch, played a mean session of ping pong and showered and napped. We got ready for dinner and went to Windjammer instead of the MDR. Food was good, but we vibrated near all of the windows and were rocking like crazy! So we grabbed some xtra dramamine for me and I slept for half and hour while my bf played in the casino. Woke up and got ready for the Battle of the Sexes show. This was really fun and is the kind of thing we enjoy! We then went back to the casino til about 1:30 am, won $200 and headed back to our room.

Since we weren't tired, we decided to stay in for the night and rent a movie and get some room service. We rented Angels and Demons (12.95 - but so what, it's vacay) and got some wings, cheese plate and dessert, crawled in bed and cuddled and had a 'date night'. Very relaxing night!

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Hi! Not sure if I can say the names and I'm hanging on to my membership here by a thread:D:p so I'll email them to you!! And you can totally stalk me anytime!


First, I look forward to getting the email. I love food. Second, as far as i know, there's NO reason for banishment for listing the name of a restaurant. People do it all the time, along with hotel names.


Our problem with nightlife is we don't do club music, don't line dance, enjoy karaoke for a little bit, don't dance to big band or swing or whatever (we like Punk, Ska and Metal), don't play Bingo - so it leaves a little to be desired. Hence, why we won so much money in the casino on Black Jack! lol


Why do you think I spent EVERY night on the Liberty at the Schooner Bar cracking up from Kory Simon and singing the night away around his piano? :)

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