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Veendam.....January 3, 2005 Some Comments


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Thank you so much for reviewing your experience on the Veendam - my wife and I will be taking our first cruise on this boat in about a week. We leave on the 29th. You make me look forward to my trip even more, and we will not forget to pack the anti-bacterial lotion

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Thank you Sail, for a well-written and thoughtful review. I enjoyed reading all of it and now will have to get out a magnifying glass to find your "personal item" in the brochure. :D


I wish they would raise the fares by $10.00/day, and allow us to use a tip for the purpose for which it is intended, service above and beyond the norm.



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Sail, What a well done and thought out review. It is too bad there were some disappointments and that the virus caught up with you. It does sound like you still really enjoyed yourself which is what we are suppose to do when we cruise. You also did not let the bad things that did happen ruin your whole cruise. It just goes to show that everything in life is not always perfect.

I for one am glad you are back home and on the boards and getting ready to start counting the days till the next cruise.

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As someone else who didn't meet the other CC'ers on this cruise, I can say that my experience runs pretty close to S7S's. Sorry to hear you picked up the virus. We were often across the Ocean Bar, noting that those sitting at the bar itself were having a good time most evenings! I liked your comments about strawberries - for me, it was an extra seeing them have plenty of fresh mango and papaya. The one consolation of having stewards serve food in the Lido is that I noticed a few of the more notorious ditherers actually reach faster conclusions about what they wanted to eat!! While I was sorry we missed Half Moon Cay because of the wind, my biggest disappointment came at St. Thomas - 7 ships (Veendam was the smallest by far) and some 14000 people, many of whom almost obliterated the gorgeous beach at Trunk Bay (St. John ) - it cannot sustain those kinds of crowds. And how a shore excursion crew could miss a major national holiday beats me - but what a great party was still going on in old San Juan - we walked for a couple of hours in the evenng and enjoyed the fun. All in all a fine cruise!

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Thanks for taking the time to write. I enjoyed reading your account of the cruise. I was especially pleased to be reminded of how beautiful the flowers were on our Westerdam cruise in December ... and I failed to mention that in my own account. I too had to stop periodically and just marvel at the gorgeous flowers that were so well placed and well designed.


Anyway - thanks for that. And I'm sorry about your bout with the virus but glad you're past it now (I hope?).



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Loved your review :) Thank you so much for writing it, and welcome back!


Glad that overall you had a wonderful trip.


Hope that you are feeling much better :)


I have flown Jetblue a few times myself and was always happy with them, well as happy as you can be with an airline *LOL*


I can imagine what that hotel was like with all those dogs. YIKES!!

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Triple S --


For those of us who are uninitiated, tell us about the Norwalk virus (within respectable boundries, of course). What was it like, and how long did it last?


Sounds like you tried to germ-proof yourself for protection. Is there anything else, in hindsight, that you would have done differently?


Thanks, and happy sailing!

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Sail, a wonderful review. So descriptive and thorough. I'm literally laughing as I read about the Wyndam Harbor with all the dogs. I just hope they slept at night. Once I drove north with our Molly and I had to leave the hotel at 4:00 in the morning because she started barking at noises outside and I didn't want to wake anyone.


So again, welcome home! You know how happy I am to see you back. It's never quite the same when you're gone.:o

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Thank you so much for a lovely review. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I am pleased to hear the Veendam is being well maintained.


I am sorry to hear you contracted the virus - especially frustrating when one is so careful to avoid it. Unfortunately, I am not surprised to hear of those pax who did not follow instruction and remain quarantined as required.


I can't recall if you have another cruise booked yet... we have decided to give the Ryndam a try after our upcoming Volendam cruise - the kids are anxious to see the new expanded Club HAL and teen areas, though I wasn't too anxious to return to Mexico, it does sound as if they have some new ports.


Again, welcome back - we missed you. :)

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Captain made an announcement about day 6 or 7 or something like that saying there was gastro-intestinal illness aboard. It is highly contagious as we all know and he made it clear that pax who contracted it should seek care in the Infirmary and quarantine themselves in their cabin. Even though someone with the virus usually starts to feel better in about 24-36 hours, they are contagious for about 72 hours.

Seems we had some very selfish, inconsiderate folks aboard who once they began to feel better left their cabins and continued to spread the germs around the ship. If they had stayed put, the virus would have been contained early and it would have been well under control. But because they were out and about and in Lido handling 'communal serving pieces' in the buffet line; in the casino using slot machines; pushing elevator buttons; holding on the handrail as they walked down stairs etc etc, many others contracted the virus and it got out of control.

