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5 night W. Caribbean on Grandeur of the Seas with 7yo and 6mo old-some questions


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Hello, I'm new to this board. We are sailing on Royal Caribbean Grandeur of the Seas in June. My daughter will be 7 and my son 6 months old. Truthfully I might not have planned to do a cruise with my son at this age, though I see many people have done it with younger babies than that. It is a group event. Our church and two other churches have grouped together. When it was presented to us, I was 2 months pregnant. Everyone including me was really excited. We have a lot of good friends including my children's Godparents and their children who will be going with whom we wouldn't likely get to experience a cruise with otherwise.


It is not our first cruise. We went on our first one in October 2007 on Sovereign of the Seas when my daughter was 4. My mom was with us which was nice because the rooms we had were small. She stayed with my mom and my husband and I in the room next door.


I've been thinking about all that will be involved in traveling with both children and reading on here and elsewhere and I have some questions. I apologize in advance if they have been asked, but there are so many posts and after reading through the first 4 pages on both this and the Roybal Caribbean forum, I just decided to post.


1. Baby Wearing. What is the problem with the Bjorn? Reading the reviews of most people who buy it, it seems like a Godsend, but hearing from people who consider themselves "baby wearers" you'd think it was the worst thing invented. I'm asking because I can only find the ones like the Ergo online and I hesitate to buy a carrier online. I'd like to be able to see, touch or even let my son try it first. I want to use one in the airport and on the ship and in ports where the stroller can't go like to the beach. By the way here are the two strollers I am looking at. I am leaning more towards the Combi because it has a shoulder strap as opposed to a handle on the Chicco. My daughter had a MacLaren Triumph and the shoulder strap was invaluable.






2. Traveling with formula. My daughter was 18 months before we went anywhere, so I haven't traveled with formula. I thought about getting individual bottles of ready to feed as I do nurse part of the time, but upon comparing the cost of that to taking a canister of powder and purchasing bottled water on the ship, it seems cheaper to do the powder and more efficient packing wise. What have others done?


3. Pool time for my daughter. Can I sit on the edge of the 2 foot splash pool holding my son while my daughter plays in the water. I know he can't go in, but my daughter loved that 2 foot splash pool the last time we cruised and I want her to still be able to go in. Last April I sat on the edge while she played in a kiddie pool at a hotel we were at and it was nice. On that note, can I take a small inflateble for him and take water for him to splash in as long as I empty it elsewhere?


4. Meal time. We can start cereal according to our pediatrician at 4 or 5 months, but don't start other food (fruits, veggies) until 6 months so I was going to hold off on starting ds on solids until we get back. Does your infant sit in his stroller at meal time if he can't sit up unassisted? Or should I try to bring a little seat for him?


5. Beach time. Plan to get one of those collapsable tents to take with us. Dd loves to build sandcastles so I figure ds can rest in the tent and she can go in to snack and/or get a break from the sun. There are a few I've looked at. Any recommendations?


6. Turtle Farm at Georgetown/Grand Cayman. I figure my daughter would enjoy this. She loves animals. Wants to go to the zoo all the time. What's the best way to see this. Is it an excursion you book or can you get to it on your own?


7. Days at Sea. The first time we cruised we had one day at sea...the last day. We spent most of it poolside last time. This time we have two days including the first whole day. Anyone sailed on this boat with any recommendations?


8. Youth Activities. I didn't drop my daughter off at the youth spot last time. We were too busy really and I didn't want to leave her with them when I went on shore, but I figure since we are going as a group she will have some friends there and will want to go. Any reviews of the activities for her age group? Also anyone done the mommy and me play time with their infant? Paying just as much for ds as for my daughter, so I'd like to take advantage of the little they do offer for him.


9. Making memories for my daughter. My daughter loved the last cruise, but oddly enough doesn't remember it. I say oddly because she remembers specific things about other trips that were further back. I am planning on making a journal about the trip and thought it would be fun for her to make one as well. Has anyone had their child do this for a cruise or other trip. I wanted to find her a little camera so she can take her own pictures. Any recommendations?


Thanks in advance for the responses. Any other advice outside the areas mentioned is appreciated as well.

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Can't help you with the baby carrier...I found them awkward...(my son was quite heavy, even when small!!!)

If you can up the nursing, that would be the easiest thing...no bottles needed! I never used a bottle for my kids....(babysitters had to, but I didn't want to bother!) Yes, the powdered formula is the way to go...it's lightweight and doesn't spoil. The ship's water is more than fine, but you can buy bottled if you want.

If you want the baby in a pool, you'll have to bring a blow-up of some sort....diapered people (of all ages) can't use the pools.

You can bring the stroller to dinner, or, they have highchairs...whichever suits you best.

Can't help with the sun tent....

Sea days are spent at the pool for me....your older child will have AO activities...do use that! She'll love it! It's her vacation, too!