NO ONE IS MORE CAUTIOUS ABOARD A SHIP to always wash my hands often and to use the hand sanitizers VERY often. I never touch the water faucets in the ladies room after washing my hands but use my elbow or a cloth to shut the faucet off. I never open the door with my clean hands. I use the hand sanitizer before I go through the salad bar line and again after before I begin to eat.

I got Norwalk.......I am am the last person one would think would contract it. The point is the only way pax do not spread it to others is to follow the instructions of the medical staff and the Captain on down and STAY IN YOUR CABIN if you get sick.

Because of the virus, they went into 'no one serves themselves mode' which was fine but there were not enough stewards to do all the serving, the cleaning that was required, the additional work that it all involved and Lido became most unpleasant.


I have enjoyed reading about your cruise and sorry that you had a Norwalk problem. I agree with all that you have written. This is a problem that is not going to go away.


I think we have to be even more proactive to protect ourselves. To that end I have revived an old thread VIRUS. I hope that there will be more suggestions posted.

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S7S -- enjoyed reading your thoughtful, detailed review. So sorry to hear you had to endure the virus during your cruise .. that must have been dreadful! On the Volendam last November we appreciated all the attention to sanitation and the availability of hand sanitizers.


Sorry your return home to the MA greeted you with a winter blast! Although, I must say our north shore is beautiful and peaceful when covered with a blanket of shimmering snow.....not the same as the beautiful blues of the caribbean...but still very beautiful in its own right!!


Peggy Sue

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Great review which I really enjoyed. Thank you for the time you put into it. So glad you enjoyed your balcony dining with white tablecloth. You know this is something I have always wanted but as of yet none of the ships I've sailed have provided this service. I will give it another try on Celebrity's Millennium in three weeks. I do also enjoy the Holland ships and hope to travel one in the near future. Most of all, glad to hear you are feeling better.

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We felt that on this cruise, being a 12 dayer, we experienced more of the various features we used to enjoy that have disappeared from the shorter cruises. It was nice to have a Suite dinner again, to have a formal night Mariner's Party in the evening instead of the morning parties of late. The expanded menus were excellent.....


sail7seas -


Thank you for an excellent review. You hit all of the topics I was interested in. My lovely wife and I will be on the Veendam in November for 14 wonderful days, and we are so looking forward to it. We also have a suite booked.


I'll be anxiously awaiting the new suite pictures for the brochure - do you think that they will be used online at hollandamerica.com?


I know from your previous postings that you and DH don't attend the suite luncheon, but could you please tell me if it was held, and if so, was it in the Crow's Nest? You also mentioned a suite dinner - we attended one on the Statendam in December '02 and it was outstanding! Was it preceded by a cocktail reception and mingling?


One final question. Was the Pinnacle open for lunch? I presume the suite passengers did NOT get a special breakfast or lunch dining area - correct?


Thanks in advance for your responses, and once again, thanks for an enjoyable review! :)

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Thanks for a great review of the Veendam. We are thinking of doing the Panama/Amazon cruise on her in 2006 and so were very interested to read of your experiences.


My computer has been down and I have missed the Board for a couple of days but as I have now got it back I am busy catching up. I am sorry you were sick and hope you are feeling well again. Nothing could be worse than being ill whilst on a lovely cruise.



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Suite dinner was preceded by cocktails. We met at the Java Cafe and stewards passed the usual glasses of wine and champagne but any cocktail one desired was available for the asking. They passed delicious hors d'ouerves. It was all very nice and we enjoyed it. Dinner was delicious....perhaps one of the best Suite dinners we have enjoyed.


There was no Suite luncheon. I am speculating but I believe that one had been planned and scheduled but because of the outbreak of Norwalk, it was cancelled. They probably were trying to limit group gatherings which could continue spreading the virus and most likely needed the stewards who would have served us to be doing other work....such as cleaning and doing the extra serving in Lido.


I imagine that once the photos of the cabins are completed, they will appear in both the brochures and the same will appear on their site. It was never discussed but it would seem logical that becomes the 'official "S" suite photo".

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Thanks everyone for nice comments. I enjoyed reliving our great cruise by writing these various posts. I hope they were helpful (or at least enjoyable).



I'm fully recovered and am happy to put the virus behind me. :)

Despite it, I would happily board Veendam tomorrow for another cruise.

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did the outbreak of the virus affect any staff members that you know of?

i'm curious how sick they have to be before they don't work a shift.

with all the direct exposure that they have with passengers and cabins....