The journal is a nice idea, as long as she enjoys doing it!

Have a great cruise!

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Welcome to Cruise Critic! I'll answer what I can in red below. :)


Hello, I'm new to this board. We are sailing on Royal Caribbean Grandeur of the Seas in June. My daughter will be 7 and my son 6 months old. Truthfully I might not have planned to do a cruise with my son at this age, though I see many people have done it with younger babies than that. It is a group event. Our church and two other churches have grouped together. When it was presented to us, I was 2 months pregnant. Everyone including me was really excited. We have a lot of good friends including my children's Godparents and their children who will be going with whom we wouldn't likely get to experience a cruise with otherwise.


It is not our first cruise. We went on our first one in October 2007 on Sovereign of the Seas when my daughter was 4. My mom was with us which was nice because the rooms we had were small. She stayed with my mom and my husband and I in the room next door.


I've been thinking about all that will be involved in traveling with both children and reading on here and elsewhere and I have some questions. I apologize in advance if they have been asked, but there are so many posts and after reading through the first 4 pages on both this and the Roybal Caribbean forum, I just decided to post.


1. Baby Wearing. What is the problem with the Bjorn? Reading the reviews of most people who buy it, it seems like a Godsend, but hearing from people who consider themselves "baby wearers" you'd think it was the worst thing invented. I'm asking because I can only find the ones like the Ergo online and I hesitate to buy a carrier online. I'd like to be able to see, touch or even let my son try it first. I want to use one in the airport and on the ship and in ports where the stroller can't go like to the beach. By the way here are the two strollers I am looking at. I am leaning more towards the Combi because it has a shoulder strap as opposed to a handle on the Chicco. My daughter had a MacLaren Triumph and the shoulder strap was invaluable.






There isn't really a "problem" with Bjorn, but baby wearers have found products that are more comfortable for long term baby wearing and more ergo friendly for the baby. The Ergo is a great carrier, but it may be hot to wear in the tropics. I'd suggest you purchase one from a company that has a good return policy. Try it on at home. Most people rave about these! :) By the way, they are super easy to use and no dangling straps. You can EASILY use the restroom while wearing your baby with an Ergo. A big plus at times. ;)

Combi makes a great umbrella stroller - super portable, light weight, several full sized features (decent sun shade; although you may want to buy an "extender" sold seperately, storage, partial recline, etc.). I don't have any experience with the Chicco.


2. Traveling with formula. My daughter was 18 months before we went anywhere, so I haven't traveled with formula. I thought about getting individual bottles of ready to feed as I do nurse part of the time, but upon comparing the cost of that to taking a canister of powder and purchasing bottled water on the ship, it seems cheaper to do the powder and more efficient packing wise. What have others done?


I've exclusively breast fed all my kids, but am aware of several options for bottle feeders. There is a gizmo (for lack of a better term lol) that you can premeasure formula into separate compartments, then just add to a bottle as you need it. This may be your best solution for saving money and storage space.



3. Pool time for my daughter. Can I sit on the edge of the 2 foot splash pool holding my son while my daughter plays in the water. I know he can't go in, but my daughter loved that 2 foot splash pool the last time we cruised and I want her to still be able to go in. Last April I sat on the edge while she played in a kiddie pool at a hotel we were at and it was nice. On that note, can I take a small inflateble for him and take water for him to splash in as long as I empty it elsewhere?


The deck patrol will likely be adamant that your child cannot go in the water. These are CDC rules, not the ship's rules. You can take a small inflatable pool and just add a few buckets of water for your baby to splash around in. :) Just empty it in the shower by the pool. This is also good for bathing your child in the stateroom if you don't have access to a tub.


4. Meal time. We can start cereal according to our pediatrician at 4 or 5 months, but don't start other food (fruits, veggies) until 6 months so I was going to hold off on starting ds on solids until we get back. Does your infant sit in his stroller at meal time if he can't sit up unassisted? Or should I try to bring a little seat for him?


You can bring your stroller, but it will be a tight fit. By 6 months, your baby should be able to sit up decently well. Try the high chair they provide and use a blanket or towel to help pad your baby in to provide support.


5. Beach time. Plan to get one of those collapsable tents to take with us. Dd loves to build sandcastles so I figure ds can rest in the tent and she can go in to snack and/or get a break from the sun. There are a few I've looked at. Any recommendations?


We used to have one, but it's been almost 10 years ago! LOL One Step Ahead usually has innovative products.


6. Turtle Farm at Georgetown/Grand Cayman. I figure my daughter would enjoy this. She loves animals. Wants to go to the zoo all the time. What's the best way to see this. Is it an excursion you book or can you get to it on your own?


Sorry, I'm no help here except to suggest that you go to the ports of call boards to see the difference in the ship sponsored tour versus private guides. Private guides tend to be less money with fewer people. Something else to consider is traveling with or without a car seat. Definitely a hot topic around here.