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did the outbreak of the virus affect any staff members that you know of?

i'm curious how sick they have to be before they don't work a shift.

with all the direct exposure that they have with passengers and cabins....



I am only aware of some members of the cast becoming ill from the virus. The lead male singer and one of the ladies at least. They are quarantined to their quarters immediately!!! The night they realized the lead male was ill, they cancelled the show.


They do not fool around with this thing. They everything possible to confine it and limit everyone's exposure.


No one could possibly think they are anything less than manic when they realize there is an outbreak.


I cannot guess what sum of money it cost them Saturday to bring aboard the super-sanitizing cleaning company.

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I''d like to know also if you have any suggestions as to where we can have dinner as we will be in Tampa in October for a couple of days.....staying at the Waterside.


Do they have a nice restaurant in the hotel other than a coffee shop?


Years ago we used to stay at the Westshores Guest Quarters - HAL used this hotel for their paxs and executives - and they had a wonderful dining room. However, I don't know where that hotel is located or if it's even under the same name - probably not. Every room was a very large Suite. Free full breakfast was included. We stayed there many times and always enjoyed it.



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Thank you for sharing your review. So glad you enjoyed the cruise; sorry you succumbed to the dread virus. I am also one who carries a little bottle of hand sanitizer around in crowd situations.

I have heard thru the vendor grapevine that each HAL ship sails with about $10 thousand dollars of fresh flowers aboard, and replenishes as necessary in various ports. DW and I very much appreciated being able to "smell the roses" on Maasdam. I hope this is one 'elegant touch' that does not fall victim to cost cutting.



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Marriott Waterside has a very nice restaurant for breakfast and lunch....I suppose they may serve dinner there as well?


They offer a breakfast buffet or order from the menu. The buffet is very inclusive with made to order omelettes and the like. The usual choices of bacon, sausage, hash browns, roasted potatoes with peppers, bagels, cream cheese, english buffins, fruit, scrambled eggs etc etc It was very good IMO but not inexpensive. I think the price was something like $16 pp. I seem to recall reading you have mentioned you have been displeased with breakfasts in the past and once had the price of sausage removed from your check as it was not to your liking. My memory is vague but I seem to recall you wrote a letter when you returned home and they credited the price of your food??? As food is so subjective, I hesitate to recommend you try this breakfast in the event you do not like it as much as we did.


Lunch can be ordered at the pool. There is a large bar area and they take orders for lunch. Menu included the usual sort of sandwiches, burgers, wraps and salads. Fruit and various nibbles also available.


Marriott has a sports bar with the usual food offered that you would find in a casual bar setting. Burgers, wings, fries, nachos and that sort of thing.


There is also a finer dining restaurant with a very nice continental (Italian) menu. Reservations are required on a busy weekend night.


I never heard of the hotel you mention but would not have. We never considered visiting Tampa before and knew nothing about it. The city was a pleasant surprise to us and we enjoyed our stay there. I would like to return.


I do not wish to recommend where you should dine in the evenings. Our tastes rarely coincide and we agree about very little so I do not think what we enjoyed would necessarily please you. I would not want to mislead you into going someplace you would be displeased with or would find to pricey or would not like for any reason.

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Thank you for sharing your review. So glad you enjoyed the cruise; sorry you succumbed to the dread virus. I am also one who carries a little bottle of hand sanitizer around in crowd situations.

I have heard thru the vendor grapevine that each HAL ship sails with about $10 thousand dollars of fresh flowers aboard, and replenishes as necessary in various ports. DW and I very much appreciated being able to "smell the roses" on Maasdam. I hope this is one 'elegant touch' that does not fall victim to cost cutting.





I always have a bottle of Purell in my purse.....not just on ships but at home as well. I carry (and use) alcohol hand wipes everywhere. DH and I do not just practice these habits when cruising.


When we advised a Senior Officer aboard that I was ill, he was very surprised as he knows exactly how careful we are.


I stress this only to express to everyone reading about it that EVERYONE is susceptible when there are pax who refuse to cooperate with the medical staff and the senior crew who are very clear to those who have this gastro-intestinal illness' about their need to stay isolated.


The ONLY possible solution IMO is to allow those who cooperate to reamin aboard the ship in their cabins for the mandatory 72 hours. Those who refuse to cooperate and attempt to go 'out and about', should be put ashore at the next port so that they cannot infect others aboard the ship.


Of course, I realize that will lead to them infecting people in local hotels, restaurants, taxis, airports, airplanes and spread it even further and wider........

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