7. Days at Sea. The first time we cruised we had one day at sea...the last day. We spent most of it poolside last time. This time we have two days including the first whole day. Anyone sailed on this boat with any recommendations?


I wish I had personal experience, but I'm still new to cruising too.


8. Youth Activities. I didn't drop my daughter off at the youth spot last time. We were too busy really and I didn't want to leave her with them when I went on shore, but I figure since we are going as a group she will have some friends there and will want to go. Any reviews of the activities for her age group? Also anyone done the mommy and me play time with their infant? Paying just as much for ds as for my daughter, so I'd like to take advantage of the little they do offer for him.


My girls loved Adventure Ocean (AO). One was 9 - turned 10 on the cruise - and the other was 6. Most kids like to love AO. I didn't try the programs with my 14 month old son, but I did use the toy lending program. Suggestion - bring along a baggie full of Clorox wipes - I used them on the toys even though they looked clean to me.


9. Making memories for my daughter. My daughter loved the last cruise, but oddly enough doesn't remember it. I say oddly because she remembers specific things about other trips that were further back. I am planning on making a journal about the trip and thought it would be fun for her to make one as well. Has anyone had their child do this for a cruise or other trip. I wanted to find her a little camera so she can take her own pictures. Any recommendations?


I think the camera suggestion is great. She'll love taking her own pictures. Even if she doesn't remember the cruise, she'll remember how much LOVE you've given her. ENJOY!


Thanks in advance for the responses. Any other advice outside the areas mentioned is appreciated as well.

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Thanks. I am down to the Ergo and the Bjorn. It doesn't appear a baby can face out with the Ergo, but it does appear you can use it longer.


I don't plan to sit IN the pool with the baby. On the side probably on a towel with maybe my feet in the water, but no part of him in it. I just want to be close enough to supervise my daughter and talk to her if none of our friends are available for her to go to the pool with.


Hopefully she will have fun at the youth activities and will want to spend a significant amount of time there, so the pool won't be much of an issue.

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We cruised the Grandeur when DD was 7 months old. We brought the bjorn and loved it. It was perfect carrying her around the ship and in port. I havent used other slings so I am not sure if it is any worse or better. We brought our Peg Perego Aria, worked perfect, all the luxury of full size stroller but much smaller and lighter, fits through all cabin hallways and doors and stires folded up in the closet. No shoulder strap though but worked perfect to hold a suitcase while I wore DD in the bjorn. WE brought the powder formula and bottled water but DD was used to that at home. We brought a blow up pool which also worked as a mini playpen when used dry on the outside deck in between lawn chairs. We put DD in it and put some toys for her to play with. She had just learned to sit up and wasnt mobile yet so it worked perfect. Meal times we had late seating and DD slept in the stroler at the dinner table. (when we sailed at 12mo she ate with us). We chose a beach excursion and always found a covered area or open restaurant on the beach so no need for the tent. We did Adventure ocean each morning at 9:30 DD loved exploring the toys. It was a great cruise, very easy to travel with her at this age.



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1. Baby Wearing. What is the problem with the Bjorn?


Nothing - we used a Bjorn when my daughter cruised at 6 months. Loved it....we did not use it A LOT but it got some use. I think it is just a comfort issue that people have. We also have a baby Ktan which is more comfortable for my daughter. I'm sure many, many babies have spent lots of time in Bjorns.


2. Traveling with formula. I took formula in the pre-measured tubes (I think it was Similac....or Enfamil). They cost about $9 and if you sign up for the free formula checks they end up being $4 or $5 for a box of 16. You use 4-oz if water for each tube. I took a case of water with me onboard and taped a note stating that this water was for formula. Packed it in my luggage. I doubt they will tell you that you can't have water for formula. I even packed my own food for my daughter. It did get questioned when we were checking in, but when they realized it was for my daughter, they had no problems with it. It was fresh food, not jars.


3. Pool time for my daughter. I've read in other posts about people bringing a small inflatable. We plan to do that in October when we go.


4. Meal time. Have you tried a Bumbo seat? My daugher was able to "sit" in this device as three months of age...it is amazing how well they work. Okay, to answer your question though, we rented a stroller on board (Carnival) and we let my daughter eat from the stroller. On subsequent trips, we packed the bumbo everywhere we went (until she outgrew it).


5. Beach time. Yes, the Kidco Peapod....love it!



Thanks in advance for the responses. Any other advice outside the areas mentioned is appreciated as well.


Other Tips:

If you are using bottles/nipples - don't forget your nipple brush or whatever you clean them with! I forgot and it was a pain cleaning bottle nipples (I ended up trying to use the free dental picks they gave us). On that end, I would also bring a small amount of dish liquid.

We use a sound machine to help the baby sleep since we are all in the same room. I read somewhere else that people brought tape to "section off" the room with a sheet. But if you get that tent you were talking about, it might be small enough to fit in your room...not sure.

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